Monday, December 31, 2012

Relationship Tips by David Milliron : Signs That you'll be Online ...

Posted by mikaza on December 31, 2012 in Finance | Short Link

Enough is that you demonstrate seriousness along with respect. They?re crucial to laying a strong base and constructing any relationship. You should never ignore an online friendship. It may lead to online dating and eventually marriage.

Probably the most important things you can do in order to find the best dating site is to determine exactly what you have been looking to get out of the idea. If you obviously have no idea of a typical specific qualities that you might be looking for outside of a dating web site then it is likely to make it considerably tougher to decide which one will allow you to find a right diamond necklace for you. So the goal is to figure out selected qualities which the dating website must have and then bottom everything that you peer at off from that. This will make for a quicker and more accurate decision-making process.

Don?t lie about your grow older or peak! This is a huge one and for that reason many fellas continue to do the idea. How many times perhaps you have read content articles about women who met up with a guy which looked Nothing can beat his pics because he seemed to be 20 times older, or perhaps 200 fat heavier, or even three inches shorter? Isn?t going to make for good business to are lying in your page because you will end up absolutely Photo DOWN when you meet face-to-face.

You and Dr Conan Stevbolg are going to carry out some writing if you try your hand in dating online. You are going to employ writing within your actual page, and you are additionally going to make use of writing when you initially communicate with a woman. Being able to utilize emotion is vital, because it is way too easy to publish things that come across as being absolutely bland along with boring. Should you get the chance to quick message a lady, you want to sweep her socks off, not really bore your ex to cry. So, you might want to practice the writing a little, so that you never run the risk of sounding kind of tedious.

Creating an online dating profile doesn?t need to be difficult. Retaining it straightforward and simple is the greatest possible road to take. The last thing you want to do will be be facing digging yourself out of a hole before you have even been on your primary date Relationships by David Milliron.

Ancient young couples had move through hardships to fulfill while dating because of the undeveloped method of transport along with modes of communication. Adult men would holiday for long time periods or ride upon donkeys for long distances in order to meet themselves. Now as a result of technology, you?ll be able to hit a control button, login with a dating site in addition to chat with your lover as if you were being in the very same room. Online dating will be real enjoyable! By simply subscribing to one of the best online dating web-sites, you are connected to many single men and women like you looking for a date. With a nice profile and a good character, it?s easy to have a hook up.

Keep it short! It?s rather easy, try and keep your profile ?above your fold,In meaning the lady won?t have in order to scroll to read your own write-up. Too many folks want to reveal their living story within their dating profiles. Once i always claim, it comes all over too obsessive and ?try tricky.? Small and powerful can do wonders for you personally!

Tags: Relationship Issues With David Milliron


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Japan's midnight bunny off endangered species list

The Amami Black rabbits are found only on the tiny islands of Amami Oshima and Toku no shima in the Nansei Islands far out to sea near Okinawa.

The special bunny has seen a series of promotions in status over the years, firstly becoming a natural monument in 1921, protecting it from being hunted. Then in 1963 the bulky bodied, short hind legged rabbits was then further elevated in status to special natural monument, preventing both hunting and trapping of the isolated species.

The short eared black rabbit survived on the tiny Japanese islands which were predominantly free of predators until the onset of introduced species.

Destruction of the rabbit's natural habitat for construction purposes is also said to have contributed to the decline.

Also referred to as the Ryukyu rabbit, it is known for its strange behaviour. This nocturnal forest dweller buries its babies in a hole in the ground, covering them with dirt to evade hungry predators and only returns at midnight to uncover her young while watching out for would be attackers.

The mother then feeds her young milk, before tucking them back into the earth packing the soil down with her front paws.

The furry national treasure breeds only twice a year, giving birth to just one or two young at a time.


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Real Housewives of Atlanta Star Celebrates Pregnancy Amid Family ...

? Justin Bieber?s Hamster Living It Up | Home | Jessica Simpson: Magic Sweater Makes Holiday Appearance ?

December 30, 2012 01:30 PM by Shayla Perry

Phaedra Parks of The Real Housewives of Atlanta recently announced that she and husband Apollo Nida are having their second child, but her pregnancy wasn?t the only reason Bravo?s ?southern belle? was keeping mum over the past several weeks?.

Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida are thrilled to be welcoming their second child into the family (we can only imagine this baby shower!). Although the couple was sure to keep their baby news a secret from the press, the Atlanta-based entertainment lawyer reveals there was another reason that she was ?absent? from her Bravo blog as of late.

?In early November my grandmother became ill and I chose to direct all of my energy and focused on caring for her and supporting my mother,? Parks writes. ?Unfortunately, on November 25, my dear grandmother passed away.?

After planning her grandmother?s funeral ? which was no doubt a typical Phaedra Parks event ? the family was dealt another blow.

?As we were returning home from my grandmother?s obsequies, we learned that Apollo?s grandmother passed away,? Phaedra explains. ?So, we have been very busy caring for our families and managing the tender moments of loss and grief.?

?My grandmother was my inspiration and graced the Earth for 95 years ? what a blessing! She was vibrant, courageous, and very outspoken,? says Parks. ?I am proud to have known her. It was her example and life that gave me the courage to always strive for excellence.?

Phaedra?s Real Housewives of Atlanta co-stars have been a tremendous support to her throughout this time. The soon-to-be mother-of-two took time out to give a special thanks to ?Kandi, NeNe, Cynthia and her lovely mother and daughter Noelle for their kind deeds and comforting words during our time of bereavement.?

Want more? Follow our tweets on Twitter and ?like? us on Facebook! Click here for more information about The Real Housewives of Atlanta. For other great reality TV news, please feel free to check out SirLinksALot: The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Photo Credit: Bravo


Topics: Bravo Reality TV Shows, The Real Housewives Of Atlanta |

? Justin Bieber?s Hamster Living It Up | Home | Jessica Simpson: Magic Sweater Makes Holiday Appearance ?

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?Beyond Planting Trees? ? Interview with Documentary Filmmaker ...

I am always astounded by the selflessness that is displayed by some documentary filmmakers. Their resilience to tell a story not for the entertainment or occupation of our free time, but to question our human condition, and challenge us as an individual. Danielle Berg is a creative writing and literature major at Stony Brook University, she also possesses an acute admiration for cinema. Recently she dug deep into her past and spirit to conceive an ambitious project to help raise awareness for the Choco Rainforest in Ecuador. The place in question is the Itaopa?Reserve. Currently Danielle is raising money ($5000) on Indiegogo, to purchase a; camera, a laptop, and editing software, to direct, shoot, and edit a film about the reserve. After which she will donate all the equipment to the head of the reservation Raul, so that he may continue to archive video to raise awareness.

