Friday, August 31, 2012

Syrian troops block Damascus roads

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This image made from Syrian State TV video purports to show Syrian troops fighting against Syrian rebels in the Al-Midan area of Damascus.

Damascus, Syria -

Syria's security forces blocked roads leading into Damascus on Friday, as anti-regime protests were called across the country, said an AFP correspondent at the scene.

Roadblocks were also set up across the capital, where members of the security forces inspected drivers' papers and car trunks.

Syrian activists called for nationwide protests under the slogan: ?Daraya, a flame that will never die,? in reference to a town near Damascus where the opposition says more than 330 people were killed in an army offensive last week.

A dozen loud explosions were heard, the correspondent said, apparently from the embattled Damascus suburbs.

In the province of the capital, Free Syrian Army rebels captured nine soldiers in Sayyida Zeinab, a southeastern suburb which hosts a Shiite shrine that draws foreign pilgrims, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

North of Damascus, troops bombarded the mountain resort of Rankus, an opposition stronghold, activists said.

Violence in Syria has killed more than 26,000 people since an anti-regime revolt broke out in March 2011, according to the Britain-based watchdog, which relies on a network of activists, doctors and lawyers across the country.

It is impossible to independently verify death counts out of Syria as foreign media access is restricted. - Sapa-AFP


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9 Signs The U.S. Government Treats Military Veterans Like Garbage

Michael Snyder,?Contributor
Activist Post

The way that the U.S. government treats military veterans is absolutely disgraceful. Men and women that have given everything for this nation are literally being treated like human garbage by their own government. After watching how vets are treated, it is absolutely amazing that anyone is still volunteering to be a part of the military. We pay those in the military like crap, we keep sending our best soldiers back to Afghanistan and Iraq again and again, we don't equip them properly, military suicides are at a record pace, hundreds of thousands of applications for veteran benefits are hopelessly backlogged, homelessness and unemployment among vets is much higher than for the general population, the condition of most VA hospitals is an absolute disgrace, and to top everything off now the Obama administration has started labeling military veterans as "potential terrorists".

What you are about to read should make you very angry. The abuse, neglect and outright disrespect that military vets receive from their own government is absolutely shocking. We owe these men and women a great debt for the service that they have performed for our nation, but instead the federal government kicks them to the curb and treats them with no honor whatsoever. The way a nation treats military vets says a lot about the character of that nation, and right now the way that America treats veterans says that we have the character of a steaming pile of manure.

Multiple Tours Of Duty

The U.S. military just keeps sending young men and women back to Iraq and Afghanistan over and over again without any regard for what the consequences might be.

If you can believe it, an astounding?20 percent?of all active duty soldiers in the U.S. Army are on at least their third tour of duty.

Many others have done four tours of duty or more.

The following is from a recent?Christian Science Monitor article....

Some 107,000 Army soldiers have been deployed to war three or more times since 2001, or some 20 percent of the active-duty force. More than 50,000 of those currently in uniform have completed four or more combat tours, Army figures indicate.

The physical, mental and emotional toll of these multiple tours of duty should not be underestimated. It is absolutely unprecedented in U.S. history for so many men to be sent back into frequent combat situations so repeatedly. The price of this foolishness could potentially be felt throughout our society for decades to come.

Record Number Of Suicides

The fact that many of our soldiers are spending way too much time in active war zones is a big reason why military suicides are at a?record pace?so far in 2012.

The stress of combat duty builds up over time. The physical, mental and emotional fatigue that comes with serving in combat is immense. Many soldiers see their marriages end, and others are left with severe physical and mental disabilities.

At some point many serving in the military cannot take it anymore and they commit suicide.

During the month of July, there were?56 suicides?in the U.S. military in just 31 days.

That is absolutely disgraceful, but very little is being done about the underlying causes of these suicides.

Paying To Get Your Medal?

Many U.S. soldiers return home from war only to find that they are being billed by their own government.

One soldier even discovered that he was going to have to pay a $21 shipping fee to get his Purple Heart. The following is from?the Huffington Post....

War comes with an incalculable human cost. And apparently a shipping fee of about $21.?
Retired Sgt. Major Rob Dickerson says that's the price he was forced to pay when his Purple Heart -- the medal issued to soldiers wounded in action -- arrived at his door, C.O.D.?
Instead of being awarded the military honor in a formal ceremony, the vet with 29 years in the service was handed his award, and a shipping invoice, by a FedEx deliveryman outside his Sioux Falls, S.D., home.
Endless Waiting For Veteran Benefits

You would think that soldiers returning from war should quickly and easily be able to apply for the veteran benefits that they are owed.

Unfortunately, the complete opposite is the case.

As I have written about?previously, applying for veteran benefits is extremely complicated, and VA employees are actually paid bonuses for denying claims....

The truth is that we have made it extremely difficult for our military veterans to claim the benefits that we have promised them. Vets have to fill out an absurdly complicated 23 page application and if they make even one small mistake their applications can be stonewalled for years. The U.S. Veterans Administration actually has a policy under which they pay large bonuses to employees that meet certain application processing goals. This explains whyapproximately 70% of the claims?submitted to the Veterans Administration are refused or sent back to be redone. In fact, using the Freedom of Information Act,?one local NBC station?was able to learn that $250,000 was paid in bonuses to VA employees who work inside the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke, Virginia in just one year alone.?
Not only that, but a report issued by the VA's Office of Inspector General said the department issued millions of dollars in performance awards to employees nationwide over a two year period in 2007 and 2008.?
According to CNN, one retired VA official was singled out for improperly approving a very large number of bonuses and the report said that she "acted as if she was given a blank checkbook to write unlimited monetary awards."
Even if you do fill out your paperwork correctly, at best you are going to be waiting?many months?to find out if your claim is approved or not....
The average claim adjudication wait time is as few as 183 days or as many as 300, depending on who you ask. Claims processed in Oakland, Calif., the second-worst backlogged region in the nation according to a May Inspector General?s report, take nearly a year to get approved or denied. The backlog worsened in 2010 when VA Secretary Eric Shinseki added a handful of new medical conditions to the list of ailments presumed connected with exposure to the Vietnam-era herbicide Agent Orange, a move that was lauded by veterans? groups. But this month the VA officials announced they were nearing the end of processing about 230,000 retroactive Agent Orange claims. And the majority of the nearly 920,000 total claims still pending before the department remain overdue.
Many veterans feel that they would be better off sending their documents into a black hole than sending them to the VA. The level of negligence at some VA offices?is absolutely shocking....
Back in 2009, a VA office in Detroit turned in 16,000 unprocessed mail and 717 unprocessed documents that were stuck in storage and hadn?t even been looked at. Many other documents were found in shredding bins, not just in one office but in several regional offices.
The truth is that thousands upon thousands of vets that legitimately should be getting benefits are having their claims denied. Just check out the following example from a recentVeterans Today article....
In one case, we found a veteran with 40 percent of his brain removed found to be healthy and employable. He was also missing his right arm. The physician who examined him over looked the arm and failed to note the cognitive degeneration the traumatic brain injury had caused.
What in the world is wrong with us?

