Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why Should a Small Business Have a Blog? | WePay

Many small businesses and startups are jumping on a growing trend ? creating business blogs for their companies. ?You may be wondering the same thing, should your small business have a blog? The answer is most definitely YES!

But why?

Starting a business blog may not seem like the best use of your limited time, but there are several reasons why having one will really pay off in the end.

1. Proves Your Business?s Expertise

One of the main reasons for creating a blog is to show, that as a small business owner, you understand your industry and your product, inside-out. It also shows that you also have passion for what you do, and aren?t afraid to show a more personal side to your business.

When your current and potential customers see you blogging, they?ll be convinced you?re the real deal. This gives you an edge up on your competition, putting the spotlight on you as an expert authority in your industry.

2. Promotes Your Products and Services

Another great reason for having a blog is that it helps promote your products. You can involve your customers by sharing new ideas and answering questions about your product. You can inform your customers of just how great your product or service is, and why they need to purchase it.

3. Improves Search Engine Results

One of the most obvious reasons to start a blog for your business is that a blog is pure content. And if done correctly ? with keyword placement and maximizing SEO (search engine optimization); your company will start ranking higher in the search engine results.

Updating your blog consistently allows you to create a massive amount of keyword rich content ? which will improve your search results and bring in specific customers. The more you write, the more search results you?ll pull in, and the more sales you?ll make.

4. Engages Customer Feedback

Rather than talking at your customers, like most businesses do, you can talk with them and get a conversation going on your blog. By enabling comments on your blog, you can let your current and potential customers weigh in with valuable feedback and ideas.

Of course, you?ll probably get negative comments too, but if it?s something your whole community echoes, it might be time to find a solution. If your customers have a problem that you fix, you?ve just created loyal members for life.

5. Increases Social Proof

Leveraging social media is a free and easy way to promote your business. But combine that with your blog?s valuable content and you?ve got a recipe for maximum social proof.

If your content is helpful enough, your customers will likely share your posts on social media and spread the word about your business. Don?t forget to include social media buttons on the blog, to make it easy for your community to share the content.

Do you have a blog for your small business? Leave a link in the comments!

Carrie Smith is a small business accountant turned financial strategist. Through her blog Careful Cents, she helps entrepreneurs and freelancers change their lives and maximize their business. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, Lifehacker and many other financial websites. You can find her on Twitter @carefulcents.



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