I could speak about Ms. Berg and her project for hours but as a writer herself, she deserves as much room on this page as I do. The following is an interview I conducted with her about both her latest cinematic endeavour, and her itch for film.


An Itapoa Reservation Hostel

The Artifice: You?ll have to bear with me, this is my first interview [for The Artifice].

Danielle Berg: I am so delighted to be your first. [laughs] I will bear with you.

A:?Groovy. Do you remember the moment that you decided to make this film?

DB:?It was this summer, when I was making my third short film. I like film, it?s a lot of work, lots of hours in the editing room. At the end I had a film that I liked, but in my writing I prefer non-fiction, so I started thinking about some documentary ideas. I volunteered at the Itaopa Reservation 3 years ago and it always kind of stuck with me. And I thought, you know what, I have the skills to do something for them that stood beyond just planting trees, and the things that most of the volunteers do. So I think it was in the editing room when I was really really frustrated, and I thought I could put this frustration toward something that was activism, and not just a video for my own self.

A:?I think that?s great! I know a lot of people including myself,?whom make films? but it doesn?t really challenge anything, like your film can and probably will do. Could you talk a little bit about your past experience with film?

DB:?My film experience is pretty limited, I lucked into it. The (Stony Brook University) Southampton Campus was going to expand to include film and theatre, they got the faculty but they didn?t have the students yet. So they started offering classes to the writing students, and I said ?that sounds awesome!?. So a lot of my friends took the class and it was a lot of fun. It?s something I never thought I?d be able to do, I?ve always had an interest in film editing but I just didn?t have to skill for it. I did it on a whim.

The first film I made was? almost? unusable. I didn?t understand the idea of continuity at all and I had a little kid playing chess with an old lady and every take the cards would be different. It was horrible (laughs). Now I wanna go back, and I can probably make something with it. It?s so sweet but it?s nothing.

The second one I did may have been lost forever, because they cleared the hard drives at school without having a chance to back it up. So I don?t know if it exists. I act in it and my friends brother who is an actor, is in it as well, and this one is very close to me because? I was in it, and I wrote something more personal to me. We did a whole day of shooting, which was a crash course in how to not do things (laughs). I was so tired because I was in it and I was in theory, directing and I had my friends doing the camera work. But toward the end of the day at midnight I was like ?I don?t even care, let?s just make this happen!? and then we had to do a reshoot a couple of weeks later because we needed some stuff that I hadn?t gotten. I learned a lot on that one.

Those two films were made in the class I took over the semester. Then Madaline who is in the film department, offered me and a couple of friends an opportunity to work the class over the summer so we didn?t have to pay for it. I got to take this class with Mitchel Kriegman (Rugrats, Rocko?s Modern Life), who wrote all the?Nickelodeon shows I grew up with, which was very cool, and I made my third short film. And that one is alive and well on YouTube. And that one was also one we did in a week. I was happy with the results! Like I said though, fiction films right now, don?t do it for me as much as the non-fiction stuff.

A:?When did Indiegogo come into the picture?

DB:?So I wanted originally to just fund the project myself because I really don?t like asking for help, it makes me uncomfortable and I?m shy (laughs), so I really didn?t want to do that. I have a few friends who have used Kickstarter and Indiegogo and it?s been really successful, but I kinda wanted to just make it happen and not get hung up on the fundraising cause it?s a lot of work. I?m still working on my thesis, I didn?t want to spend too much time fundraising. A friend asked me if that was the route I was gonna go, and I said ?I don?t know?. My friend Will who is a very ?think big? kind of person said, ?you know it doesn?t have to be your own money, people do things like this all the time and they ask for money?, and I was like ?yea I know, you?re probably right?. So I checked them out, so Kickstarter doesn?t do causes or non-profits, it?s only for art and personal projects. Then I looked at gofundme, it?s smaller, a lot of people use it for stuff like ?my car broke, and I?m poor, so help me fix it!? (laughs). Indiegogo has a sweet spot for it. Actually environmental campaigns don?t usually do well on Indiegogo. I don?t have a statistic for you, but if you look at how often they?re fully funded environmental causes are really on the low end of the list so I was reluctant. I figured since I had people whom were willing to help out it was just a link I could send them to show them it was valid and where it was going. My goal is $5000, I?ve raised $2000 so far but I?m gonna make it work with that. I?ll just get a less expensive camera and work around it.

A:?Why do you think these environmental causes don?t get the attention that others do?

DB:?There have been a few people I?ve talked to, (actor) Steve Hamilton is one of them. He has some experience fundraising and said that, ?people don?t donate to a cause, they donate to a person?. So when you?re fundraising, it?s more about the fundraiser or person you?re fundraising for. I think it may be too abstract but people don?t click with an environmental cause like they do with someone?s animal being sick. I don?t really know, I guess we care a little bit more about people, then animals, then somehow the environment is taken very much for granted and it doesn?t have a face. Also there are just a million causes in the world, a million forests, a million oceans, and there?s just so many things to care about that I think it?s just so hard to grab someones attention with a rain forest that?s a third of the way across the world.


A:?Would you say your person of interest in raising money was Raul?

DB:?Yea, Raul is my link to the Choco Rain Forest in the first place. He?s given up everything to protect this rain forest and I?ve seen-I?ve meet other people who do the same thing because it?s their land and they care about it. It?s just kind of amazing because you don?t see that much in the U.S. I think that may be because our Government does a better job of protecting the land. Down there, the protection at the Choco is almost nothing. The Amazon is a much more publicized, and the?rainforest you think of when you think of South America. Because they drill for oil there, a lot of celebrities have gotten behind some fundraisers, helped raise money, and saved giant tracks of land in the Amazon. The Choco is there too, it?s just not as well publicized. So there are people there like Raul who are working really hard and they?re not getting the same sort of publicity.

A:?I?d say your ambitions are matched, him just being there and you spreading the word with this film. You?re a creative writing major, and film isn?t your first round pick so to speak. When you were conceptualizing the project and trying to get fundraising, what advantages did you find with your experience in writing and disadvantages with not being fluent in film?

DB:?It?d be easier for a non-writer to write something for an Indiegogo page. If you write, you?re used to doing several drafts and second guessing everything. So for me, even writing the Indiegogo page was challenging because I?m very hard on myself when it comes to writing and? that?s writing. I think in the end since I?ve been writing for a while, I can write a pitch and I?ve done some press release work before. It?s funny because if you?re doing press for someone else and writing about someone else or someone else?s project it?s really easy to do. But when you?re doing it for your own thing you suddenly become really self conscious, and you feel like you?re self promoting which feels really weird. The writing was helpful but I almost wish I was writing this for someone else, it would have been much easier, or I should have gotten one of my writing friends to do this for me (laughs). But I didn?t do that.