How can we treat our vets this way?

Horrific Economic Problems

The unemployment rate for veterans is much higher than the overall rate of unemployment, and military veterans are losing their homes at a much faster rate than the general population as well.

According?to Veterans Today, a shockingly high percentage of military families have been losing their homes since 2008....

Figures lie, some groups are counted, some are not. But the lowest figures available have one in three families, this includes active duty serving overseas, reservists and National Guard and veterans losing their homes since 2008.?
Two thirds of those are now 'split up' with at least one member listed as 'homeless.' Almost all are, according to official figures, 'living in poverty.'
200,000 Military Veterans Sleeping On The Streets Of America

The U.S. government does not prepare our vets to come back and reintegrate into society. They just kind of kick them to the curb and hope that they can find jobs.

Sadly, homeless vets will be sleeping the streets of every major U.S. city tonight. The following is from a recent article?in the Los Angeles Times....

According to the latest count by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, the number of homeless individuals in Los Angeles County dropped by 3% between 2009 and 2011. The numbers declined for all groups except one: veterans. There were 9,000 homeless veterans here in 2011, a 24% increase over 2009. And the number of chronically homeless veterans ? individuals who are homeless because of severe mental disabilities ? increased by more than 100%, from 1,243 to 2,520.?
And more are coming. California's Department of Veterans Affairs estimated in 2009 that 28,000 vets would return from Iraq and Afghanistan per year during this administration.
Overall, it is estimated that?200,000?military veterans will be sleeping on the streets of America tonight.

Say a prayer for them because they need it.

The Shocking Condition Of VA Hospitals

When wounded soldiers come home from the battlefield the U.S. government has a responsibility to take care of them properly.

Unfortunately, the truth is that many facilities for veterans are absolute hellholes. The following is from a recent articlein the Washington Post....

Behind the door of Army Spec. Jeremy Duncan's room, part of the wall is torn and hangs in the air, weighted down with black mold. When the wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can see the bathtub on the floor above through a rotted hole. The entire building, constructed between the world wars, often smells like greasy carry-out. Signs of neglect are everywhere: mouse droppings, belly-up cockroaches, stained carpets, cheap mattresses.?
This is the world of Building 18, not the kind of place where Duncan expected to recover when he was evacuated to Walter Reed Army Medical Center from Iraq last February with a broken neck and a shredded left ear, nearly dead from blood loss.
How in the world can we do this to our vets?

Today, it takes military vets an average?of seven months?to get an appointment at a VA facility.

They are not getting the care that they need, and it would be a tremendous understatement to say that the condition of many VA facilities is absolutely horrendous.

A while back, ABC News did an in-depth investigation of conditions at VA facilities across the United States. What ABC News found was absolutely shocking. The following are just a few of the things that they discoveredduring the course of their investigation.....

  • Bathrooms filthy with what appeared to be human excrement
  • Dirty linens from some patients mixed in with clean supplies
  • Examining tables that had dried blood and medications still on them
  • Equipment used to sterilize surgical instruments that had broken down
  • Some patients were forced to beg for food and water
  • Veterans that were neglected so badly that they developed horrific bedsores and dangerous infections
This is the kind of thing you would expect in a third world country, not the United States of America.

Funerals And "End Of Life Counseling"

The federal government does not seem to have much respect for veterans at the end of their lives either.

You would think that vets should be able to have the funeral services of their own choosing, but in some areas of the country the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs?has been caught?banning the words "God" and "Jesus" during funeral services for veterans.

Perhaps instead of spending their time poking their noses into funeral services they should spend their time processing some of those backlogged claims for veteran benefits.

And the "end of life counseling" that many veterans are receiving is extremely disrespectful as well. The following is from an article?in the Wall Street Journal?that described the kind of "end of life counseling" that the federal government provides veterans....

'Your Life, Your Choices' presents end-of-life choices in a way aimed at steering users toward predetermined conclusions, much like a political 'push poll.' For example, a worksheet on page 21 lists various scenarios and asks users to then decide whether their own life would be 'not worth living.'?
The circumstances listed include ones common among the elderly and disabled: living in a nursing home, being in a wheelchair and not being able to 'shake the blues.' There is a section which provocatively asks, "Have you ever heard anyone say, 'If I'm a vegetable, pull the plug'?" There also are guilt-inducing scenarios such as "I can no longer contribute to my family's well being," "I am a severe financial burden on my family" and that the vet's situation "causes severe emotional burden for my family."?
When the government can steer vulnerable individuals to conclude for themselves that life is not worth living, who needs a death panel?
The Obama Administration Has Labeled Military Veterans As "Potential Terrorists"

On top of everything else, the Department of Homeland Security has labeled military veterans as?potential terrorists.

The following is a quote from a DHS report entitled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment"....

The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
Sadly, this kind of philosophy is not just reflected in policy papers. Now we are actually starting to see military veterans rounded up and shipped off to mental institutions for "evaluation" if they express views that the government does not like.

For example, you have probably already heard about the?Brandon Raub?case by now. Brandon Raub is a 26-year-old military veteran who was forcibly detained by the local police, the FBI and the Secret Service on August 16th. He was shipped off to a psychiatric facility because of song lyrics and political views that he had posted on his Facebook page.

Thankfully, the Rutherford Institute agreed to defend him and he was released a few days ago.

But if he had not had a really good lawyer he could have been rotting in a mental institution for years.

Unfortunately this does not appear to be an isolated incident.

Just check out the following example from a recent article?by Paul Joseph Watson....

