Friday, November 30, 2012

Holidaysafe Travel Insurance Blog: Fancy Travelling to all 201 ...

Fancy Travelling to all 201 Countries, Avoiding Air Travel? Graham Hughes did.

An adventurer called Graham Hughes has become the first Brit to travel to all 201 countries without stepping foot on an airplane. He reached his final destination, South Sudan, last week, which wasn?t even a country when he began his trip.
Mr Hughes has entered the Guinness Book of Records for his journey, which began on New Year?s Day back in 2009. His trip cost approximately ?10 per day, and he managed to get around by train, boat?and bus, occasionally hitching rides on cargo ships and canoes?too.
Among his highlights, Mr Hughes listed;
????????? Dancing with tribes in the jungle in Papua New Guinea.
????????? Observing one of the penultimate space shuttle launches in Cape Canaveral.
????????? Swimming with Jellyfish in the Pacific Ocean.
During his trip, the intrepid adventurer was actually arrested twice, firstly in Cape Verde after hitching a lift with a fishing canoe, and again in the Democratic Republic of Congo where he was jailed for six days accused of being a spy!
Now that Mr Hughes has completed his adventure, he still refuses to travel by air, and instead is going to travel home by bus and boat, and should arrive back to his home in Liverpool by Christmas.
His trip raised funds for the charity Water Aid, for more information on Mr Hughes and his trip, you can visit his website; The Odyssey Expedition.
Explore what the world has to offer, with


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First Look At The Scanadu SCOUT, A Gadget To Bring Your Vital Sign Data To Your Smartphone

Scandu_Wht_wBlkTrim_r1It was a year ago that Scanadu first came on the scene after raising some $2 million for a very interesting idea: Bringing the ability to monitor and track your body's vital signs to a portable and inexpensive device that connects to your smartphone. The idea is that Scanadu will let you own and control your own health data in the same way that you monitor other aspects of your life -- to "check your body as often as you check your email," so to speak.


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Movie Review: 'Hitchcock' ? CBS Philly

(Anthony Hopkins stars as the Master of Suspense and Helen Mirren as his wife, Alma, in "Hitchcock.")

(Anthony Hopkins stars as the Master of Suspense and Helen Mirren as his wife, Alma, in ?Hitchcock.?)

By Bill Wine
KYW Newsradio 1060

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) ? ?What if someone really good made a horror picture??

So asks world-class director Alfred Hitchcock of his wife, Alma, in Hitchcock, as he contemplates taking on an uncharacteristic horror oddity called Psycho.

The rest, as they say, is Hitchery.

34 Movie Review: Hitchcock

(3 stars out of 4)

Call this one a film buff?s dream.? Hitchcock chronicles the gamble taken on by the Master of Suspense as he embarks on the production of a seemingly tasteless 1960 chiller that would appear on the surface to be beneath his artistic station.

Although Hitchcock is a speculative biographical comedy-drama about the legendary production of that self-financed film, it?s even more clearly focused on the relationship between the portly director, played by Anthony Hopkins, and his long-suffering wife and collaborator, Alma Reville, played by Helen Mirren, and the effect of the film on their relationship.

It could just as easily have been titled ?The Hitchcocks? or ?Hitch and Alma.? ? Or even ?Alma.?

They?re supported by, among others, Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh, the star of Psycho; Danny Huston as screenwriter Whitfield Cook, collaborating with Alma to the point of Hitchcock?s jealousy and distraction; Toni Collette as Peggy Robertson, Hitch?s assistant; Michael Stuhlbarg as Lew Wasserman, Hitch?s agent; Jessica Biel as Vera Miles, an actress in Psycho; Michael Wincott as Ed Gein, the real-life nightmarish inspiration for Psycho?s villain; and James d?Arcy, uncanny as Psycho actor Anthony Perkins.

This is director Sacha Gervasi?s second film and first narrative feature (he debuted with the well-received 2008 heavy-metal documentary, Anvil! The Story of Anvil), and it features a screenplay by John J. McLaughlin that?s loosely based on the 1990 Stephen Rebello book, Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of ?Psycho.?

There is a treasure trove of interesting details, even if none of them are revelatory, a bit too much of the dialogue is on-the-nose, and several of Gervasi?s stylistic flourishes -? for example, Hitchcock?s paranoid visions ?- distract rather than embellish.

Neither is Hitchcock helped by the curious lack of any footage from the finished film (due to legal restrictions, apparently, although that didn?t seem to stop director Gus Van Sant in his shot-by-shot remake).

That shots and scenes are familiar would not reduce their appropriateness, and we long and expect to see them and miss them when they never arrive.

All that said, however, this is a highly watchable docudrama about an endlessly fascinating moviemaker, a highly influential movie, and a finally acknowledged creative partner.

Hopkins offers a witty and telling impersonation of the iconic Hitch, with his unmistakable diction and posture, while Mirren contributes a tremendously sympathetic and understated portrait of the softspoken but tart-tongued Alma, a patient and supportive but obviously frustrated and underappreciated (and absolutely essential) screenwriting partner.

That neither performer resembles his or her real-life counterpart does little if any harm.

Hitchcock?s repression and perversity, as well as his capacity for cruelty, register here alongside his prodigious talent, just as they did in the recent HBO telefilm, The Girl, about his making of The Birds.

But this portrait of the troubled director does not paint him to be quite so one-dimensionally villainous.? And, to no one?s surprise, as he emerges yet again, he remains enigmatic.

