Thursday, December 6, 2012

St. Bernard Parish hosts FEMA preliminary flood insurance map ...

St. Bernard Parish on Wednesday afternoon is hosting a FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Mapping meeting in the parish Council Chambers. FEMA released revised preliminary flood insurance maps for St. Bernard on Nov. 9 that provide updated flood risk information.

FEMA released the last preliminary flood insurance maps for the parish on Oct. 30, 2008, but now FEMA is partnering with the Army Corps of Engineers to determine flood risk in and around the new Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System to update the 2008 risk assessments near that new levee system.

At the 2 p.m. meeting in the Council Chambers, 8201 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, residents can review areas more prone to flooding with a 1 percent chance of occurring in any year, the so-called 100-year storm.

The flood hazard areas depict areas prone to coastal storm surge, river flooding and rainfall events, and illustrate the network of canals, levees, pumping stations and closure structure in operation during such a storm event.

For more information and FEMA flood insurance mapping in St. Bernard, those interested can click here. Also, information on the general greater New Orleans flood hazard update can be viewed by clicking here.


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