Radio host Steve Quayle?was sent news?of an Army combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient in west central Ohio who was the victim of a police raid on the evening of August 22nd during which Miami County Ohio Sheriff?s deputies executed a search warrant to seize the man?s firearms for the 'safety of the defendant and the general public,' according to the warrant.?
The veteran, who is currently unnamed, had his guns taken because he was adjudged to be mentally incompetent, despite the fact that his previous VA psychiatric evaluations were all clear, he is not on medication, and he had no criminal record. The man appears to be a respected member of the community ? he works for a Christian company and his father is a police officer and a pastor.
Once a military vet is determined to be "mentally ill", he or she can be rounded up by the authorities at any time.

And tons of vets are being labeled as mentally ill these days. In fact, one study discovered that approximately?one-third?of all military veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq were officially determined to be mentally ill.

It is very dangerous to be a military veteran these days.

So why should anyone volunteer to be in the military at this point?

It has become abundantly clear that the federal government is not on the side of veterans.

The federal government wants lots of warm bodies to throw into battle, but when those bodies get broken the government is not there to pick up the pieces.

How we treat our veterans is a national disgrace.

Wake up America.


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Pursued by God: Friendships: Part 1

Looking back on the friendships of my past, they were often marked by great happiness and conversely, great sadness and pain; sometimes in rapid succession. ?The happiness was in spending time with a friend who's mere presence can brighten my mood and give me a sense of being loved and accepted. ?Sadness and pain upon the realization that the label "close friend" or "good friend" seems to have a totally different meaning to me than it does for so many others.

"Love does not give up on people when they are struggling. It does not give in to despair in the face of extreme difficulty. It does not declare that someone?s heart can never change or that a broken community can never be healed. Love hopes all things. Understand that whenever we give up hope, this is really a failure to love, because love hopes."

I suppose it would help if I clarified my ideas of what types of friendships I have experienced. ?First, "friend" is not a label that I throw around loosely. ? I try to be realistic in identifying the type of relationships I have with people. ?For the most part, I don't consider co-workers to be friends. ?With few exceptions, I always look at them as acquaintances. ?I would also apply the acquaintance label to most people I socialized with at certain places such as bars. ?These were people with whom my contact was limited to certain times or places. ?If I removed myself from those places, whether it be the bar, work, or even church, I would not necessarily maintain contact with them or continue on in any type of relationship. ?They are all relationships that are conditional on some factor other than a mutual, voluntary choice to have someone be a part of your life.
" does not rejoice at wrongdoing. ?It delights not? wrote Henry Drummond, ?in exposing the weakness of others.? ?What love does instead is to ?rejoice with the truth.?
When a relationship rose to the level of friendship, my level of commitment to the person changed. ?I pursued a variety of activities and socialization with them. ?This would include experiencing things that they were interested in as well as them being involved with things that interested me. ?The level of personal sharing increased - maybe a certain level of emotional intimacy marked by a willingness to risk vulnerability. ?If things progressed and the friendship seemed to be growing, I guess at least in my own head, it would reach a point where I would consider the other person a close or good friend. ?This would typically be someone I would ?assume I could count on to be there for me in times of need, and someone who's own needs I would focus greatly on. ?In fact, I would often be willing to put in more effort in addressing the needs of a good friend than I would addressing my own. ?What invariably would occur when I reached this level of friendship with another man were recurring doubts about the friendship. ?These doubts and insecurities would often result in anger, depression, disappointment, and temporary withdrawal from the friend. ?I would find myself feeling that the person did not truly like me; that what I perceived as friendship was nothing more than their "using" me for some personal gain; as if they allowed me to think I was their friend in order to profit from me in some way. ?Recurring thoughts would creep up that this "friend" really doesn't want to get to know me, and in fact doesn't even really like me; that they have some ulterior motive.

"If we are easily provoked, if we tend to get angry in the wrong way about the wrong things, and if our anger is out of proportion to the situation, this is clear evidence of a loveless heart."

I think many of these feelings would arise due to having some sort of sense of inadequacies as a person. ?I often felt that if friends really knew me, their is no way that they would still want to have a relationship with me. ?And looking back on these past friendships, it is probably likely that I let very few people know the real me. ?In many cases, I fabricated, exaggerated, or minimized certain aspects of myself in order to be more likeable. ?I would also tend to rush into doing things for others. ?I searched for ways in which I could use what I felt were my strengths as a means to address or fill needs they had. ?I determined those "needs" of theirs through my perceptions of what I thought their weaknesses were. ?This was surely a means of making myself more valuable to my friend and my exploitation of their weaknesses were desperate attempts to draw them closer to manipulate them into friendship because it was what I wanted. ?In many respects, I was driven so intensely to find closeness with other guys that I would force that closeness in any way that I could. ?I was often impatient in allowing relationships to develop on their if it is was only by proving myself useful that anyone would ever be drawn into a mutual friendship with me. ?In effect, that seeing me as I really am would draw no one toward closeness with me. ?At times I even used sex as a tool to create a sense of being close to them - in a way that through bringing them pleasure through that sexual act I would further draw them to me and it would be some sort of intimate secret that we shared; perhaps thinking that these shared experiences made for greater closeness.

"this is something else that love does: it trusts God to provide what is needed."

Oftentimes, I would be in a constant state of analyzing the relationship to determine just how stable it was and if their were any impending threats to it on the horizon. ?This fear of losing the friend would often lead to behavior that could best be described as needy or clingy. ?In the fear of losing someone important to me, I would grab on as tight as I could and ironically this only served to push the person further away. ?This fear that caused me to hold tight to the friend clearly demonstrated the need for love I felt, yet at the same time displayed a certain selfishness by it's attempts to control another person, rather than respect their right to choose their own friends as well.