So we?ll direct 3 stars out of 4 for Hitchcock.? It doesn?t exactly go off without a hitch, but it?s an entertaining, behind-the-scenes, scenes-from-a-marriage exploration -? admittedly superficial but nonetheless entertaining ? that no admirer of the director?s storied works will want to miss.

More Bill Wine Movie Reviews

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Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood sets constitution showdown for tomorrow

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and President Mohamed Morsi have shrugged off protests and decided to bring Egypt's constitution standoff to a head, tomorrow morning.

By Dan Murphy,?Staff writer / November 28, 2012

Anti-Mursi protesters chant anti-government and anti-Muslim Brotherhood slogans as they gather at Tahrir Square in Cairo, Nov. 27. Opponents of President Mohamed Mursi rallied in Cairo's Tahrir Square for a fifth day on Tuesday, stepping up calls to scrap a decree they say threatens Egypt with a new era of autocracy.

Ahmed Jadallah/Reuters


At 10 a.m. in Cairo tomorrow (3 a.m. Eastern Standard Time), Egypt's battle between Islamists and a loose coalition of secular politicians and political activists over the country's new constitution looks set to come to a head.

Skip to next paragraph Dan Murphy

Staff writer

Dan Murphy is a staff writer for the Monitor's international desk, focused on the Middle East.?Murphy, who has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and more than a dozen other countries, writes and edits Backchannels. The focus? War and international relations, leaning toward things Middle East.

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The Muslim Brotherhood announced that the country's constituent assembly will hold an up or down vote then on a new draft constitution that has roiled Egyptian politics for months. If it passes a body that appears packed with Islamist politicians, most of those from the Brotherhood, the constitution will then be put to a national referendum. One caveat is that, in the coinage of political scientist Marc Lynch, Egyptian politics since Mubarak have resembled Calvinball, with rules and deadlines and statements shifting constantly. ?

Nevertheless President Mohamed Morsi, the Brotherhood politician who became the country's first freely elected president last June, appears committed to his current course. He's gambling the move will defuse an increasingly tense situation on the streets of Cairo. In the past week he's boldly (or recklessly, depending on your point of view) moved to break the constitutional impasse.

At the end of last week he issued a decree removing judicial oversight from the process, since he feared Egypt's judges would nullify the constituent assembly much as they'd nullified the election of parliament in June. That move had secular political forces warning that he was setting himself up as a dictator. The Brotherhood shot back that it was only a temporary move to ease passage of a constitution.

A sprawling constitution

But the constitution was the real issue all along. Secular Egyptians feared that Morsi and his Islamist allies were crafting a basic legal text that would move the country starkly in the direction of Islamic law, and argued that it was being drafted by a group that was far from representative of Egyptian society. From their point of view, they've been given two options: Live with Morsi holding all executive and legislative power, with broad immunity from judicial interference to boot; or, approve the constitution he favors.

Politicians on the assembly like Amr Moussa, a former foreign minister and Arab League chief who unsuccessfully ran for president, complained in recent weeks they weren't being given anywhere near sufficient time to review an ever-changing, expanding document, that at last count had over 230 articles.

Drafts of the sprawling constitution have been filled with vague, at times contradictory language, while also calling Islamic law (sharia) "the" basis for Egyptian law rather than "a" basis, a crucial distinction. Further, they've envisioned a role for the unelected Islamic jurists of Al Azhar University in settling some constitutional matters.

What precisely will be voted on tomorrow? At this point, it's unclear. Egyptian newspapers are reporting more changes made in the past few days, including one report that a change has enshrined the military's controversial power to try civilians in military courts in some circumstances. In the absence of a clear public document with a chance for the public to review, rumors will fly and confusion will reign.

What will happen next??

The Brotherhood, responding to the over 100,000 anti-Morsi protesters who gathered in Tahrir Square yesterday, has been calling for a "million man march" on Saturday in support of the president and his constitutional moves and to "protect the achievements of the revolution." The anti-Morsi protesters, many of them the original organizers of the protests and marches that drove Hosni Mubarak from power in February 2011, have vowed to be on the streets Saturday too. It's an explosive situation, with many analysts and activists in Cairo warning that it could come to blows.

Where is the military in all this? Unclear. But if there is chaos on the streets, the chances of the military returning to the open role in Egyptian politics that it only recently vacated can't be ruled out.

And what of the referendum? Issandr El Amrani, a keen analyst of Egyptian politics, is worried, pointing out that Egypt's judiciary, which veered toward open revolt against Morsi in the past few days, is key to the organization of Egyptian elections.

"Even if it's approved tomorrow, there has to be a referendum on it. Victory is not guaranteed and a referendum will take at least a couple of weeks to organize. The supervisory commission to run it would be difficult to form, because it has to include senior judges who would likely boycott it, and judges are supposed to also be present at polling stations. All this points to a royal mess, a constitution that has no legitimacy among a big part of the public, and gives the opportunity to the Salafis ? whose votes the Brothers now need to approve the latest draft ? to introduce modifications to the text."

The Salafis are the Islamist faction that, when it comes to the role of women in society and the overall interpretation of the sharia, are to the right of the Muslim Brotherhood.

For the moment, it looks like the Muslim Brotherhood, which has long been the best organized popular political force in the country, has won this round.

But at what cost for Egypt and its stability?


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

US auto market showing signs of recovery

14 hrs.