When it comes to film, I?ve only been doing it for about a year. So I?m not an expert camera man, or editor, but? I am a story teller, and that sounds really cheesy (laughs). If the last few years have afforded me anything, it?s how to tell an interesting story. So I trust that I?ll be able to craft a film out of all the things I?ll be encountering down there. The rest of the stuff for me just takes a lot of work. I?m probably going to be the one doing the shooting and editing, unless I somehow raise a crap ton of money to pay an editor (laughs). But I don?t think that?s how it?s gonna be. The making of the movie itself, the crafting together of the story, and the interviews, and leading it into a film, that the writing has helped me with. I think that two or three years ago I would not have undertaken this and thought, ?I can?t do this!?. But I?ve seen myself do other things I thought I couldn?t do. It gives you more confidence, although I think writers in general aren?t all that confident (laughs). Some of the best writers are not.

A:?Give me the 411 on the Choco Rainforest and the Itapoa Reserve.

DB: Back in the 60?s the government gave regular people the land, and in order to prove that they were using it so they could keep it, they had to deforest half of it. So 50 years ago, half of Ecuador?s forests were gone because of that. African Palm Companies harvest palm oil for bio-deisel fuel, which sounds great because it sounds better than oil. But everything has a consequence, even if you eat Tofu they?re cutting down some trees somewhere to plant soy, that?s just a fact. Only .3% of the land is protected from deforestation, that leaves the rest of it open for logging. They burn down the land and build these plantations, and these plantations have this effect of spoiling the water for the residence. A lot of them get pushed out of their lands? it?s like really messed up. Over here we don?t really know what?s involved with the palm oils that?s in cookies and other products we eat, but the politics behind it are really just appalling. Even if the land is protected and there?s an indigenous group living in the rain forest, they don?t know how to read. So these companies come to them with these contracts and say were gonna pay you a few hundred dollars for hundreds of acres of land. These companies promise roads, educations and all this great stuff but it turns out that non of the plantations need many employees either and they make less than when they previously were farming their own land. So they leave to find and make work in other parts of the jungle, deforesting other parts of the jungle. The others who stay behind have a higher rate of skin and liver disease from the pesticides. That?s just the people. There?s something like 3000 endemic species that don?t exist anywhere else in the world, only in the Choco rainforest, and a lot of them are highly endangered. The rate of deforestation isn?t slowing down because there isn?t any awareness about it. Jordan Karubian is a scientist who stated the Bilsa reserve, and the only video you can find on the internet about the Choco is by this guy. So there are people and organizations that are working really hard, but it?s only amounted to .3% protection.

A:?I hear they have some pretty kick ass chocolate.

DB:?(laughs) A lot of our chocolate, and coffee comes from Ecuador. Raul has a chocolate save the rainforest program where he?ll buy chocolate from the locals for 20% above the trade cost in exchange that they promise to reforest some of the land. He doesn?t do much of that anymore, he has one community that he works with and sells the chocolate out of a hostel. It?s very small, he was having trouble exporting or finding someone to export it. With Raul, he wants to free himself up so that he can be doing research in the jungle or guiding volunteers. But that (chocolate) is what I?m giving as a prize for donating, and it is great. I still have chocolate from 3 years ago that I made with my own hands. It?s totally stale, white, and crusty, but I just grind it into my smoothies and no one notices. But the chocolate I?m giving out is fresh.

me   boom

A:?Either way the chocolate is good for your soul. What?s it like to work with Raul?

DB:?When you first meet Raul he?s like a lot of impassioned people, where he gets really excited about what he?s talking about and stutters. It?s so obvious when you first meet him. It is all rainforest, all the time. I learned a ton. He has these programs where people can come out for a weekend or 5 days and do a jungle trek, and I was just volunteering at his reserve, which is also an option, but there was someone coming in from Brooklyn just to do the trip and he (Raul) said ?Well, I guess you better come.?. So I got a sort of crash course in the jungle that I may not have gotten from volunteering. Volunteering for him is like; planting trees, making chocolate, or helping with the garden. He doesn?t have time to decorate his house or anything, it?s so bare bones, and he?s a man living there? and it?s obvious (laughs). It?s just enough for him to go to sleep at night so he can go out the next day. I was very tempted to paint it but he was like, ?No, we don?t need that, we need to go plant trees.?. He?s super smart, and we became really good friends. He?s a really freakin? great person, he kind of does anything for anyone. He?s inspired me a ton, because when you see someone giving up everything in their life for a cause you think, ?Well, what am I doing in my little life??. Every once in a while he gets invited to do lectures in Germany or in the U.S. I think he did one in Spain a few years ago and these people who are not biologist heard his lecture and they came to volunteer and are actually coming back to volunteer the same time I am so hopefully they?ll be a few spanish volunteers there. He (Raul) often moves people to go stay at his reserve and donate their time. I haven?t seen his lecture, but part of my hope, is that we can turn that lecture into a video and make his ?effect? exponentially larger.

A:?Sounds like you have a lot planned for the future past just making this film.

DB:?Oh yeah! One film is great, but twelve is better, so let?s do that. I could have borrowed equipment from friends, but I wanted to raise money so I can leave the equipment behind. I want to start a YouTube account for the Choco because there is only one video out there and I think that so cummy (laughs), if you google the Amazon you get a ton. They can document endangered species, have volunteer journals, anything that could encourage someone who was maybe considering donating their time to the reserve to go ahead and do it. Not to say that they shouldn?t be devoting their time to other things, of course they should, but a lot of people know about the Amazon and not a lot know about the Choco. So I?m trying to publicize it as much as I can. There is a scientist and his team researching the Brown Headed Spider Monkey which is endemic to the Choco, and it?s the most endangered Monkey in Ecuador. They found out about my project from Facebook, and got in contact with me saying they were so excited and were wondering if we could help each other out, like she could be part of the documentary, and in exchange I could help publicize their cause and I could get footage of these primates, and I?m doing this for selfless reasons? but how cool is it that! I can go one this trek with these biologist and track down one of the most endangered primates in Ecuador, like wow! I help them and they help me, and that?s what leaving electronics behind will help do. Electronics in Ecuador are way more expensive and the people there make a fraction of what we make, so me bringing a camera to them from here isn?t the same as them buying a camera down there. I have a couple of old computers that I plan on donating to them but I want to raise enough to buy a new one so it?ll last more than a year after I leave.?