"...the real issue for most of us is that we always want to place limits on our love. We are ready to give, but only when we have something left over. We are willing to care as long as it isn?t too inconvenient. We are able to love provided that people love us back."
I don't know to what extent same sex attraction played a role in this behavior. ?I think more likely, alongside my struggles with homosexuality, this intense need to feel close to other men has it's roots in my childhood and my experiences with my father. ?Likely their are other factors at play too.
"God even gives us the grace to go back to people who throw our love away and love them all over again."
Since coming to faith a couple years ago I have felt that this aspect of my life has improved greatly. ?The old ?attempts at manipulation through sex were pretty easy to leave behind. ?I am far less dependent on friends when it comes to my own feelings of self-worth and security. ?My need for other people - particularly men - to meet certain needs is still very real, however it has clearly diminished as my reliance on Christ has increased. ?It is far more difficult to feel inadequate and unlovable when you trust in God's love for you! ?I have recently gotten to the point of confidence in myself through what God tells me I am in Christ. ?While far from perfect, I've seemed to reach a level, at least in my own mind, of being in the process of developing healthy relationships with other men. ?I don't feel those same desires to manipulate people into friendship with me. ?The only friendships I desire at this point are from other people who freely chose to have a presence in my life; and base that decision on the facts - not on a "me" that is made up or contrived. ?I'm getting tired of hearing and saying the word "transparency", but at the same time I think it is important for me to be authentic with others. ?I spent too many years forcing friendships based on my desire to have certain people as a friend, and now it seems right to allow friendships to develop based on the other persons choice to be in relationship with me. ?It is a letting go of control over situations and people and putting trust in the Lord to meet my needs for companionship and love in the way that He see's best. ?My way has never worked well, and at this point I find myself at the place where my life in this world is likely more than half over, and I have very few friends to show for all of my misguided efforts.
"God will make sure that everything turns out right in the end. So love keeps on waiting and waiting for the day when God will wipe away all our tears."

I wanted to give a general overview of my experiences with friendship with this post so I added "Part 1" to the title. ?I don't know how many "parts" this Friendship series will end up having, but I feel like I have a lot I want to say regarding friendship; how it relates to the person with same sex attraction, and how I feel that the growing awareness of homosexuality over the past century has really damaged the ability of men to be in close, loving, non-sexual, Biblical relationships with each other out of fear of being labeled as "gay". ?I also want to write about the interaction between our calling to be a brother and how it applies to our friendships. ?Additionally, I have recently had an experience which has caused me some serious doubts and disappointment about the progress I have made in developing healthy friendships and I may incorporate that into a part 2 or 3 as well.

The quotes that you see throughout this post come from the book "Loving The Way Jesus Loves", by Phil Ryken. ?I HIGHLY recommend it! ?While these quotes I chose aren't directly related to friendship, this book has had a significant impact on how I view others around me, and has certainly helped me in overriding my often unhealthy emotional kind of love with a more Biblically directed love for others.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

2012 College Football expert predictions

It?s finally here. College Football!!!!!! The marquee matchup tonight is South Carolina at Vandy, but there are a handful of other games tomorrow. Tomorrow night we get Boise St. versus Michigan State, then on Saturday there?s a full slate of College Football.

What would a football season be without TVF sharing our predictions (as ridiculous as they may be). With the season kickoff just a few hours away, the esteemed writers here at TVF have made our picks. Some of our predictions will come to fruition, most of them will not. Some of them will garner laughter. We?ll just have to watch the games and see what happens. And without further ado, here are the picks that will surely all be wrong by Halloween.

The ACC has several picks for FSU, Va Tech, and Clemson. Pretty standard predictions by any means. The real question is whether or not FSU is truly back on a national level. I say yes, having them reach the BCS Title Game (come on, that schedule is a joke). Everyone else disagrees.

The Big 10, much like the ACC, has picks scattered. Michigan State, Michigan, and Wisconsin all garnered multiple votes. And for some reason, Nebraska earned one vote (really, cbh?). Almost everyone went with the favored Sooners in the Big 12, but give extra credit to Hawkeye and JP for their completely random picks. Pac 12 and SEC picks are as close to unanimous as the group got, heavily favoring USC and Alabama. Those two teams are also picked by most of us to reach the BCS Title game. It?s worthy to note that I?m the only writer who picked a school other than USC, Bama, or LSU to win the title. Maybe I?m just that dumb.

The fun predictions! Barkley?s the heavy favorite for the Heisman. No shock there. But patphish should be heavily criticized for picking a top 10 team as ?surprisingly good.? Georgia is the popular pick to suck this season, getting 3 picks. However, I question if that?s truly a surprise. Georgia screams mediocrity, pretty much every year. All that being said, feel free to share your own predictions or mock ours in the comments.


Watsonian is Michigan born and raised but has lived on the North Side of Chicago for the last eight years. He roots for all things Detroit (/pours one out for the Shock) and Michigan State. You can e-mail him at

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Enlisting the AIDS virus to fight cancer

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? Can HIV be transformed into a biotechnological tool for improving human health? According to a CNRS team at the Architecture et R?activit? de l'ARN (RNA Architecture and Reactivity) laboratory, the answer is yes. Taking advantage of the HIV replication machinery, the researchers have been able to select a specific mutant protein. Added to a culture of tumor cells in combination with an anticancer drug, this protein improves the effectiveness of the treatment at 1/300 the normal dosage levels.

Published in PLoS Genetics on 23 August 2012, these findings could lead to long-term therapeutic applications in the treatment of cancer and other pathologies.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, uses human cell material to multiply, primarily by inserting its genetic material into the host cells' genome. The distinctive characteristic of HIV is that it mutates constantly, and consequently generates several mutant proteins (or variants) in the course of its successive multiplications. This phenomenon allows the virus to adapt to repeated environmental changes and resist the antiviral treatments that have been developed so far.

At the IBMC (Institut de Biologie Mol?culaire et Cellulaire) in Strasbourg, the researchers of the CNRS Architecture et R?activit? de l'ARN laboratory had the idea of using this multiplication strategy to rechannel the effects of the virus for therapeutic purposes, in particular the treatment of cancer.

They first altered the HIV genome by introducing a human gene that is found in all cells: the gene for deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), a protein that activates anticancer drugs (2). Researchers have been trying to produce a more effective form of dCK for several years. Through HIV multiplication, the CNRS team has selected a "library" of nearly 80 mutant proteins and tested them on tumor cells in the presence of an anticancer drug. The results have enabled them to identify a dCK variant that is more effective than the wild-type (non-mutated) protein, inducing the death of tumor cells in culture. In combination with this protein, the anticancer drugs showed identical effectiveness at 1/300 the dose. The possibility of reducing the doses of anticancer drugs would palliate the problems posed by their components' toxicity, reduce their side effects and, most importantly, improve their effectiveness.

One advantage of this experimental technique is that the mutant proteins were tested directly on cells in culture. The next step in the years to come will be preclinical (animal) studies on the isolated mutant protein. In addition, this experimental system using a normally life-threatening virus is likely to lead to a great many other therapeutic applications.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by CNRS (D?l?gation Paris Michel-Ange).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Rossolillo P., Winter F., Simon-Loriere E., Gallois-Montbrun S. and Negroni M. Retrovolution: HIV-driven Evolution of Cellular Genes and Improvement of Anticancer Drug Activation. PLoS Genetics, 23 August 2012

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

MIH Product Reviews and Giveaways: Cornelia Guest's Simple ...