It?s been the little engine that could, driving along an economy long struggling to avert a double-dip recession. And now, amid growing signs that the U.S. economy is clearly on the mend, industry leaders are increasingly confident the auto industry is heading in fast-forward toward some extremely good ? though probably not record ? years.

As manufacturers get set to report extremely strong numbers for October, Toyota?s top American executive, Jim Lentz said he expects to see 2012 end with sales of 14.3 million ? about 1 million more than a year before and a roughly 40 percent increase from the depths of the recession.

?And the forecast ahead looks even better,? Lentz said as he opened his keynote remarks at the opening of the annual LA Auto Show. ?Analysts expect we will reach 16 million in just a few short years.?

That optimism was clearly echoed by other industry leaders gathering for the first of two days of media previews. The Los Angeles show has been something of a bellwether? for the industry ? and the economy.? During the depths of the recession, there was a sharp cutback in the number of new products on display. Chrysler, then plunging into bankruptcy, went so far as to shut off the spotlights at its 2008 exhibit to save cash.

This year, that maker?s lights are back on ? and it has more than a half-dozen new products to debut if one includes its Italian partner Fiat.? In fact, there are expected to be around 50 new models introduced at the LA Convention Center during the media gathering, half of them making their global debuts, the others appearing for the first time in the U.S.

Horsepower and fuel economy
Another key product on display is the 2014 Ford Fiesta, the remake of the maker?s smallest North American offering.? The Fiesta is one of a fast-growing number of small, so-called B- and C-segment models targeting both buyers on a budget and others who simply want to downsize to reduce their fuel bills.

That market segment has grown from about 13 percent of overall U.S. car sales to 24?percent?since 2004, notes Jim Farley, Ford?s global marketing chief.

Significantly, buyers don?t necessarily have to sacrifice room and performance to boost mileage, industry executives stress ? pointing to the mix of new hybrids, plug-ins, battery cars and advanced conventional gasoline-powered vehicles.? New technologies, such as Direct Injection and turbocharging are accomplishing what once seemed impossible: boosting performance as well as mileage.

The new Porsche Cayman sports coupe, which debuted Wednesday, delivers an extra 10 horsepower, for example, and about 15 percent?better fuel economy.

Whether talking about entry-level econoboxes or luxury cars like the Porsche Cayman, ?Mileage is top of mind? for just about all buyers, asserted Mark Fields, who will officially become the maker?s new Chief Operating Officer this week.

And the significant improvements in mileage are luring buyers back to showrooms, industry officials uniformly agreed. But there are other factors driving a demand surge.? Auto loan interest rates are at or near historical lows, for one thing. Then there?s the issue of pent-up demand.

Aging US automobiles
Auto sales have fallen at least 10 million below the trendline since the start of the recession and several recent studies show that this means the current U.S. fleet is older than ever, the majority of vehicles now in service for around a decade ? and about 20 percent at least 16 years old.

The recession pushed many buyer groups out of the market, especially young motorists who have suffered a higher unemployment rate ? and who may have been struggling to pay off hefty student loans.? But in recent months, noted Toyota?s Lentz, ?Younger buyers have returned to the market at a faster rate than any other segment.?

The revival of the youth market is clearly helping drive the current demand surge. Ironically, so is the rebuilding effort in the wake of Superstorm Sandy.? By various estimates, the disaster may have ultimately cost the loss of 100,000 or more vehicles, many of which will be replaced by new products. According to Ford?s Fields, the industry is already seeing a sharp rise in sales in the greater New York area, where storm damage was most severe.

As a result, the Ford COO said he ?wouldn?t be surprised? if November?s final figures came in at an annualized rate of around 15 million or more, which would be the industry?s best pace in nearly a decade.

There are some potential pitfalls.? As the economy recovers, there are signs that fuel prices could once again spike. A modest upturn might actually increase demand for high-mileage models, though a major spike like the one seen last spring could choke off the U.S. recover, observers warn.

So might a failure by Congress and the White House to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, the need to work out new policies on taxing and spending. Ford Chairman Bill Ford recently warned this could also choke off a recovery, though a study by the University of Michigan was less worried about the impact on the auto industry.

Barring such setbacks, ?We would expect the market to improve,? Fields concluded.

That?s particularly good news even though few expect to see peak sales during the current cycle reach the 17 million-plus numbers seen early in the new millennium.? During the recession, most makers ? and especially the struggling Detroit Big Three ? took unprecedented steps to trim operating costs so even without reaching new sales records industry profitability could run substantially beyond anything ever seen in past auto sales boom years.


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Stay in shape during the holidays with these iPhone apps


Hitting the gym can be hard to do during the holidays. There is less light in your day and more parties to attend, so it?s easy to put on unhealthy weight. However, making time to flex your muscles and get a good workout can keep the pounds down during the holiday season. Here are some fabulous iPhone apps to fit in a little exercise now so you are not paying the price later.

Pilates is a fabulous way to tighten up your abs, butt, and inner thigh muscles. With the Learn Pilates app for iPhone, you can find new exercises to target your trouble zones without hitting the gym. This fitness app takes you through 30 days of Pilate?s exercises until you master all the moves. Learn Pilates is a great way to fit a little exercise into your day no matter how busy you are!

Looking for an easy way to spice up your gym routine? Grab the Tone It Up app for iPhone and get a new workout routine every day for free. Check out the ?Love? section of the app each day to see what the trainers, Karena and Katrina, have planned for you. Join the community in order to log your workouts and daily diet. Don?t forget to set the ?Booty Call? alarm so you don?t oversleep and miss your workout.