A:?Well if monkeys are going extinct than us humans must not be too far behind, so I like the idea of saving them. 12 films sounds like quite an ambition, 12 is actually my lucky number.

DB:?It might not be 12 legit films but it?s gonna be videos so you can see so much about it.

A:?For those short on change or us poor college students that can?t donate on the heavier side, what can they do to help out? Besides making their own film of course, competition is stiff enough.

DB:?There?s a million causes in the world, and it?s the holiday season, and we?re all poor, and unemployment is high, so it?s really hard to ask people to support a project. And just because I care about something doesn?t mean that other people have the time, or the energy to care about the same thing. With that said, I?ve still sent out messages to my classmates and said ?hey look, there?s 40 of you, if you all just save your change and put in $10 that?s $400 toward my goal. People tend to think that their $2 doesn?t help but it does. People that can?t donate, just liking the Facebook page and spreading the word helps. The people who know about it and don?t donate will still be waiting to see the finished film, so being part of a community that cares no matter if you donated $1, $2, or $200, getting the word out is amazing. People I talked to didn?t even know this part of the world existed and they didn?t know what was happening to it. Just being a little bit more aware.

A:?You?ve obviously been inspired by life, which is the highest plane of inspiration you can reach if you want to put it on a hierarchy, but what are some films you?ve seen that have inspired you to do this and how you?re going to do it?

DB:?The answers simple actually, the inspiration came from a feature film I saw in theaters that didn?t have anything to do with the environment. There?s this movie called?Breaking Upward?which was made with a $20,000 dollar budget and the people who made the film acted in it and all their friends helped them, which is part of the larger movement that is going on now, which is what Stony Brook is basing their whole program around; making your own film without having to go through a studio or sell your script. I think it?s that movement that?s inspired me and all of my friends who are doing this to just do it. Instead of waiting for someone to tell you to do it or tell you it?s okay to do it, just do it. That?s the trend and I?m happy to be apart of it. There?s also this film called?Craigslist Joe?about this guy who decided to drop everything for 30 days and just live off of Craigslist, people who would let him crash at their place for the night, volunteer jobs, dates, everything. He had no money, no phone numbers in his phone, no nothing, and it was just this idea this guy had and I think he?s my age, and he just did it. He?s not a filmmaker or anything like that but at the end he had this really inspiring video, it wasn?t perfect but I like seeing things like that, where I can see myself doing it and see how the film is made. These little movies that you can wrap your head around the whole thing is really helpful, cause if it?s a giant Hollywood movie it?s like ?oh my god there?s millions of people, and millions of dollars involved in this?, it?s the small stuff like Breaking Upwards and?Craigslist Joe?that say ?hey, I?ve got a group of five friends, we can do this!?. As far as environmental films go I saw The Cove, An Inconvenient Truth, Forks Over Knives,?what?s that giant one about food?

A:?Food INC.?

DB:?Yes that?s it! I just enjoy documentaries a lot so I would watch all of those cause I really like school and being in classes. There were times in my life when I wasn?t a student and I took documentary?s as kind of sitting in on a lecture.

A:?What are other ideas for film that you have bouncing around in your head?

DB:?Okay I have two ideas that I?d really like to make happen within? the next couple of years. I am a previously extreme struggler of social anxiety. So I suffer from panic attacks and was an agoraphobic for a couple of months when I was younger, and I think that a lot of people don?t acknowledge their own anxieties, because there?s a huge stigma that if you?re weak, than society does not value you. I?m really into life science right now, so I?d love to do a mini doc about people who have suffered with anxiety, maybe like a web series, or something manageable, but also something that keeps coming where I can interview new people I want to talk to about this, so I might want it to continue. Something about bringing anxiety to life. Or even teaming up with one of my good friends in the program who is a psychotherapist, and maybe even making videos for people who are reluctant to go to therapy or afraid to talk about it. The other thing I want to do is a film about my parents. My family is Jewish and on holidays everyone gets together for two hours and then rushes out the door. I don?t really know my family that well, not even my nuclear family, like I don?t know if they believe in God, or what the best thing that ever happened to them is, I don?t know if they?re happy, I don?t know anything about them. My older sister and I are a bit estranged also, and my middle sister is always traveling and I don?t get to see her that much, so I really want to sit down with my family and ask them the questions? that you somehow know about your friends, but never got to know about your family. I think it?s an opportunity to get my family together to do something, and we don?t get together much so there?s that, and maybe curing old wounds but really I?m just curious to get to know my family while we?re here.

A:?Well, you sound like a regular Martin Scorsese.

me   headphones

I want to thank Ms. Danielle Berg for being so open and patient with me during this interview. If you?re interested in donating or spreading the word about the Choco Rainforest, the Itapoa Reserve and Ms. Berg?s film, then you can check out their Facebook page, and the Indiegogo campaign.

You can view Danielle?s third short film on YouTube.

What do you think? Let me know by leaving a comment.

Article by: Brandon Somma

1328 Points

Filmmaker, Writer, & Musician.


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US sailors sue Japan's TEPCO for post-quake radiation exposure

Nicholas A. Groesch / Reuters file

Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan wash down the flight deck to remove potential radiation contamination while operating off the coast of Japan providing humanitarian assistance in support of Operation Tomodachi on March 22, 2011.

By Kari Huus, NBC News

A group of U.S. Navy personnel involved in the humanitarian effort after Japan's March 2011 earthquake and tsunami have filed a lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Power Co. for more than $200 million?in compensation, punitive damages and future medical costs for exposure to radiation that leaked from the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant at the time.

The plaintiffs include eight troops serving on the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier ? one of whom was pregnant at the time of the alleged exposure ??and her?daughter.

They charge that the utility, known as TEPCO, "knowingly and negligently caused, permitted and allowed misleading information concerning the true condition of the (plant) to be disseminated to the public, including the U.S. Navy Department," according to the complaint filed on Dec. 21 in a U.S. federal court in San Diego.

?The plaintiffs are suffering a variety of symptoms that attorney Paul Garner says were caused by the exposure, including rectal bleeding, thyroid problems and?persistent migraine headaches, and all face an increased chance of developing cancer and requiring expensive medical procedures.

The U.S. carrier was positioned just offshore from the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which and suffered a meltdown which triggered?the release of high levels of radiation into the air and water.

"The carrier was less than two football fields away from the Fukushima Daiichi when it released a cloud of radiation," said Garner, speaking to NBC News on Thursday.