I was sent over a copy of Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining for review. This book is a vegan cookbook with wholesome food?recipes as well as a guide to entertaining with simplicity. In?Simple Pleasures,?the recipes?are organized by seasons. Each section contains recipes for drinks, soups, salads, pastas, side dishes, main courses and desserts. Now we are not vegan, but I do enjoy cookbooks of all kinds and am happy to try out new recipes. This book is delightful, informative with all Cornelia's tips, personal stories and full of recipes.

kale chips

I made her baked Kale Chips (pg. 201) and her Avocado Chive Dip (pg. 91). Oh man was that avocado dip delicious! It has avocados, nondairy sour cream (I used reg. light), chives, lemon juice, salt and pepper. It makes a wonderful veggie dip, so creamy. I'll be making that more often.

We have never had kale chips before so I had to try them. They're easy to make and thankfully all 3 of my kiddos wanted to try them! I caught our reactions on video:

Well, we?weren't huge fans lol. I liked the saltiness of them, but they sort of just crumble as you try to take a bite, very delicate. They reminded us of roasted brussels sprouts, which we do like.

Avocado Chive Dip

I also get to share two recipes of Cornelia's for Grilled Corn and Avocado Salad and Zucchini Blossoms Stu?ed with Amaranth.

Zucchini Blossoms Stu?ed with Amaranth
By Cornelia Guest,
Author of Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining

Serves 4
Total time: 45 minutes

Zucchini blossoms are so beautiful. This is so easy to make, and your friends will be very impressed. You can make the stuffing the day before so you can enjoy your friends, stuff the blossoms and have a great lunch. Amaranth is a gooey grain that works well as a stuffing. I serve this dish with iced tea with mint or a crisp white wine. Fresh tomatoes go well with the squash blossoms.

3 cups amaranth
1 medium onion
3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
2 zucchini
1 small eggplant (you want to end up with 1-1/2 cups after its is cooked)
1 garlic clove
4 large blossoms per serving
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley

1. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil and add amaranth. Simmer and cook until water is absorbed, approximately 20 to 25 minutes.

2. Quarter the onion and cook in 1 tablespoon olive oil for 30 minutes over medium heat until caramelized.

3. Dice zucchini and saut? in 1 tablespoon olive oil until soft, approximately 5 to 7 minutes.

4. Dice eggplant and garlic and saut? in 1 tablespoon olive oil for 10 minutes.

5. Mix the cooked vegetables with the amaranth and add parsley. Fill the squash blossoms with the mixture. Serve at room temperature.

The above is an excerpt from the book Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining by Cornelia Guest. The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.

? 2012 Cornelia Guest, author of Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining


Grilled Corn and Avocado Salad
By Cornelia Guest,
Author of Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining

Serves 6
Total time: 25 minutes

There is nothing like sweet summer corn. This pairing is smooth and crunchy, colorful, and totally delicious.

4 ears of corn, shucked
1 avocado, sliced
? cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
? teaspoon coarse sea salt

1. Heat a grill to medium-high. Grill corn, rotating often, until lightly charred, about 15 minutes

2. Let cool slightly. Carefully cut kernels from cobs.

3. Gently toss corn kernels with avocado, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, and salt. Serve right away.

The above is an excerpt from the book Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining by Cornelia Guest. The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.

? 2012 Cornelia Guest, author of Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining

Author Bio
Cornelia Guest, author of Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining, is an activist, philanthropist, and businesswoman. In 2009, she founded Cornelia Guest Events and Cornelia Guest Cookies, catering charity and entertainment events with healthy, delicious vegan food. She is launching her own line of animal-friendly handbags, wallets, and dog accessories made with a vegan alternative to leather. She lives in New York.

For more information please visit, and follow the author on Facebook and Twitter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure* I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures. The product(s) + giveaways in this review were provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting my review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.?Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co.


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Eyeless Australian fish have closest relatives in Madagascar

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? A team of researchers from Louisiana State University and the American Museum of Natural History has discovered that two groups of blind cave fishes on opposite sides of the Indian Ocean are each other's closest relatives. Through comprehensive DNA analysis, the researchers determined that these eyeless fishes, one group from Madagascar and the other from similar subterranean habitats in Australia, descended from a common ancestor before being separated by continental drift nearly 100 million years ago. Their study, which appears in the journal PLoS ONE this week, also identifies new species that add to existing biological evidence for the existence of Gondwana, a prehistoric supercontinent that was part of Pangaea and contained all of today's southern continents.

"This is the first time that a taxonomically robust study has shown that blind cave vertebrates on either side of an ocean are each other's closest relatives," said Prosanta Chakrabarty, an assistant professor and curator of fishes at Louisiana State University's Museum of Natural Science. "This is a great example of biology informing geology. Often, that's how things work. These animals have no eyes and live in isolated freshwater caves, so it is highly unlikely they could have crossed oceans to inhabit new environments."

The cave fishes, of the genus Typhleotris in Madagascar and Milyeringa in Australia, are small -- less than 100 millimeters long -- and usually lack pigment, a substance that gives an organism its color and also provides protection from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. These characteristics, coupled with a lack of eyes and enhanced sensory capabilities, allow cave fishes to survive in complete darkness. For this reason, the fishes have very restricted distributions within isolated limestone caves. It's also why the newfound genetic relationship between the trans-oceanic groups is an exciting geological find.

"The sister-group relationship between cavefishes from Madagascar and Australia is a remarkable example of Gondwanan vicariance -- a geographical split dating back to the Late Cretaceous some 100 million years ago," said John Sparks, a curator in the Division of Vertebrate Zoology at the American Museum of Natural History. "The interesting thing about Madagascar's extant freshwater fish groups, with the exception of a single species, is that all exhibit relationship patterns that are in time with the Mesozoic breakup of Gondwana -- some are related to groups in India/Sri Lanka, and others to groups in Australia. Only a single freshwater species has its closest relative in nearby Africa."

One of the new species discovered by the researchers, which will be named in a future publication, is a novelty among cave fishes because it is fully and darkly pigmented. The analysis the researchers conducted for this fish's tree of life shows that it evolved from a pigment-free ancestor, indicating that some subterranean forms can "reverse" themselves for this character.

