Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rafa Nadal y Gemma Mengual, dos amigos de vacaciones en Ibiza

29 JUNIO 2013

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No?ha sido una semana f?cil para Rafa Nadal. A pesar de tener muchas ganas de volver a jugar una final de Grand Slam, el tenista de Manacor fue eliminado en primera ronda de uno de los torneos m?s especiales?e importantes del a?o, Wimbledon, donde fue derrotado por el belga Steve Darcis, 135 del mundo. Tras este duro rev?s, el jugador, que confes? que?"quiz?s, por varias circunstancias, no pude afrontar el partido con la misma intensidad con la que hab?a afrontado otros en los meses anteriores", puso rumbo a su tierra para disfrutar de unos d?as de vacaciones con su familia y amigos y as? recuperarse para estar al cien por cien para los pr?ximos partidos. "Har? lo que sea m?s aconsejable para seguir compitiendo en condiciones", declar? el quinto jugador en la clasificaci?n de la Asociaci?n de Tenistas Profesionales (ATP), y a?adi?:?"Ahora toca sudar un poquito en el verano de Baleares. Despu?s, me pondr? a trabajar cuanto antes".

Dicho y hecho. El tenista puso rumbo a las islas, donde estos d?as est? disfrutando de divertidas jornadas en alta mar junto a un grupo de amigos entre los que se encuentra la exnadadora Gemma Mengual, que estuvo acompa?ada de su pareja, el empresario Enric Mart?n. Los deportistas lucieron figura en la cubierta de la embaracaci?n y, eso s?, no vimos por ning?n lado a la novia de Nadal, Mar?a Francisco Perell?, que igual prefiri? quedarse en tierra o no pudo acompa?ar a su chico por alg?n motivo en este d?a de sol y mar. "Comiendo con mis amigos con un paisaje espectacular", escribi? el tenista en su cuenta de Facebook. Viva el Beso Beach!!!", escribi? la medallista ol?mpica en su perfil personal de las redes sociales junto a una instant?nea de una refrescante bebida.

Gemma y Enric tuvieron que separarse por unas horas de sus hijos, Nil, que el pr?ximo mes de noviembre cumplir? tres a?itos, y el peque?o Joe, que vino al mundo el pasado mes de abril. "La experiencia es tan incre?ble que quiero volver a repetirla", confes? la exnadadora cuando present? a su primer hijo. "Estoy muy feliz. Ser madre es lo mejor que me ha pasado", a?adi?. ?Se animar?n a ir a por el tercero?

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Whoops! Real phone sex numbers pop up in video game

Video games

23 hours ago

In what the developers are claiming is an "honest mistake," a number included in Naughty Dog and Sony's acclaimed zombie game "The Last of Us" lead players to a phone sex hotline.

The Last of Us / Sony

In what the developers are claiming is an "honest mistake," a number included in Naughty Dog and Sony's acclaimed zombie game "The Last of Us" lead players to a phone sex hotline.

Despite releasing one of the highest-rated video games ever made, developer Naughty Dog can't seem to catch a break for "The Last of Us." Already accused by actress Ellen Page and a Boston transit cartographer for borrowing some of their respective work without permission, this week the video game developer found itself in hot water once again for another hiccup in "The Last of Us": apparently, a phone number that players saw in the game advertising for pest control actually dialed up a real-world phone sex service.

I tested out the "quality pest control" number from "The Last of Us" on Friday and was met with a sultry female voice promising me that "we're smooth, wet, and ready for you right now!"

Naughty Dog didn't respond to a request for comment, but Sony provided NBC News with a statement explaining that the connection with a phone sex service was a mistake that will be rectified with a patch to be released Saturday:

We included some random phone numbers in the game starting with 555, which is a common practice in North American television shows, films and video games, as they are fictitious numbers. It has come to light that for certain 555 phone numbers that begin with an 800 area code, the same does not apply, so we are now creating a patch to address this issue, which we plan on deploying today.