He said the crew was unknowingly exposed to high levels of radiation in numerous ways, including when they cleared the carrier's decks of snow that was contaminated, and washed down the helicopters with sea water that was contaminated.

Archival video: Of all the aftershocks that could hit Japan, nothing frightens the world more than the possibility of a devastating nuclear disaster. NBC's Anne Thompson.

The complaint said that by relying on misrepresentations about the situation by TEPCO, the U.S. Navy was "lulled into a false sense of security," believing it was "safe to operate with the waters adjacent to the FNPP, without doing research and testing that would have revealed the problems."

It goes on to charge that through its conduct, TEPCO "rendered the Plaintiffs infirm and poisoned their bodies. The Plaintiffs must now endure a lifetime of radiation poisoning and suffering which could have and should have been avoided."

Archival video: Damon Moglen of Friends of the Earth discusses the potential dangers that still loom in Japan following an explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility.

The suit is seeking $10 million in damages for each plaintiff, plus?$30 million in punitive damages and a judgment requiring TEPCO to create $100 million fund to pay for their medical costs, including monitoring and treatments.

TEPCO could not immediately be reached for comment by NBC News.

A TEPCO spokesman reached by?The Japan Times?said the company had not yet received the complaint.

"We will consider a response after examining the claim," said Yusuke Kunikage, according to the Times.

Since the disaster, TEPCO has operated a fund to compensate victims in Japan.

Garner said that he didn't believe his clients would get justice through the Japanese system, which is why the suit was filed in a U.S. court. The complaint was served to TEPCO's office in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, he said.

"We need the U.S. justice system to make this right," Garner said.

?More world stories from NBC News:

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Friday, December 28, 2012

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Egypt opposition says Islamists trying to stifle dissent

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's opposition accused President Mohamed Mursi's Islamist allies of trying to muzzle dissent on Friday after prosecutors decided to investigate whether prominent government critics were guilty of sedition.

The probe, which comes a month after Mursi replaced the chief prosecutor, further sours the political climate as the leader and his opponents face off over a new constitution that became law on Wednesday.

Critics of the new charter say it uses vague language, fails to enshrine the rights of women and minorities and does little to champion the rights of Egyptians who rose up last year to overthrow army-backed strongman Hosni Mubarak.

Supporters say it protects personal rights that were often trampled upon during the Mubarak era and a subsequent spell of army rule.

The constitution text won about 64 percent approval in a two-stage referendum but Mursi's opponents vowed to continue protests and rejected his calls for a national dialogue.

Prosecutors ordered the inquiry into three of the president's most prominent opponents on Thursday - former Arab League chief Amr Moussa, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohamed ElBaradei and leftist Hamdeen Sabahy.

Moussa and Sabahy both challenged Mursi for the presidency in a June election which followed the 2011 uprising.

The prosecutor's office said the three had been accused of inciting supporters to rise up and overthrow Mursi, the country's first fairly elected leader.

Mursi's critics saw an attempt to intimidate them into silence and vowed to continue challenging his rule.

"I believe this is orchestrated by the Brotherhood leadership," Hussein Abdel Ghani, a spokesman for the country's main opposition umbrella group, told Reuters. "The Mubarak regime used to order the same tactics."

"But we are going to use our full rights, our civil tactics, to demonstrate our opposition to this regime," he said.

The charged atmosphere makes it harder for Mursi to bolster his authority and muster a consensus for unpopular austerity measures vital to preventing a weak economy from collapsing.


Mursi is hoping that the quick adoption of the constitution and holding elections to a permanent new parliament soon will help end the long period of turmoil since Mubarak's overthrow in February 2011 that has wrecked the economy.

But the Egyptian pound tumbled to its weakest in almost eight years this week after the constitution was approved. People unnerved by the continued political tension rushed to hoard dollars and gold.

The government ordered new restrictions on foreign currency apparently designed to prevent capital flight. Leaving or entering with more than $10,000 cash is now banned.

Mursi was propelled into office thanks to the rallying power of his Muslim Brotherhood, the country's main opposition group under Mubarak that was banned from formal politics for decades.

Ahmed Sobeih, a spokesman for the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, dismissed Abdel Ghani's accusation of an organized legal campaign against Mursi's opponents.

"We must get away from the language of mutual accusations," he said, adding that "dozens" of similar complaints had been filed against Brotherhood leaders.

Mursi appointed Chief Public Prosecutor Talaat Ibrahim when he assumed sweeping new powers on November 22. Ibrahim's predecessor, Abdel Maguid Mahmoud, had served for many years under Mubarak.

Judicial sources said the inquiry against Moussa, ElBaradei and Sabahy followed a complaint from lawyers sympathetic to Mursi.

The trio are part of the National Salvation Front, an alliance of political groups that has spearheaded street protests against the government.

"The mere referral of these complaints to an investigative judge and the accompanying public announcement is already cause enough for serious concern," said Heba Morayef, Egypt director at New York-based Human Rights Watch.

A spokesman for Moussa said the accusations against him were groundless.

"What we read in the papers are several allegations that we have denied over and over in the past few months," said Ahmed Kamel, a spokesman for Moussa's Congress Party. "They are completely unfounded and have no relation to reality."

(Writing by Maria Golovnina; Editing by Tom Pfeiffer)


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Amanda Reyes, Former Toy Store Manager, Claims Ex-Boss Coerced 'Rough' Sexual Relationship, Sues

A former manager of a New York City children's toy store is suing her ex-boss over what she says was a coercive sexual relationship, according to the New York Daily News.

Amanda Reyes, 26, alleges that Steven Reis, 60, the owner of Fantastic Kids Toys, forced her to "engage in an ongoing sexual relationship? that ?included increasing acts of ?rough? sexual activities, including hitting, slapping and biting,? in exchange for employment and rent, according to the lawsuit filed Friday.

Reyes, a single mother, started working at the store for $10 an hour in 2010 and was promoted to manager in March 2012. According to the lawsuit, this is when Reyes' relationship with the married Reis began.

Gothamist called the affair a "sadomasochistic nightmare," noting that Reyes' attorneys described it as a "manipulative master-servant type of relationship" that involved "role-playing and simulations."

Even after Reyes began dating an NYPD officer in June, Reis allegedly demanded the woman meet him at her apartment for sex twice a week.

As Jezebel points out, Reyes reportedly tried to break off the relationship and was fired from her $60,000-a-year job in late August.

Reis, reached at his Manhattan store by the New York Post on Dec. 24, would not comment on the lawsuit other than to call the accusations "false."

Of course, this is not the first time an employer has come under fire.

In November, the CEO of Waffle House was sued by a former employee, a single mother who alleged that she was forced to perform sex acts for 10 years in order to keep her job, according to the Associated Press.