Have you been spending months on the treadmill only to see your butt shrink? Or do you sit all day at work and want to tighten your tush before it sags all the way to the floor? Set up a butt workout plan with the free Butt Workout app for iPhone. Personalize the workout plan and repetitions that work for you and coordinate the perfect butt bumping workout playlist. Do so and you should have the tightest tushie on the block before spring break.

Okay, okay, so Pilates and butt workouts aren?t for everyone. If you are looking for a little bit of a more challenging fitness program, check out the Ray Lewis Workouts app for iPhone. You can train like a Super Bowl MVP when you get this fitness app. You will be training like a superstar athlete in no time with the 24 stellar work outs in this app concentrating on strength, power, endurance, and flexibility.

There are a ton of exercises you can do without the assistance of a gym, a personal trainer, or even weights. You can use your own body weight to get in shape. It?s easy and it?s free. If you have no idea where to start, check out the Bodyweight Training app for iPhone that is filled with ways to use your own body weight during your next workout. Choose a premade workout or build your own with this savvy fitness app.

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Family Friendly Christmas Party Ideas ? Celebrations at Home ...

I?m excited to finally share this project I worked on with Urbanity Studios. I spoke with them several months ago about styling a party around one of their invitations, but they also wanted to highlight the fact that they can customize them through colors and wording, and offer coordinating pieces as well. I decided to style the same basic party in 3 different color schemes and I?ll be sharing each one separately.

Today is our traditional color palette of red and green, but our decorative details are whimsical and playful for a Family Friendly Christmas party. Read on for the details, and to get your FREE downloadable tags that match this set?

Get the Look:

  • This entire party was inspired by the patchwork Christmas tree invitation with it?s whimsical tree and string of ornaments graphic. Send out invitations soon, and use their coordinating address label wraps for a completed look.
  • Since ?whimsy? is the word of the day, I used dots and stripes throughout the decor. It doesn?t get more whimsical than dots! This also appeals to our younger guests at this family party.
  • White fudge dipped Oreos are dressed up with decorations from the baking aisle ? a simple trick anyone can do, and get that ?designer? look.
  • Urbanity Studios can provide coordinating signs & menus for your party too. I used a small sign to frame a menu for the sweets table ? an alternative to using individual food labels.

  • This easy menu consists of cupcakes, cheesecake mousse parfaits, white dipped Oreos, white truffles, powdered donuts, and various candies. Spoons for the parfaits are dressed up with tiny Santa hats found at the craft store.
  • I made favor boxes out of large matchboxes, and wrapped them in scrapbook paper. A coordinating sticker from Urbanity Studios tops them off in style. Fill them up with small candies or a small ornament.
  • Serving a red tinted punch in an apothecary jar keeps the party?s colors uninterrupted. Just use a punch bowl ladle to scoop it up.
  • Put your Christmas packages to work for you and let them decorate your party space. Stack boxes and place them in nooks and corners to add brightness.
  • The backdrop was designed to resemble the invitation with it?s hanging ornaments. I used ornament wall clings and ?hung? them with thin ribbon. A thicker ribbon is used like a swag to frame out the entire dessert table.

This was such a fun project to work on and I can?t wait to share the other 2 party design with you. Urbanity Studios has a wonderful gift to you as well. They are offering FREE Christmas tags that coordinate with each of the 3 parties I styled.? Just use a hole punch to loop a ribbon through, and tie them on. ? Get the downloads here.

For more inspiration, follow me on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook. Cheers!

This is a sponsored post per Celebrations At Home styling service.


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Microsoft selling four times as many Windows Phones as a year ago, won't say what that means

Microsoft selling four times as many Windows Phones as last year, won't say what that means

It's no secret that Windows Phone sales have been in the doldrums for much of the platform's existence. If we believe Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer's talk at the annual company shareholder meeting, however, the mobile OS has turned a corner. He tells investors that Windows Phone sales are about four times what they were at the same point last year, and that demand has been strong enough for initial sellouts in "many countries;" that may be an allusion to reported Lumia 920 shortages in Germany and Nokia's native Finland, among other regions. Ballmer is quick to point to more competitive hardware as triggering the sales spike. The news is certainly positive on the whole, although we'd warn that Microsoft is pulling an Amazon -- that is, declining to offer the shipment numbers that would give its grandiose claims some context. It's easy to tout record growth when you're starting from a small point, so we'll refrain from calling Windows Phone the Comeback Kid until market share estimates show otherwise.

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Source: Bloomberg


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

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Expressions and Significances of Prostasin and Claudin-3in ...


Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor which has the third most higher incidences in female reproductive system,that only less than the incidences of cervical cancer and endometrial cancer.The mortality rate of ovarian malignant tumor is the first place of gynecologic malignant tumors around the world.Because of lacking potent diagnoses and therapy in the early-stage disease,it is already late that about three of forth ovarian cancer patients were found, and it is just around28%about five-year survival rate. With the disease incidence guadually raises tendency around the world in recent years,looking for the causes?diagnoses and treatment method of ovarian cancer are the hot spots which are concerned by people.However it is not explicit about the pathogenic mechanises of the disease.With the rapid development in molecular biology,medical researchers have found some genes which are related to the occurrence,evolution and invasion and attack of ovarian cancer.Prostasin is a trypsin-like activity serine proteinase,that is synthesized in prostatic epithelial cells and is isolated from human seminal fluid and ductin rencent years.It has highly conserved sequenceis and it is a secretion type protein and glycosylphosphatidyl inositol(GPI)-anchored prostase.Prostasin is not only playing important roles in variety of physiological processes,but also linking to the occurrence and development of varius cancer. It was found that serine proteases was consistent with a role in protease degradation and promoted cells migration.However there are rare researches about the function and expression of Prostasin in ovarian cancer.Claudin-3(CLDN-3) is a number of Claudins,which was called RVP1formerly.It contains219amino acids and provides the foundation of conglutination and the tight junction of maintaining the transmission about signs and matters in the cells.Current researches showed that the abnormal expression of Claudins is probably related to the damage of tight junction,poorly tissue differentiated grade and enhancement of invasiveness about cancer cells,and link to the occurrence and invasiveness of varius cancer. However it is not all clear about the function and mechanism of Claudin-3in ovarian cancer.This study investigated the changes of the expression about Prostasin and Claudin-3and the functions about the happen,developmenthe of epithelial ovarian cance,and analysised relationship of them.The aim is to supply the reference for the diagnoses treatment and prognosis research about ovarian cancer.ObjectiveImmunohistochemical method was used to detect the expression of Prostasin and Claudin-3in epithelial ovarian cancer tissue and normal ovarian tissue in this experiment,we studied the relationship between their expression and various histology pathplogical features in epithelial ovarian cancer,and researched their roles and correlation in of the mechanises of diseasea,in order to provide theory basis for the clinical diagnoses and prognosis of ovarian cancer and to find a new target for treatments of ovarian cancer.Materials and Methods1.Materials:Ninty epithelial oarian tumor tissue specimens were collected from the files organization of the patients who were in hospital and operate in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from October2008to February2011,which were from the department of Pathology in that hospital.Specimens is divided into50epithelial ovarian cancers,20borderline ovarian tumors and20benign ovarian tumors.According to histological classification,50epithelial ovarian cancers are divide into three groups and includ27serous carcinoma,15mucinous carcinoma,8endometrial carcinoma.In addition,20cases of normal ovarian tissues were collected as comparator,which were from operation about oophorectomize for uterine prolapse and uterine myoma caused hysterectomy at the same time were taken ovarian tissues for ovarian biopsy.All specimens?pathology diagnosis were confirmed by two pathology experts.The patients?average age was52.2years(36-70years), and they didn?t recept any chemotherapy,radiotherapy,and immune therapy history before their operations.2.Methods:Immunohistochemical SP method was used to detect the expression levels of Prostasin and Claudin-3in50cases with epithelial ovarian carcinoma,20cases with borderline ovarian tumor,20cases with benign ovarian tumor and20cases with normal ovarian tissues,we analyse the relationship between their different expression and each clinical pathological feature in epithelial ovarian cancer,and analyse correlation about Prostasin protein and Claudin-3protein and explore both roles about the occurrence,development and malignant evolution process in epithelial ovanan cancer.3.Statistical Methods:Statistical anylysis was performed using the SPSS17.0statistical software,datas were analyzed by Chi-Square Tests,and their relationship of Prostasin and Claudin-3were analysised by Spearman rank correlation. ?=0.05acted as level of significance.Results1The expressions of ProstasinProstasin protein was mainly displaied in the cytoplasm,and its positive cells were watched for brown dying in the microscope.1.1The expressions of Prostasin in different ovarian tissueThe positive expression lever of Prostasin in epithelial ovarian cancer groups was significantly higher than the expression in borderline groups,benign groups and normal groups,and the overall differences were statistical significances (P<0.05).1.2The expressions of Prostasin in different pathology types of ovarian cancerThe positive expression rates of Prostasin in15G1grade,18G2grade and17G3grade were40%?77.8%and88.2%, and expression differences in three groups have statistical significances (P<0.05)1.3The expressions of Prostasin in different pathology types of ovarian cancerThe expression of Prostasin in serous cystadenoma were highest (77.8%),and the expression in mucinous cystadenoma were lowest(60%). With comparing endometrioid carcinoma,different expression rates between groups had no statistical significances(P>0.05). 1.4The expressions of Prostasin in different clinic stages about ovarian canceThe positive expression level of Prostasin became stronger with the higher stage, the expression rates in21clinic stage ??? and29clinic stage??? were52.4%and82.8%, different expression rates between groups had statistical significances(P<0.05).2The expressions of Claudin-3Claudin-3protein was mainly expressed in the cell membrane and cytoplasm,especially in the cytoplasm,and positive cells were colored brown.2.1The expressions of Claudin-3in different ovarian tissueThe expression rates of Claudin-3was gradually rised in normal groups,benign groups,borderline groups and epithelial ovarian cancer groups, and there were statistical significances in all(P<0.05).2.2The expression of Claudin-3in different pathology types of ovarian cancerThe positive expression rates of Claudin-3in G1grade,G2grade and G3grade were40%?66.7%and82.4%, and differences in three groups had statistical significances (P<0.05)2.3The expressions of Claudin-3in different pathology types of ovarian cancerThe positive expression rates of Claudin-3in epithelial ovarian serous cystadenoma group,mucinous cystadenoma group and endometrioid carcinoma group were74.1%,60.0%and37.5%,groups expression differences had no statistical significance(P>0.05).2.4The expressions of Claudin-3in different clinic stages about ovarian canceThe positive expression level of Claudin-3in clinic stage ??? and ??? were47.6%and75.9%,and with the clinic stage higher,the expression rates became stronger,and there were statistical significances in all (P<0.05)3The relevance of Prostasin and Claudin-3in epithelial ovarian cancerIn50epithelial ovarian cancers,the number of positive expression of Prostasin observed was35,positive expression of Claudin-3was observed in32cases. There was positive correlation between Prostasin and Claudin-3expression in epithelial ovarian cancer (r=0.386, P<0.05).Conclusion1. High expressions of Prostasin and Claudin-3are closely related with the occurrence, development, migration and progression of epithelial ovarian carcinoma.2. There was positive correlation between the expression level of Prostasin and Claudin-3in epithelial ovarian carcinoma,which tiped they may ally to play the important synergistic promote roles in the occurrence,development and progression of ovarian carcer.