"It is generally thought that cave organisms are unable to evolve to live in other environments," Sparks said. "Our results, and the fact that we have recently discovered new cave fish species in both Madagascar and Australia belonging to these genera, are intriguing from another perspective: they show that caves are not so-called 'evolutionary dead ends.'"

Funding for the research expedition was provided by the Constantine S. Niarchos Expedition Fund, established by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation to support the research of museum curators around the globe. This particular expedition turned into more of an adventure than the group was planning -- in fact, one of the new species has been given a moniker that means "big sickness" in Malagasy because of the dangers the team incurred while searching for specimens in this dry, inhospitable region of Madagascar.

"Only two specimens of the new pigmented form were recovered from the first cave we searched in Madagascar, despite the fact that we spent hours in this sinkhole," said Chakrabarty. "Even the locals hadn't been inside of it before."

Because remote locales with caving opportunities exist all over the world, the researchers are eager to pursue other opportunities for discovery.

"Conducting this research really developed my love for caving," said Chakrabarty. "You don't always find something exciting. But, when you consider how isolated many of these caves are, especially in places like Madagascar, and how unaffected they have been by the passage of time, you know that the fish in there are going to tell a really good story."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Museum of Natural History, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Prosanta Chakrabarty, Matthew P. Davis, John S. Sparks. The First Record of a Trans-Oceanic Sister-Group Relationship between Obligate Vertebrate Troglobites. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (8): e44083 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044083

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Man at RNC protest camp arrested for battery

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? A man staying at a makeshift protest camp near the Republican National Convention has been arrested and charged with armed battery on a fellow camper.

Tampa Police say 24-year-old Dante M. Sea was charged with aggravated battery Tuesday after he hit 60-year-old Eddie Thomas and broke Thomas' jaw.

Police say Thomas was staying in a shed in back of a military surplus store and Sea was sleeping in a tent on the same property, where protesters have set up a makeshift camp they call "Romneyville."

Police say Sea took a piece of cardboard from Thomas' shed and that prompted the fight.

It was not immediately clear if Sea had an attorney.

Earlier Tuesday, police broke up a scuffle between anti-GOP protesters and Kansas-based church members who often picket soldiers' funerals.


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We must desire to check at traditional faculties and let us ship our kids there. It?s as a result of being around other people of our age or completely different ages provides us the chance to socialize and study not solely from the internet or books but from the society and from life. We might additionally study other things that are necessary to schooling equivalent to research skills. On-line education or any type of expertise-based mostly training is convenient. Nonetheless, allow us to not threat quality. Lengthy-time period objectives must always be prioritized.

Cover image: Lively Black Gap Squashes Star Formation. New information from the Herschel Space Observatory shows that galaxies with probably the most highly effective, active, supermassive black holes at their cores produce fewer stars than galaxies with less ones.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Signs of Skin Cancer: Prevent Skin Cancer

If you don't know by now: Wear Your Sunscreen! Suncreen with SPF 15 or higher can significantly reduce the possibility of melanomas, the malignant tumors that contribute to skin cancer. The good news is that melanomas, when recognized and treated early, are almost 100% curable. The big problem with malignant melanomas lies in their being ignored, undetected or untreated, causing the cancer to spread elsewhere in the body. In 2007, the United States population is estimated at encountering close to 60,000 new instances of melanoma, according to the American Cancer Society.

Self-examination is the best way to combat these melanomas. Your Dermatologist can provide professional care annually and instruct you on how to competently check your body for melanomas. These self-exams should be performed monthly, looking out for two kinds of moles, normal moles (round, brown blemishes or "beauty marks") and dysplastic nevi (atypical moles). If there is a history of melanoma in your family, you are at a greater risk for skin cancer. There are three main types of skin cancer; basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Self-examination gives you a higher chance of catching unusual moles and potentially saving your life. If, upon examining, you find any moles that are raised, bleeding, oddly shaped or different than the last time you checked them, see your Dermatologist immediately. A good rule of thumb is to follow the skin cancer ABCDE rule.

A- asymmetry: look for abnormalities in symmetry - does it look the same on both sides?

B-border: blurry, uneven or rough edges in an early melanoma

C- color- multi colored moles or moles that have changed color. Moles can range from brown, black, tan, red, white, blue, pink, purple or gray.

D- diameter- Melanomas are typically larger than your average mole, about the size of a pencil eraser or larger than 1-4 " in diameter.

E- Elevation/Evolving- any mole that has an uneven surface, is raised or changes in color, shape or size should be brought to your doctor's attention. Additionally, bleeding, scabbing or itching are also warning signs of potential melanoma.

Men and women should pay close attention to areas of the body that are repeatedly exposed to the most sun including the chest, neck, tips of the ears, face, hands, back and lower legs, forearms and shoulders. Dangerous UVA and UVB rays from the sun and repeated exposure to these rays can effectuate skin cancer. If you live in a very sunny climate, like Australia, Arizona or Florida you are at a higher risk for skin cancer. If you have experienced major sunburns as a child, this can also be a contributing factor. It is very important to shield yourself from the sun with protective clothing, high SPF sunscreen (15, 30 or higher) and wear it on your face daily. Even in Winter! If you have pale skin, are susceptible to sunburns, have light-colored eyes, work outside in the sun often, use tanning booths, or have many existing moles you are at a higher risk of contracting skin cancer. People who have had chemotherapy or diseases such as HIV, lymphoma or other immune system destructive diseases are also at a higher risk for melanoma.


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week:'{week}', dayClickable:'{date}', dayCurrent:'{date}', dayNone:'', day:'{date}', search:'' }, // Stored objects $container = $(loc), now = new Date(), current = now, minDate = new Date('12/5/2007'), station = wng_pageInfo.affiliateName||'kotv', months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], monthLengths = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], // Helper methods renderTemplate = function(tpl, vars) { var retVal = templates[tpl]; if (typeof(retVal) === 'string') { for (var i in vars) { var regEx = new RegExp('\{' + i + '\}', 'g'); retVal = retVal.replace(regEx, vars[i]); } } else { retVal = null; } return retVal; }, // Renderers makeCalendar = function(date) { // Copy the date to a new object (so as not to overwrite the original) and set us to the beginning of the month date = new Date(date); date.setDate(1); current = date; var month = date.getMonth(), year = date.getFullYear(), firstDay = date.getDay(), out = '', days = '', colCount = 0, monthLength = monthLengths[month] + (month == 1 && year % 4 == 0 ? 2 : 1); // Figure up the month length taking into consideration leap years. Not accurate to 100+ years // Render the days before the start of the month if necessary for (var i = 0; i = minDate) { tpl = 'dayClickable'; } days += renderTemplate(tpl, {date:i}); colCount++; if (colCount % 7 == 0) { out += renderTemplate('week', {week:days}); days = ''; } } // Tack on the last week if (days != '') { out += renderTemplate('week', {week:days}); } // Render to the DOM out = renderTemplate('calendar', {days:out}); out = renderTemplate('controls', {month:months[month], year:year}) + out +; $container.html(out); // Determine whether the previous/next buttons should be shown date.setDate(1); if (date 12) { month = 1; year++; } makeCalendar(new Date(month + '/1/' + year)); } }, // Init init = function() { $container.addClass('gnmCalendar'); makeCalendar(now); }; init(); };


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Real Estate Buying Tips That Anyone Can Follow | Marathon Fl ...