The CEO, Joe W. Rogers Jr., claimed the charges were "extortion," but the woman accusing him allegedly taped some of their encounters.

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Cliff looms: Kicking the Can, Washington-style

WASHINGTON (AP) ? When it comes to the nation's budget challenges, congressional leaders are fond of saying dismissively they don't want to kick the can down the road.

But now, a deadline hard ahead, even derided half-measures are uncertain as President Barack Obama and lawmakers struggle to avert across-the-board tax increases and spending cuts that comprise an economy-threatening fiscal cliff.

Congressional officials said Wednesday they knew of no significant strides toward a compromise over a long Christmas weekend, and no negotiations have been set.

After conferring on a conference call, House Republican leaders said they remain ready for talks, urged the Senate to consider a House-passed bill that extends all existing tax cuts, but gave no hint they intend to call lawmakers back into session unless the Senate first passes legislation.

"The lines of communication remain open, and we will continue to work with our colleagues to avert the largest tax hike in American history, and to address the underlying problem, which is spending," the leadership said in a statement.

A short while later Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. countered that the House leadership should allow action on a Senate-passed bill that lets income tax rates rise only on incomes above $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples. The measure could "pass tomorrow" if put to a vote, he said.

The Senate is due in session Thursday, although the immediate agenda includes legislation setting the rules for government surveillance of suspected spies and terrorists abroad, including Americans, as well as a measure providing $60 billion for victims of Superstorm Sandy.

Obama decided to cut short his Hawaii vacation for an overnight flight expected to get him back to the White House on Thursday.

Apart from the cliff, other financial challenges loom for divided government, where political brinkmanship has become the norm. The Treasury disclosed during the day it would take accounting measures to avoid reaching the government's borrowing limit of $16.4 trillion by year's end. The changes will provide about two months of additional leeway.

Separately, spending authority for much of the government will expire on March 27, 2013.

After weeks of negotiations, the president urged lawmakers late last week to scale back their ambitions for avoiding the fiscal cliff and send him legislation preventing tax cuts on all but the highest-earning Americans and extending unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. Longer, term, he said he still supports deficit cuts that were key to the earlier talks.

"Everybody's got to give a little bit in a sensible way," he said at the White House.

The House has no plans to convene, following last week's rebellion in which conservatives torpedoed Speaker John Boehner's legislation to prevent scheduled tax increases on most, while letting them take effect on million-dollar wage earners.

"How we get there, God only knows," the Ohio Republican said of efforts to protect the economy ? and taxpayers ? from the tax increases and spending cuts.

"Now is the time to show leadership, not kick the can down the road," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said a little over a week ago after Boehner announced he would shift his own focus from bipartisan talks to the approach that eventually was torpedoed by his own rank and file.

It's a phrase that political leaders use when they want to suggest others want to avoid tackling major problems, and one that Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia and even Obama as well as Reid have used.

"We have a spending problem. We have to address it, And we're not going to address it by kicking the can down the road," the speaker said at a news conference late last week when he was asked about setting a vote on a plan that Democrats find acceptable.

Cantor recently used the same approach in challenging Obama to agree to savings from Medicare and other benefit programs. "This has to be a part of this agreement or else we just continue to dig the hole deeper, asking folks to allow us to kick the can down the road further and that we don't want to do," he said on Nov. 28.

In fact, it's a phrase that has been in use for over a year as Obama and Republicans jockey for position on pocketbook issues.

In July 2011, when he was struggling with Republicans over the threat of a first-ever government default, Obama said he had "heard reports that there may be some in Congress who want to do just enough to make sure that America avoids defaulting on our debt in the short term. But then wants to kick the can down the road when it comes to solving the larger problem, our deficit."

A few months later, an extension of a payroll tax cut was the issue, and Boehner was insisting on a year-long renewal rather than the temporary plan that passed the Senate with votes from lawmakers in both parties.

"How can you do tax policy for two months?" he asked on Dec. 18, 2011. "I believe that two months is just kicking the can down the road.

"The American people are tired of that."

At issue now is series of tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to kick in with the new year that economists caution could send the economy into a recession.


AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber contributed to this report.


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Gun control: Insurance policy | The Economist

Dec 26th 2012, 14:45 by M.S.

NOURIEL ROUBINI, a guy who knows a lot about risk, tweets?in favour of mandatory liability insurance for gun owners:

If we had liability insurance on guns, as we do 4 cars, we will see which insurance company would insure at which price folks with arsenals

It's an idea that seems to be gathering a bit of steam. At, John Wasik lays out the logic behind treating firearm deaths as a market externality to be compensated via insurance, as we do with cars: "Those most at risk to commit a gun crime would be known to the actuaries doing the research for insurers...?An 80-year-old married woman in?Fort Lauderdale?would get a great rate. A 20-year-old in inner-city Chicago wouldn?t be able to afford it. A 32-year-old man with a record of drunk driving and domestic violence would have a similar problem."?Robert Cyran and Reynolds Holding write that mandatory liability insurance is a measure that could pass Supreme Court muster where other restrictions might fail: "[T]here?s a strong argument that damage caused by firearms gives the government a 'compelling interest' to require insurance, the test for infringing a constitutional right."

The first objection that leapt to my mind was that given that 9,000 people per year are murdered with firearms in America, and that essentially every one of those killings entails a wrongful death that could be grounds for a suit, liability insurance for firearms might be so prohibitively expensive that no one would be able to afford it. But it looks like this probably isn't the case. The National Rifle Association already offers "excess personal liability and self-defence" coverage to its members, and according to their website it seems $100,000 worth of insurance costs just $165 per year; $250,000 worth is $254. That may seem too low a value to put on someone's life, but it's a lot better than nothing, and as Mr Wasik says, the private insurance market will likely do a very good job of discriminating between gun owners who pose different levels of risk.

This isn't a substitute for other popular gun-control measures, such as limitations on magazine capacity, universal background checks?(which even NRA members support) and so forth. But given the limitations on possible gun control measures in a country where the Supreme Court holds individual gun ownership for home self-defence to be a constitutionally protected right, and where there may be 300m firearms already in circulation, it seems like a good place to start. For that matter, there's no reason why we should wait for the federal government to impose these policies. States with strong pro-gun-control politics could start passing mandatory firearm-insurance laws right now. Apparently an effort to do so in Illinois in 2009 ran aground due to opposition from gun organisations and right-wing media, but the politics of the issue would probably be rather different today.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Day In The Life Of A Work-From-Home Online Marketer - Best Web ...