Title: Expressions and Significances of Prostasin and Claudin-3in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma

Category: Ovarian Cancer

Filename: Expressions and Significances of Prostasin and Claudin-3in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma.pdf

Pages: 131

Price: US$48.00

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Samsung Galaxy Axiom officially debuts, available on US Cellular for $79

Samsung Galaxy Axiom officially debuts, available on US Cellular for $79

After making an appearance earlier this month in a leaked image, the Samsung Galaxy Axiom is ready for prime time. The handset is now on sale at US Cellular for $79 with a two-year contract or $399 for those who aren't fond of the commitment. Packing the expected Galaxy S III Mini-reminiscent specs, the budget LTE smartphone runs Ice Cream Sandwich, packs a 4-inch WVGA display, a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, 4GB of built-in memory that can be expanded with a microSD card of up to 32GB in size, a 5 megapixel camera on its rear and a 1.3 megapixel front-facing cam. With NFC baked in, the Galaxy Axiom joins the ranks of devices that have support for Google Wallet. To pick up a fresh Galaxy family device and not break the bank, hit the adjacent source link.

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Via: Android Community

Source: US Cellular


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rice meeting with senators fails to dampen criticism

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice on Tuesday conceded that an early account she gave about the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, was partly inaccurate, but her admission failed to win over Republican senators who accused her of misleading the public.

Rice met for about an hour behind closed doors at the U.S. Capitol with Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte, who have threatened to block her nomination if President Barack Obama chooses her for secretary of state or another top post in his second-term Cabinet.

They have criticized her for initial comments after the September 11 attack in Benghazi that suggested it was a spontaneous event arising from protests over an anti-Islam film rather than a premeditated attack.

The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in the attack on the Benghazi mission and a nearby CIA annex. Intelligence officials later said the attack was possibly tied to al Qaeda affiliates.

"We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got, and some that we didn't get, concerning evidence that was overwhelming leading up to the attack on our consulate," McCain told reporters after the meeting.

"It is clear that the information that she gave the American people was incorrect when she said that it was a spontaneous demonstration triggered by a hateful video," he said.

"It was not, and there was compelling evidence at the time that that was certainly not the case, including statements by Libyans as well as other Americans who are fully aware that people don't bring mortars and rocket-propelled grenades to spontaneous demonstrations," McCain said.

Graham said he would move to block the nomination of "anybody" who was linked to the Benghazi events.

Republicans have argued that the Obama administration tried to play down the terrorist angle in its initial comments to avoid undermining the president's claims of success in fighting al Qaeda in the run-up to the November 6 election.

Rice, who was accompanied to the meeting by acting CIA Director Michael Morell, later issued a statement.

"We explained that the talking points provided by the intelligence community, and the initial assessment upon which they were based, were incorrect in a key respect: there was no protest or demonstration in Benghazi," she said in the statement.

"While, we certainly wish that we had had perfect information just days after the terrorist attack, as is often the case, the intelligence assessment has evolved," she said.

"We stressed that neither I nor anyone else in the Administration intended to mislead the American people at any stage in this process."


Rice's controversial Benghazi statements were based on a set of unclassified talking points prepared by U.S. intelligence agencies for members of Congress.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Tuesday that the questions about Rice's appearance on the talk shows and the talking points she used had been answered. "The focus on - some might say obsession on - comments made on Sunday shows seems to me and to many to be misplaced," he said.

But Republican senators said the meeting with Rice and Morell left them with more concerns than before. In a statement McCain, Graham and Ayotte said there was now more confusion about who had made changes in the talking points before they were given to Rice.

Morell told the senators during the meeting that the FBI had removed references to al Qaeda from the talking points "and did so to prevent compromising an ongoing criminal investigation" of the attack on the U.S. mission, the statement by McCain, Graham and Ayotte said.

"However, at approximately 4:00 this afternoon, CIA officials contacted us and indicated that Acting Director Morell misspoke in our earlier meeting. The CIA now says that it deleted the al-Qaeda references, not the FBI. They were unable to give a reason as to why," the statement said.

The initial draft of the talking points written by the CIA referred to "attacks" carried out by "extremists with ties to al Qaeda." However by the time Rice received them, "attacks" had changed to "demonstrations" and "with ties to al Qaeda" had been deleted, multiple U.S. sources have said.

A U.S. intelligence official said the CIA changed the reference to al Qaeda for "several valid intelligence and investigatory reasons."

Among the reasons cited were that "the information about individuals linked to al Qaeda was derived from classified sources, and could not be corroborated at the unclassified level; the links were tenuous and therefore it made sense to be cautious before naming perpetrators; finally, no one wanted to prejudice a criminal investigation in its earliest stages."