Neil Druckmann, the game's creative director, told the video game site Kotaku that including the sex line in the game "was an artist's mistake" and was not intended as any sort of prank or Easter egg for players.

"What happened was, they put some phone numbers in the game and then they thought they could just change the area code to 555, then it's invalid because it's what they do in movies," Druckmann told Kotaku's Kirk Hamilton. "But I guess that doesn't work when you have a 1-800 in front of it.

"We're now working to take it out," Druckmann said. "It was just an honest mistake."

Earlier this week, Druckmann took to Twitter to stand behind the work of Ashley Johnson, who did the voice-over and motion-capture work for Ellie in the game, after Ellen Page suggested that Naughty Dog had unfairly "ripped off" her likeness for the zombie story.

This story was updated at 7:30 p.m. ET Friday.

Yannick LeJacq is a contributing writer for NBC News who has also covered technology and games for Kill Screen, The Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic. You can follow him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq and reach him by email at:


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Aaron Hernandez: Two additional men allegedly connected with murder in custody

Aaron?Hernandez: On Thursday and Friday police in Connecticut and Florida arrested two men they say are connected with the murder of Odin Lloyd. Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez has been charged with Lloyd's murder.

By Tim McLaughlin and Richard Valdmanis,?Reuters / June 29, 2013

Pallbearers carry the casket of Odin LLoyd following a funeral ceremony at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Boston Saturday. Hundreds of relatives, friends and well-wishers wept together and hugged at the funeral for LLoyd, a semi-pro football player whose killing led to murder and weapons charges against former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez.

Michael Dwyer/AP


A man wanted by Massachusetts in connection with a murder case against former professional football player Aaron Hernandez has surrendered in Miramar, Florida, police said on Friday.

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Ernest Wallace, who is suspected of being an "accessory after the fact" in the killing of?Odin?Lloyd, 27, a semi-pro football player, turned himself in to police in Miramar, Florida, a local police official said.

Hernandez was charged with?Lloyd's murder and fired by the New England Patriots football team on Wednesday.

On Friday, Germany's Puma said it had canceled its two-year sponsorship deal with Hernandez. The world's third-largest sporting goods company had announced the agreement in April.

The Patriots said on Friday that the team's pro shop would allow people to exchange Hernandez jerseys for a new Patriot jersey of comparable value.

"We know that children love wearing their Patriots jerseys, but may not understand why parents don't want them wearing their Hernandez jerseys anymore," New England Patriots spokesman Stacey James said in a statement.

Prosecutors have said that Hernandez shot?Lloyd?execution-style after becoming upset with him days earlier at a Boston nightclub.?Lloyd's body was found June 17 near Hernandez's house in North Attleborough, about 40 miles (64 km) south of Boston.

Miramar Police Officer Gil Bueno said Wallace, who lives in the south Florida town, had turned himself in on an outstanding arrest warrant, and that Massachusetts would have to make arrangements to extradite him.

Massachusetts State Police spokesman Lieutenant Daniel Richard confirmed Wallace's arrest in Florida but declined to discuss any details.

Connecticut prosecutors said on Thursday that they had arrested another man, Carlos Ortiz, in connection with the case and charged him with being a fugitive from justice. He has been transferred to Massachusetts to face additional charges.

Hernandez's lawyer, Michael Fee, has entered a not guilty plea on his client's behalf and has called the prosecution's case circumstantial.

Hernandez was a rising football star who was signed to a $41 million contract as tight end for one of the National Football League's top teams.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ecuador heats rhetoric as Obama downplays Snowden

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) ? President Barack Obama tried to cool the international frenzy over Edward Snowden on Thursday as Ecuador stepped up its defiance and said it was preemptively rejecting millions in trade benefits that it could lose by taking in the fugitive from his limbo in a Moscow airport.

The country seen as likeliest to shelter the National Security Agency leaker seemed determined to prove it could handle any repercussions, with three of its highest officials calling an early-morning news conference to "unilaterally and irrevocably renounce" $23 million a year in lowered tariffs on products such as shrimp and frozen vegetables.