Some people in this world would love nothing more than to work from home. Your schedule, your rules. Heck, doesn?t sound like too bad of a gig now does it? A good number of these work-from-home folks are Internet-based business people and/or Internet marketers. I told you recently all about how to become a web host, but being an online marketer in the general sense of the word attrats a lot of online entrepreneurs. Now, let?s see what a ?day in the life of? looks like for Joe Shmoe.

After a night full of digital, ?cybery?-like dreams, Joe?s alarm clock goes off at 7:30am. The snooze button is hit, as usual, and 8am finally rolls around (the real waking up time).

Jumping out of bed Joe turns on his PC and grabs his usual breakfast ? a bowl of oatmeal and orange juice ? and boots up Outlook Express. Time to start cracking on 28 new emails? not including spam.

After sifting through the important and not-so-important emails, Joe logs in to the backend of his ?money? site to see of any nightly activity in his cPanel. A couple interesting finds.

First, a spike in traffic. His cPanel reveals that yesterday?s traffic was higher than it has ever been, 414 unique visitors. Score!

Oh and that?s right, he realized he completely forgot what he was supposed to do yesterday. Joe abruptly changes pace and installs WordPress on two of his new websites which he was planning to do yesterday. Luckily as he?s using WHC, it only takes seconds to get everything squared away. Can?t beat WordPress? one-click install!

Back to the findings ? and this one is rather unfortunate. There was a hack attempt to one of his sites. Luckily his cPanel?s security did well in securing his data and no harm was done. As should be done regularly, Joe backs up his files for each of his sites? just in case.

Time to check sales, whether it be good news or bad. Joe logs into his affiliate accounts on PeerFly and Commission Junction and score ? $178 in commissions! All overnight? nothing better than passive income.

Since Joe recently signed up for his hosting, only about a month ago, he decides to look further into his free Google AdWords credit which he received when signing up. Clearly there?s no reason not to take advantage of it ? it?s free! Plus, one of his new ventures, a landing page for obtaining payday loan leads, he thinks the $100 for cost-per-click advertising could provide some great ROI.

*An hour passes*.

AdWords is now all ready to go, campaigns set, and Joe?s stomach is hungry ? lunch time! And time for a jog after digesting. (Hey reader, don?t forget? online marketers need exercise too. Sitting all day takes a toll on our body and mixing things up is a must.)

After lunch it?s time to check for available domains. Since unlimited domains are able to be hosted, stacking up as many as possible for future projects is a good idea. For only $8 a year per domain, even if a site brings in $5 per month, a profit is being made. And with 100 sites or even more, those are some nice paydays!

What a productive day Joe has had so far? and it?s only early afternoon!


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Nelson Mandela visited by family in hospital | The News Tribe

Ohannesburg: Ailing Nelson Mandela was Tuesday visited in hospital by his wife Graca Machel and family as he spent Christmas Day on his sickbed, said President Jacob Zuma who joined the family.

?We found him in good spirits,? said Zuma in a statement.

?He was happy to have visitors on this special day and is looking much better. The doctors are happy with the progress that he is making,? said Zuma.

Mandela, 94, was admitted to a Pretoria hospital on December 8. He has been treated there for a recurrent lung infection and underwent surgery to remove gallstones.

On Monday, Zuma?s office, which is tasked with issuing updates on his condition, said doctors had confirmed that he will not be home for Christmas.

But there was no indication of when he might be discharged.

His grandson Mandla Mandela earlier told eNCA television that the family was saddened by his absence from home this Christmas.

?We are greatly saddened by his absence?we didn?t anticipate that he would be away for so long,? said Mandla from Mvezo village, where he is the local chief.

He said the family was hopeful that the much loved elderly statesman will be home soon, adding that his presence was enjoyed by the family and the community of Qunu, the rural village where he grew up and later retired to.

Before his retirement in 2004 Mandela used to host a Christmas feast for impoverished children in Qunu, which was a highlight for many.

Since retiring from public life, Christmas has been a more low-key affair, spent with family.

Mandela, who became South Africa?s first black president after the country?s first all-race elections in 1994, has a long history of lung problems, dating back to the time when he was a political prisoner on Robben Island.

In January 2011 he was hospitalised two nights for an acute respiratory infection.

This is his longest hospital stay since coming out of prison in 1990.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Gloomy predictions as Washington approaches the 'fiscal cliff'

It's still possible that the 'fiscal cliff' with its automatic?tax increases and across-the-board spending cuts can be avoided. But the clock is ticking toward Jan.1, and most lawmakers are pessimistic.

By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / December 23, 2012

President Barack Obama speaks about the fiscal cliff in the briefing room of the White House Friday before leaving for Hawaii to spend Christmas with his family.

Kevin Lamarque/REUTERS


The New Year may be more than a week off, but realistically Congress and the White House have less than that as the clock ticks toward the ?fiscal cliff? with its automatic tax increases and across-the-board spending cuts that could throw an already-weakened economy into a tailspin.

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On the Sunday before Christmas, lawmakers worried and postured, with a few ? very few ? expressing just a bit of optimism that anything would be done in time.

"We can do better and we should do better," Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad said on ?Fox News Sunday.? "I would hope that we would have one last attempt here to do what everyone knows needs to be done: which is a larger plan that really does stabilize the debt and gets us moving in the right direction.?

For now, says Sen. Conrad (who?s retiring), Speaker John Boehner and the White House should ?split the difference? on the most recent offers from both sides, resulting in $1.45 trillion in spending cuts and $1.15 in revenue for a combination of $2.6 trillion.

?You couple that with the $1.1 trillion that?s already been done [in the Budget Control Act] and you?re at $3.7 trillion,? he said.

Recommended:?'Fiscal cliff' 101: 5 basic questions answered

That leaves a lot of heavy lifting, Conrad concedes: ?Is it perfect? No. Is it everything we?d hoped for? No. Does it match what Bowles-Simpson did? No.?

The general mood Sunday was well expressed by another senator about to retire, Joseph Lieberman.

"It's the first time that I feel it's more likely we'll go over the cliff than not,"?Sen. Lieberman said on CNN?s ?State of the Union.? "If we allow that to happen it will be the most colossal consequential act of congressional irresponsibility in a long time, maybe ever in American history because of the impact it'll have on almost every American.?

Joining Conrad on Fox News, Sen. Jon Barrasso, (R) of Wyoming, said tumbling off the fiscal cliff is inevitable.

?I believe the president is eager to go over the cliff for political purposes,? he said. ?He senses a victory at the bottom of the cliff.?