U.S. intelligence officials have denied that there was any intent to misinform. The White House has denied making the edits in the talking points, and had no further comment on the subject after the meeting.


Obama has defended Rice and said if senators have a problem with the administration's handling of Benghazi they should "go after me" rather than try to "besmirch her reputation."

Obama has also said if he believed Rice was the right person for a job in his administration, he would not hesitate to nominate her, throwing down the gauntlet to Republicans.

The White House has not given a time frame for when the president might nominate a replacement for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton's aides have said she plans to step down around the inauguration, which is in late January, and would like to stay until her successor is confirmed.

Rice has some defenders on Capitol Hill. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, said Tuesday he was shocked that Republican attacks on Rice were continuing, calling them "outrageous and unmoored from facts and reality."

Rice met in the afternoon with Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Independent who is chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and she will meet on Wednesday with the panel's top Republican, Senator Susan Collins.

Collins said it was "way too early to tell" if Rice could attract the 60 Senate votes needed to overcome any procedural obstacles if she is nominated, but that Rice had erred in being the administration's voice on Benghazi if she was interested in becoming secretary of state.

"The secretary of state is supposed to be above politics, and she played a very political role by appearing at the height of the political campaign, on those shows," Collins said.

But Lieberman, after meeting Rice, said she had done nothing to disqualify herself for some other position in government.

"I specifically asked her whether at any point prior to going on those Sunday morning television shows she was briefed or urged to say certain things by anybody in the White House related to the campaign or political operations. She said 'no.'"

(Additional reporting by Jeff Mason and Mark Hosenball; Editing by Jackie Frank, Todd Eastham and Vicki Allen)


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The Double Standard of Forced Treatment | World of Psychology

The Double Standard of Forced TreatmentForced treatment for people with mental illness has had a long and abusive history, both here in the United States and throughout the world. No other medical specialty has the rights psychiatry and psychology do to take away a person?s freedom in order to help ?treat? that person.

Historically, the profession has suffered from abusing this right ? so much so that reform laws in the 1970s and 1980s took the profession?s right away from them to confine people against their will. Such forced treatment now requires a judge?s signature.

But over time, that judicial oversight ? which is supposed to be the check in our checks-and-balance system ? has largely become a rubber stamp to whatever the doctor thinks is best. The patient?s voice once again threatens to become silenced, now under the guise of ?assisted outpatient treatment? (just a modern, different term for forced treatment).

This double standard needs to end. If we don?t require forced treatment for cancer patients who could be cured by chemotherapy, there?s little justification for keeping it around for mental illness.

Charles H. Kellner, MD unintentionally provides a perfect example of this double-standard in this article about why he believes electroconvulsive therapy (ECT, also known as shock therapy) shouldn?t be held to the same standards as FDA-approved drugs or other medical devices:

Yes, ECT has adverse effects, including memory loss for some recent events, but all medical procedures for life-threatening diseases have adverse effects and risks. Severe depression is every bit as lethal as cancer or heart disease. It is inappropriate to allow public opinion to determine medical practice for a psychiatric illness; this would never happen for an equally serious nonpsychiatric illness.

And yet, strangely enough, if someone were dying from cancer or heart disease, they have an absolute right to refuse medical treatment for their ailment. So why is it that people with mental disorders can have that similar right taken away from them?

People who?ve just been told they have cancer are often not in their ?right? minds. Many people never recover from that information. Some rally, undergo treatment, and live a long and happy life. Others feel like they?ve been given a death sentence, resign themselves to the disease, and refuse medical treatment.

As long as they do it in the quiet of their home, nobody seems to much care.

Not so with mental disorders. No matter what the concern ? depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, heck, even ADHD ? you could be forced into treatment against your will if a doctor thinks it may help you. Technically, he or she must also be concerned about your willingness to live, but isn?t an oncologist also concerned about their patient?s will to live?

I?ve wrestled with this double standard all my professional life. Early in my career, I believed professionals had the right to force a person to undergo treatment. I rationalized this position ? as most psychiatrists and psychologists do ? arguing to myself that since many mental disorders can cloud our judgment, it seems like something that may be appropriate from time to time.

I was never fully comfortable with this idea, though, because it seemed completely antithetical to the basic human right of freedom. Shouldn?t freedom override the right to treat someone, especially against their will?

After talking with hundreds of people over the years ? patients, clients, survivors, people in recovery, advocates, and even colleagues who voluntarily underwent psychiatric treatment procedures such as ECT ? I?ve come to a different point of view. (Luckily, it appears ECT treatment is in decline and may someday go the way of the dodo bird.)

Forced treatment is wrong. Just as no doctor would ever force someone to undergo cancer treatment against their will, I can no longer back the rationalizations that justify forcing a fellow human being to undergo treatment for their mental health concern without their consent.

As a society, we?ve shown time and time again that we cannot devise a system that won?t be abused or used in ways that it was never intended. Judges simply don?t work as check for forced treatment, because they don?t have any reasonable basis on which to actually rest their judgment in the short time they?re given to make a determination.

The power to force treatment ? whether through the old-style commitment laws or the new-style ?assisted outpatient treatment? laws ? cannot be trusted to others to wield compassionately or as an option of last resort.

What should be good enough for the rest of medicine should be good enough for mental health concerns. If an oncologist can?t force a cancer patient to undergo life-saving chemotherapy, there?s little that can justify our use of this type of power in psychiatry and mental health.