If real estate is a new thing for you, you need to learn a few things before considering buying anything. This article will demonstrate several straightforward tips for new real estate buyers.

If you are thinking about moving, you may want to research the neighborhoods of properties you are interested in online. Lots of information about neighborhoods can be found online. Even extremely tiny towns have information available online. Make sure that you can live comfortably in a town by researching the population, unemployment rate and salary ranges.

If you are purchasing a home, employ your own professional services. It?s tempting and easier to go with a house inspector and appraiser chosen by the seller. No one wants to pay money when they don?t have to. Nevertheless, you can benefit greatly from hiring your own professionals who are trustworthy and will be working for your best interests. If you are sure you get the truth from the beginning, you can save yourself a lot of money and stress later on.

Know what kinds of housing to expect in the neighborhood you are hoping to move to. You should be knowledgeable of this, because it is in your interest to avoid buying the best and most expensive house in the area. Though that might be tempting, it?s not usually possible to retain the value on a home that is priced higher than those in the surrounding area, especially when the other houses nearby have much lower size, improvements and value.

Before you go house hunting, check out your credit report. Go through the details of your credit history and report all matters that are worthy of note. You want to ensure that you have the best credit possible when applying for a home, you can help yourself secure a mortgage by doing this.

Never buy real estate without getting the property inspected first. You don?t want to discover after you buy that your house needs a lot of renovating. Not only will this cost a lot, you might need to change your living situation until it?s fixed.

Real estate agents should keep in contact with former clients over the holidays and on the anniversaries of their home-buying. By keeping in touch, you will remain in the client?s mind for helpfulness when they think about their own real estate experience. End your message by reminding them you work on a referral basis, and ask them if they would be willing to refer you to their friends.

The information that has been provided in this article should have taught you that purchasing a new property may not be as difficult as you thought if you choose to do proper research and are prepared. Using these tips, you may purchase property smarter.

For help finding Marathon Fl homes for sale contact Rick Servais at



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Lexibook kids-tablet coming to the US, makes fifth-graders dream of an Aakash


French educational tech maker Lexibook is bringing its eponymous kiddy-tablet to the US from next month. It's not talking specs or price, but we're expecting it to be close to the Lexibook First currently available in Europe. The seven-inch slate packs a 600MHz processor, 256MB RAM, 4GB storage (expandable to 16GB with an microSD card), parental controls and 802.11 b/g WiFi. The FroYo-running device retails for £150 ($237) over the pond, but if the company tries something similar over here, we suspect people might plump for something a little more powerful, or less expensive, or both.

Continue reading Lexibook kids-tablet coming to the US, makes fifth-graders dream of an Aakash

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Toads Drink Coffee: Kale Salad

This week we received a bundle of Curly Kale in our CSA box along with a recipe from Hannah for kale salad. Denis isn?t a big fan of kale, and I mostly like the idea of it more than the actual thing. However, I try to be a fan because? kale is full of vitamins and powerful anti-cancer properties and many other things that are GOOD for you, dear. Perhaps I?m late to the table, but I have found two surprising new ways to actually enjoy it as food, not medicine. I?ve made lots of kale chips this summer. Easy. Cut off stems and slice up the sides of the larger ribs, discard, cut or tear the remaining leaf into 2 inch squares. Toss in a bowl with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Optional: grate on a little parmesan cheese. Spread on a cookie sheet and bake at 300 degrees for 20 minutes or until crunchy. They will turn dark.? Store in a zip-lock bag to keep crisp.

The other new way to serve is as a salad which retains all its raw goodness. Honest, this could make a kale-lover out of the most picky critic. With friends for dinner the other night, I made this and not a bite was left over. In the past, I?ve tried it as a salad and it just didn?t work. Too tough and had a bitter flavor. But this was fabulous. You should try it.

Raw Tuscan Salad

1 bunch Tuscan kale (This is a more tender variety, but others can be substituted.)

? c homemade garlic bread crumbs

1 clove garlic

? c finely grated pecorino (or other sharp cheese such as asiago or parmesan)

3 T olive oil

Fresh squeezed juice of 1 lemon (I used a lime)

? t kosher salt

Fresh ground pepper, to taste

Trim lower stem and larger ribs off kale and discard. Slice kale into ? wide ribbons. Place kale in large bowl. Using a mortar and pestle or back of a knife, pound garlic into a paste. Transfer garlic to a small bowl. Add ? cup chees, oil, juice, etc. Whisk to combine. Pour dressing over kale and toss very well to coat leaves. Let salad sit for 5 minutes, serve topped with a few more bread crumbs, another dash of olive oil, and a sprinkle of additional cheese.


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Ethiopia readies state funeral for Meles Zenawi

Ethiopia will hold a state funeral for late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who died Monday after 21 years in power, with regional heads of state expected to attend, officials said Saturday.

During the funeral, to be held on September 2, a procession will convene at Addis Ababa's Meskel Square, a vast space in the centre of the city often used for public rallies, and proceed with the coffin to the National Palace.

"It will go from Meskel Square to the palace," said State Minister of Foreign Affairs Berhane Gebre-Christos told reporters.

Several African heads of state are expected to attend, including Rwandan President Paul Kagame, Uganda's Yoweri Museveni, Mwai Kibaki of Kenya and Salva Kiir of South Sudan, according to their respective ambassadors, who met Friday with Berhane to pay their respects.

It is not yet known where Meles -- a former Marxist rebel brought up in the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian tradition -- will be buried.

Former Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie was buried in 2000 at Addis Ababa's Trinity Church, 25 years after being killed during the dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam and his remains stashed in a palace toilet.