Obama already has scaled back his ambitions for a sweeping budget bargain. Before leaving the capital on Friday, he called for a limited measure that would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for most people and stave off federal spending cuts. The president also urged Congress to extend jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed that would otherwise be cut off for 2 million people at the end of the year.

But reverting to higher tax rates for even the wealthiest Americans remains a show-stopper for many tea party Republicans in the House of Representatives.

Judging by the latest twists in the drama ? including House Speaker John Boehner?s inability to get his own party behind his ?Plan B? ? plus public opinion polls showing Obama with a much better job rating than Boehner and the GOP seen as mostly to blame, Obama in fact may be more inclined to hang tough.

?The truth of the matter is, if we do fall off the cliff after the president is inaugurated, he?ll come back, propose just what he proposed ? and we?ll end up adopting it,? said Sen. Johnny Isakson, (R) of Georgia on Fox News. ?Why not go ahead and act now??

Why not, indeed said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, also speaking on Fox News.

"It is time to get back to the table," said the Minnesota Democrat. "And I hope if anyone sees these representatives from the House in line shopping or getting their Christmas turkey, they wish them a merry Christmas, they're civil, and then say go back to the table, not your own table, the table in Washington."

This report includes material from the Associated Press.

Recommended:?'Fiscal cliff' 101: 5 basic questions answered


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Stocks end lower as investors fret about 'fiscal cliff'

20 hrs.

Stocks ended in negative territory in a quiet, shortened trading session Monday, extending declines from the previous session, amid ongoing worries over the looming "fiscal cliff."?

Markets will be closed on Tuesday for Christmas day.?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended lower, led by Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard.?

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq also finished in the red. The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, traded above 18.

Among key S&P sectors, energy and utilities closed lower, while materials finished higher.?

"I think it's amazing how well the market's held up," said Hank Smith, chief investment officer at the Haverford Trust. "Use any type of correction of pullback as an opportunity to buy because this is not about fundamentals?this is strictly about politics and political ineptitude and it will be very passing and it will not have long-term implications." (Read More: Hunting for Yield? Here's One Place You Can Look)

With just four more trading days left in 2012, ongoing worries over the "fiscal cliff"?$600 billion in tax hikes and automatic spending cuts that kick in on January 1?kept investors on edge. With the House of Representatives and the Senate on their Christmas break and President Obama celebrating the Christmas holiday in Hawaii, talks will likely only resume after December 25.

"With no Plan B and the gulf between the parties as wide as ever, there is little to cheer this holiday season. The optimism that had seen the market rally strongly over the last few weeks is diminishing rapidly amid signs that a deal is as far away as ever," said Rebecca O'Keeffe, head of investment at Interactive Investor. (Read More: Lawmakers: We're Likely to Go Over the 'Fiscal Cliff')

Still, the S&P 500 is on track for its best yearly performance since 2009 with a gain of 13.7 percent year-to-date.

Microsoft slipped after the New York Times reported that sales of the tech giant's new Windows 8 operating system had disappointed PC makers as well as analysts.

JCPenney rose after Oppenheimer said the retailer's promotions are showing evidence of success. The brokerage has an "outperform" rating on the stock and a $30 price target. Still, shares of the company is down more than 40 percent year to date.?

Facebook gained after Needham raised its price target on the social-networking giant to $33 from $25.?

Research In Motion declined after Exane BNP Paribas cut its target price on the BlackBerry maker to $5.50 from $8.30.?

Herbalife fell for the ninth-straight session after the company said it expects to exceed its previously-announced buyback authorization guidance.?

European shares were range-bound with light volumes in a truncated day of trading. Major markets such as Germany, Switzerland and Italy were closed.?

Coming Up This Week:

  • MONDAY: Market closes at 1?p.m.?ET
  • TUESDAY: Markets closed for Christmas
  • WEDNESDAY: Case-Shiller homeprice index
  • THURSDAY: Jobless claims, new home sales, consumer confidence
  • FRIDAY: ?Pending home sales


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Your Interior Psychic: 5 Measures To Unleash It ? Social Networking ...

Just set them to a check. Authentic Psychic readers will display their mettle. Faux psychic audience are out there to do business and generate money. They assert to have reputed clientele and make tall claims. Real psychics do not have to. Phony psychics will explain to you what you subconsciously want to listen to and make you experience great. They will present to show you paths to triumph in really like, vocation and business for precise fees. When you check a phony psychic reader, he invariably fails.

This examining is dubbed as ?chilly? because of to the actuality that there is no want for any prior information of the consumer, as the audience will essentially use their powers of careful observation of the client?s physical appearance, movements, traits and behavior in giving a sequence of guesses primarily based on information of probabilities, deductive reasoning and the use of general statements that are easily recognized by substantial quantities of individuals.

You could have a burning motivation to resolve a profession or romance situation and the extremely power of the situation is eating absent at your thoughts physique and spirit. This demands awareness and the sooner the better. Legitimate remedies are obtainable and you know that soul has your ideal intention at the forefront of the beneficial final results awaiting you. Self enhancement is the greatest financial commitment you can make.

As a result by working with this vitality you can increase your connection with particular psychic resource advisors. Although using the capabilities it is essential for you to listen to your internal feelings and sensations. Communicate with the physical and emotional responses correct from your instincts.

So when you lower those psychic chords you have to be completely ready and prepared to embrace a change in your living. There will be a thing missing! But mother nature often moves in to fill a void in our lives. Be ready to acknowledge a thing much better. Invite a thing far better into your daily life. Invite adore, mild and optimistic vitality. It could consider a while to get utilized to how this feels in your strength discipline, but once you adapt to it, you will be glad you set out the invitation.

Eventually, it is also about really like. When you truly really like somebody, Common Thoughts or God will explain to you points about that particular person, because God is love and like connects you to that person spiritually. That particular person can also perception specific thoughts, photos and wishes from you via the universal intellect.

Most cost-free psychic reading provides do not very last for significantly additional than some minutes, incredibly number of for considerably more than five, so do not count on a entire ton. If you do not know whom you want, steer very clear of the word ?free? in any Net look, unless you seriously never care who provides you your initial no cost of charge psychic studying. In circumstance you are significant about pursuing a psychic looking at, then sort in terms like ?authentic, accredited, accurate?, among other folks. Just be suggested, that with nearly anything, you get what you fork out for. That goes for a price-totally free psychic studying as nicely.

When individuals feel about drive, they may well consider about motivational speakers, motivational physical exercise routines, and numerous other things that on featured on the mainstream media and also marketed in stores and on Television shopping channels. Nevertheless the most well-liked kind of motivation can occur through horoscopes, non secular readings and psychic mediums.

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