It?s a double-standard in medicine that has gone on long enough, and in modern times, has outlived its purpose ? if it ever even had one.

John Grohol, PsyDDr. John Grohol is the CEO and founder of Psych Central. He is an author, researcher and expert in mental health online, and has been writing about online behavior, mental health and psychology issues -- as well as the intersection of technology and human behavior -- since 1992. Dr. Grohol sits on the editorial board of the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking and is a founding board member and treasurer of the Society for Participatory Medicine.

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????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 26 Nov 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.

APA Reference
Grohol, J. (2012). The Double Standard of Forced Treatment. Psych Central. Retrieved on November 26, 2012, from



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Citi Comes Out With Big Bullish Call On Apple - Business Insider

Ap Image of Tim Cook, Photo illustration by Jay Yarow

One of the big calls of the day: Citi is out with a 'Buy' rating on Apple and a price target of of $675/share. That's about $100 per share or 20% above the current price.

Here are the key points of the call, made by Glen Yueng, Walter H. Pritchard, and Jim Suva.

  • The company's pullback is consistent with other big selloffs in the company's history. Those were then typically followed by rallies of 20 to 50%.
  • The selloff is consistent with other large companies that had achieved a size of 4% of the S&P, although those other companies were starting with a larger multiple, so Apple has some downside protection.
  • There are clear risks due to A) size and b) the growth of low-end/low-margin phones, but there is still opportunity for the company.
  • Tablets, in particular, remain a huge opportunity.
  • They point to this chart to show how young and huge the tablet market is (click to enlarge)
  • Despite the rapid growth in tables, the opportunity is enormous, with the total industry growing at 32% per year through 2015.
  • Even in smartphones, the industry will grow globally by 26% per year through 2015, though again, there are risks to Apple on the low end.
  • As for the estimates the lead to the call, they write: "Our target price for Apple is $675, based on the implied multiples derived from growth and value regressions of a sample of large cap technology companies. We believe our methodology reflects the multiples investors ascribe to large cap technology companies. We have found the market is paying an FY2 earnings multiple of 7.23x (Sales Growth %) + 12.51 and price-to-book multiple of -0.058x (ROE) + 4.351. For Apple, our FY2014 sales growth estimate of 17.0% yields an implied P/FY2 earnings multiple of 13.74x. We multiply our FY2014 GAAP EPS estimate of $58.99 by the growth multiple for an implied share price of $810. Our FY2014 ROE estimate of 28.72% yields an implied P/BV 2.69x. We multiply our FY2014 tangible BV/share estimate of $199.76 by the value multiple for an implied share price of $537. We equally weigh our growth and value implied targets to derive an initial target of $674, which we round to $675.
    The implied multiples, based on our FY14 EPS/book value estimates are 11.4x FY14 EPS of $58.99 and 3.4x FY14 ending book value of $199.76. This compares to the S&P 500?s multiples of 12.4x earnings and 2.1x book value."

For more on what's going on this morning, see 10 things you need to know before the? opening bell >


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iPad Market Share - Business Insider

Here's more proof that tablet market share stats you see are either bogus or totally irrelevant.

IBM released its Thanksgiving and Black Friday report on mobile shopping, and the iPad completely dominates.

In the chart below, you can see the iPad represented 88.3 percent of all tablet shopping on Black Friday and Thanksgiving. It was also 9.3 percent of all mobile shopping. The iPhone was 8.7 percent in mobile, while Android was just 5.5 percent in mobile. (Add it up, and you have the iOS at 18 percent of mobile shopping versus 5.5% for Android.)

IBM's data comes from tracking online retailers with its Digital Analytics Benchmark product. These stats come from tracking, apparel, department stores, health and beauty, and home good, says IBM.

These numbers are particularly interesting because at the start of the month, IDC said Apple only had 50% of the tablet market. Samsung, Amazon, and Asus were supposedly eating Apple's share.

Those IDC numbers seem a lot more hollow now. Perhaps all those other companies are shipping lots of tablets, but they're not being bought and used by consumers.

Apple's CEO Tim Cook has long been skeptical of market share stats. When Apple announced the iPhone 5, he said the iPad had 92% of tablet web traffic, adding, "I don't know what these other tablets are doing. They must be in warehouses or store shelves or maybe in people's bottom drawer."

In other words, maybe tablets are being shipping, but not used.

This IBM data is also points to a bigger picture with Apple and Android market share. Android may be winning the market share battle, but it's losing the battle to be the platform. Apple is still being used more by people, which is what matters for developers and for companies.

Via: Fortune


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Food & Drink | Kitchen Disasters: You have to watch where you&#39;re ...

When you're cooking in the kitchen you have to be careful of hot surfaces, sharp blades and open microwave doors, apparently... So you're better off just ordering in from

Cooking in a kitchen has many hidden pitfalls. You could end up burning yourself off a hot stove, or cutting yourself with a sharp knife, which will leave a nasty reminder that you haven?t a clue how to cook. But that?s not the only thing stopping you from making a meal of? well, your meal.

Here we see how the simplest thing can have serious consequences in the kitchen. One of the guys in the video leaves the microwave door open and without looking, another guy walks straight into it.

Now, thankfully, the bloke in question (which could be you someday) wasn?t carrying a big vat full of boiling oil, but he easily could have been and this blunder could have turned into a right kitchen disaster. So that?s why you?re better off leaving the cooking to the professionals and just ordering your favourite cuisine from


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