Fernando Alvarado, the secretary of communications for leftist President Rafael Correa, sarcastically suggested the U.S. use the money to train government employees to respect human rights.

Obama, meanwhile, sought to downplay the international chase for the man he called "a 29-year-old hacker" and lower the temperature of an issue that has raised tensions between the U.S. and uneasy partners Russia and China. Obama said in Senegal that the damage to U.S. national security has already been done and his top focus now is making sure it can't happen again.

"I'm not going to have one case with a suspect who we're trying to extradite suddenly be elevated to the point where I've got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues, simply to get a guy extradited so he can face the justice system," Obama said at a joint news conference with Senegal's President Macky Sall.

While the Ecuadorean government appeared angry over U.S. threats of punishment if it accepts Snowden, there were also mixed signals about how eager it was to grant asylum. For days, officials here have been blasting the U.S. and praising Snowden's leaks of NSA eavesdropping secrets as a blow for global human rights.

But they also have repeatedly insisted that they are nowhere close to making a decision on whether Snowden can leave Moscow, where he is believed to be holed up in an airport transit zone, for refuge in this oil-rich South American nation.

"It's a complex situation, we don't know how it'll be resolved," Correa told a news conference Thursday in his first public comments on the case aside from a handful of postings on Twitter.

The Ecuadorean leader said that in order for Snowden's asylum application to be processed, he would have to be in Ecuador or inside an Ecuadorean Embassy, "and he isn't." Another country would have to permit Snowden to transit its territory for that requirement to be met, Correa said.

WikiLeaks, which has been aiding Snowden, announced earlier he was en route to Ecuador and had received a travel document. On Wednesday, the Univision television network displayed an unsigned letter of safe passage for him.

Officials on Thursday acknowledged that the Ecuadorean Embassy in London had issued a June 22 letter of safe passage for Snowden that calls on other countries to allow him to travel to asylum in Ecuador. But Ecuador's secretary of political management, Betty Tola, said the letter was invalid because it was issued without the approval of the government in the capital, Quito.

She also threatened legal action against whoever leaked the document, which she said "has no validity and is the exclusive responsibility of the person who issued it."

"This demonstrates a total lack of coordination in the department of foreign affairs," said Santiago Basabe, a professor of political science at the Latin American School of Social Sciences in Quito. "It's no small question to issue a document of safe passage or a diplomatic document for someone like Snowden without this decision being taken directly by the foreign minister or president."

The renunciation of trade benefits was a dramatic but mostly symbolic threat. The U.S Congress was widely expected to let the benefits lapse in coming weeks, for reasons unrelated to the Snowden case. And if they continued, it appeared highly unlikely that the Ecuadorean government would be able to unilaterally cancel tariff benefits that went directly to their country's exporters.

Behind Ecuador's mixed messages, some analysts saw not confusion but internal divisions in the Ecuadorean government.

Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, a think tank focused on Latin America, said many in Washington believed that Correa, a leftist elected to a third term in February, had been telegraphing a desire to moderate and take a softer tack toward the United States and private business.

Harder-core leftists led by Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino may be seeking to maintain a tough line, he said, a division expressing itself in confusing messages.

"I think there really are different factions within the government on this," Shifter said. "Correa wants to become more moderate. That has been the signal that has been communicated in Washington."

Embarrassment for the Obama administration over the surveillance revelations continued as documents disclosed Thursday showed the Obama administration gathered U.S. citizens' Internet data until 2011, continuing a spying program started under President George W. Bush that revealed whom Americans exchanged emails with and the Internet Protocol address of their computer.

The National Security Agency ended the program that collected email logs and timing, but not content, in 2011 because it decided it didn't effectively stop terrorist plots, according to the NSA's director, Gen. Keith Alexander, who also heads the U.S. Cyber Command. He said all data was purged in 2011.

Britain's Guardian newspaper on Thursday released documents detailing the collection, though the program was also described earlier this month by The Washington Post.