Officials could not confirm whether Meles would also be buried in Trinity Church.

Thousands of people gathered at the National Palace this week to view Meles's casket, draped in an Ethiopian flag and surrounded by bunches of flowers and a portrait of the late leader.

Mourners wailed and fell to the ground as they passed the coffin, which rests at the top of a set of carpeted stairs in the palace grounds.

Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn is expected to be sworn into office to replace Meles at an emergency session of parliament, which could happen "at any time" according to government spokesman Bereket Simon.

A parliamentary meeting to swear in Hailemariam was scheduled to take place on Wednesday but cancelled in order to give the nation a chance to mourn Meles, Bereket said.

"The only thing we are waiting is for the right time, the party has to lead this massive and overwhelming outpouring of Ethiopian people to the streets to express their condolence," Bereket said.

Mengistu, toppled by Meles in 1991, still lives in comfortable exile in Zimbabwe.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cuba campaign takes on 'free' health care

Cuba's system of free medical care, long considered a birthright by its citizens and trumpeted as one of the communist government's great successes, is not immune to cutbacks under Raul Castro's drive for efficiency.

The health sector has already endured millions of dollars in budget cuts and tens of thousands of layoffs, and it became clear this month that Castro is looking for more ways to save when the newspaper voice of the Communist Party, Granma, published daily details for two weeks on how much the government spends on everything from anesthetics and acupuncture to orthodontics and organ transplants.

It's part of a wider media campaign that seems geared to discourage frivolous use of medical services, to explain or blunt fears of a drop-off in care and to remind Cubans to be grateful that health care is still free despite persistent economic woes. But it's also raising the eyebrows of outside analysts, who predict further cuts or significant changes to what has been a pillar of the socialist system implanted after the 1959 revolution.

"Very often the media has been a leading indicator of where the economic reforms are going," said Phil Peters, a longtime Cuba observer at the Lexington Institute think tank. "My guess is that there's some kind of policy statement to follow, because that's been the pattern."

The theme of the Granma pieces, posters in clinics and ads on state TV is the same: "Your health care is free, but how much does it cost?"

The answer is, not much by outside standards, but quite a bit for Cuba, which spends $190 million a year paying for its citizens' medical bills.

Based on the official exchange rate, the government spends $2 each time a Cuban visits a family doctor, $4.14 for each X-ray and $6,827 for a heart transplant.

It's not a luxury service though. Scarcities now are common and sanitary conditions fall short of the ideal in decaying facilities where paint peels from the walls. Patients often bring their own bed sheets, electric fans, food and water for hospital stays.

One Havana-based clinical physician applauded the campaign, saying it targets a pervasive problem: Conditioned to think about health as an inalienable right, many Cubans rush to the hospital whenever they come down with a cough or the sniffles, demand expensive tests before they've even been examined and sometimes get aggressive if doctors refuse.

"Respect for doctors has entirely been lost," he said. "Some will indulge a patient for fear of how they might react."

The physician spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss health care with a foreign journalist. Interview requests were not granted by the Health Ministry, though a spokeswoman said in a brief email response that the costs in Granma were the result of careful study.

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The fact that the figures were published at all suggests a sea change in conceptions about health care, said Nancy Burke, director of the Cuba Program in Health Diplomacy at the University of California, San Francisco.

"It's interesting that the health care system, which has always been touted as a basic human right, is now being put into market terms," said Burke, a medical anthropologist who makes yearly research trips to Cuba. "That says so much about Raul's market reforms and the ideology ... informing that. It's a real shift, a major shift in the way of thinking about health care."

She noted that the island's doctors are increasingly cash cows for Cuba as it sends them abroad to treat the poor in countries such as Venezuela. The international missions fulfill a humanitarian purpose but also offset a significant share of the $28.5 billion in cash and subsidized oil that the South American nation has sent Cuba since 2005, according to Venezuelan opposition lawmaker Julio Borges, who says he uses public records to track the figure.

To cut costs in Cuba, state media have urged doctors to use their "clinical eye" before ordering pricey lab tests, and target the practice of people stockpiling medicine to carry them through shortages.

In one TV spot, a woman visits a doctor and requests a long list of pills. Asked why she needs so many, she replies: "Oh, doctor, it's for my personal stash."

"I stop cold when I see that, not knowing whether to laugh or cry," blogger Greter Torres Vazquez wrote on a Cuban youth-issues website. "Maybe they've never had the experience of going to the pharmacy and asking for medicine that their aunt, their grandmother, their mother needs urgently, only for the worker to say 'Sorry, we ran out five minutes ago.'"

Some seized on the campaign to complain about corruption in hospitals.

"They should also publish the miserable salary that doctors get paid; that's an embarrassment," said Maria Soto, a 62-year-old Havana resident. "And it's serious, because it leads to the problems everyone knows about: You get bad service or, even worse, they charge you under the table."

Cuban authorities continuously brag about keeping health care free and universal despite its lightweight economy and the 50-year-old U.S. embargo.

Experts credit the government's emphasis on prevention and doctor-patient relationships for life expectancy and infant mortality rates that are on par with those of wealthy nations. Medical schools churn out huge graduating classes; every last one of Cuba's 11 million citizens is supposed to get a house call at least once a year.

Charging for care would be a dramatic and unlikely about-face, but with 15 percent of the budget devoted to health, Havana sees no choice but to make the system more efficient wherever it can.

After steadily rising over five decades to hit $206 million in 2009, health spending has dropped, slipping to $190 million last year, according to government figures. Officials hint at more cuts to come.

These days, authorities rail against "irrational expenses" and have slashed more than 50,000 less-skilled health-sector jobs, singling out overstaffed clinics and ambulances with multiple drivers.

Some Cubans say hospital wait times seem to be on the rise and medicine, equipment and soap are increasingly in short supply.

The clinical doctor consulted by the AP said neither scarcity nor complaints have worsened, though doctors still suffer heavy case loads and low pay, about $25 a month.

Cuba is walking a delicate line on health: Too much change could be seen in some camps as a betrayal of the socialist contract. Too little may not ease the burden on a strained economy, said Sergio Diaz-Briquets, a U.S.-based demographer and author of "The Health Revolution in Cuba.

"It is maybe a universal phenomenon that health care systems are expensive," he said, "but Cuba perhaps cannot afford to have the kind of services that they claim to have had in the past."


Associated Press writers Andrea Rodriguez and Anne-Marie Garcia contributed to this report.


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