The U.S. administration was expected to decide by Monday what export privileges to grant Ecuador under the Generalized System of Preferences, a program meant to spur development and growth in poorer countries.

Although the deadline was set long before the Snowden affair, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said Thursday that Ecuador's application to add a handful of products such as artichokes and cut flowers ? the latter a major industry here ? would not be decided immediately but would remain pending. That gives the U.S. additional leverage over Ecuador while Snowden's fate remains uncertain.

More broadly, a larger trade pact allowing reduced tariffs on more than $5 billion in annual exports to the U.S. is up for congressional renewal before July 21. While approval of the Andean Trade Preference Act has long been seen as doubtful in Washington, Ecuador has been lobbying strongly for its renewal.

On Wednesday, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, pledged to lead an effort to block extension of U.S. tariff benefits if Ecuador grants asylum to Snowden, who turned 30 last week. Nearly half of Ecuador's billions a year in foreign trade depends on the United States.

The Obama administration said Thursday that accepting Snowden would damage the overall relationship between the two countries and analysts said it was almost certain that granting the leaker asylum would lead the U.S. to cut roughly $30 million a year in military and law enforcement assistance.

Granting asylum to Snowden would cause "great difficulties in our bilateral relationship," State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said. "If they take that step, that would have very negative repercussions."

Alvarado, the communications minister, said his country rejects economic "blackmail" in the form of threats against the trade measures.

"The preferences were authorized for Andean countries as compensation for the fight against drugs, but soon became a new instrument of pressure," he said. "As a result, Ecuador unilaterally and irrevocably renounces these preferences."

Alvarado did not explicitly mention the separate effort to win trade benefits under the presidential order.

He did suggest, however, how the U.S. could use the money saved from Ecuadorean tariffs to train government employees to respect citizens' rights.

"Ecuador offers the United States $23 million a year in economic aid, an amount similar to what we were receiving under the tariff benefits, with the purpose of providing human rights training that will contribute to avoid violations of people's privacy, that degrade humanity," he said.


Pace reported from Dakar, Senegal. Gonzalo Solano in Quito, Peter Orsi in Caracas, Venezuela, and Ken Thomas in Washington contributed to this report.


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Eminem admits drug abuse almost killed him


8 hours ago

IMAGE: Eminem

Jason DeCrow / AP file

Eminem in 2010

Rapper Eminem admits in a new documentary that his abuse of prescription drugs almost killed him. "My bottom was going to be death," the rapper said in an interview in "How to Make Money Selling Drugs," a 2013 documentary.

(Warning: The film excerpt is expletive-filled.)

The musician talks about how his first Vicodin was a revelation for him since it made him feel "mellow" and also took away his pain.

Friends tried to warn him that he was in trouble, Eminem said, but he pushed them away since he didn't view prescription drug abuse as the same as using crack or heroin.

?I would say, ?Get that (expletive) person outta here,? ? he said in the film. ?I can?t believe they said that (expletive) to me. ... I literally thought I could control (my drug problem)."

Soon the specific drugs didn't matter. "You're taking things that people are giving you that you don't even know what the (expletive) they are," Eminem said. "Xanax, Valium, tomato, to-mah-to."

The drugs caught up to the rapper and he had to be hospitalized. "Had I got to the hospital about two hours later, I would have died," he recalls in the film. "My organs were shutting down. My liver, kidneys, everything. They were gonna have to put me on dialysis, they didn?t think I was gonna make it. My bottom was gonna be death."

After leaving the hospital, Eminem relapsed within a month. "I remember just walking around my house and thinking every single day, like, I'm gonna (expletive) die." The rapper said he didn't sleep for three weeks, "not even for an (expletive) minute," and had to regain the ability to walk and speak.

"I just couldn?t believe that anybody could be naturally happy or naturally function or be just enjoying life in general without being on something," he said. "So I would say to anybody, ?It does get better.'"

"Entourage" star Adrian Grenier is one of the producers of the film, which includes interviews with Susan Sarandon and Woody Harrelson.


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