Sunday, September 30, 2012

35 injured as tornado knocks over Ferris wheel at fairground in Spain

A TORNADO has swept through a fairground in a Spanish town, knocking down a Ferris wheel and injuring 35 people, while the death toll from flooding in the same southern region of the country rose to 10, authorities said yesterday.

The tornado damaged several rides and cut electricity in the temporary fair set up in the main square of Gandia, according to the website of its town hall.

It said 15 of the injured were seriously hurt. Local media reported that the fair in Valencia province was closed to the public at the time of a thunderstorm and that all the injured were fair workers.

Poles protest against prime minister

TENS of thousands of protesters marched through the Polish capital yesterday, the start of an opposition drive to capitalise on the spluttering economy with the aim of loosening prime minister Donald Tusk's grip on power.

Poland's economy has grown robustly even while its neighbours slipped into recession, handing Mr Tusk high levels of support and leaving his opponents struggling to gain credibility with voters.

However, economic growth is expected to slow to just above 2 per cent next year. That is healthy by the standards of most European countries but a jarring deceleration for Poles who have become used to two decades of uninterrupted growth.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the opposition Law and Justice Party, said ordinary Poles were no longer prepared to give Tusk's government, now in its second term, the benefit of the doubt.

Woman falls to death from cruise ship

The search for a British woman who fell overboard from a cruise ship in the Mediterranean was called off yesterday after a body was recovered.

The passenger was reported missing on the Aurora as it sailed from the Spanish city of La Coruna to Barcelona yesterday, P&O Cruises said. The ship's crew were alerted and ordered an immediate search for the woman, who has not yet been named.

Bo Xilai loses legislature's protection

Chinese state media has said a local legislative committee has stripped disgraced politician Bo Xilai of his qualifications to serve on the national legislature.

The expulsion, once confirmed by the national body, will clear the way for Mr Bo to be prosecuted on charges ranging from corruption to abetting the cover-up of a murder by Mr Bo's wife of businessman Neil Heywood.

Delegates to the national legislature have immunity from prosecution unless there is special approval.

Ford workers sticker Paris Auto Show

Workers at a Ford factory in France protested at the Paris Auto Show with giant stickers, plastering about 20 cars around the hall to protest over lost jobs in the automotive industry.

About 400 workers, most from a factory in the south-western city of Blanquefort, joined the protest.

Repatriation for Guantanamo prisoner

The last western detainee held at Guantanamo Bay is being repatriated to Canada, an official has said.

Omar Khadr, 26, was 15 when he was captured in 2002 in Afghanistan and has spent a decade at the US naval base in Cuba.

The son of an alleged al-Qaeda financier, Khadr was convicted in 2010 of throwing a grenade that killed US army sergeant 1st Class Christopher Speer in Afghanistan in 2002, and was jailed for eight years.

John Norris, Khadr's Canadian lawyer, has said his client would be eligible for parole in the spring of 2013.

Aleppo souks burn as clashes continue

FIRES sparked by clashes between government troops and rebels raged through the medieval marketplace of Aleppo yesterday, destroying hundreds of shops lining the vaulted passageways where foods, fabrics, perfumes and spices have been sold for centuries, activists said.

Some described the overnight blaze as the worst blow yet to an historic district that helped make the heart of Syria's largest city and commercial hub a Unesco world-heritage site.

The souk, a labyrinth of narrow alleys lined with shops, was once a major tourist attraction, but has been the scene of near-daily firefights and shelling in recent weeks. Activists say regime troops and snipers have taken up positions in the citadel that dominates the city.

Amateur footage posted online showed flames raging through the stone passageways as rebels struggled to put out the blaze with a garden hose. Other videos showed a pall of smoke hanging over the city's skyline.

Once considered a bastion of support for Syrian president Bashar Assad's regime, Aleppo has in the last two months become the focus of the insurgency. Its fall would give the opposition a major strategic victory, with a stronghold in the north near the Turkish border.

Since the rebel offensive began in August, each side has controlled about half of the city and has repeatedly tried -- but failed -- to capture the rest.

Originally published in

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High debate stakes: Romney looks to gain momentum

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Barack Obama is cruising into the presidential debates with momentum on his side, yet he's still struggling to revive the passion and excitement that propelled him to the White House. Mitt Romney is grasping for his last, best chance to reboot his campaign after a disastrous September.

The fierce and determined competitors in the tight race have a specific mission for the three debates, the first of which is Wednesday night in Denver.

Obama, no longer the fresh face of 2008, must convince skeptical Americans that he can accomplish in a second term what he couldn't in his first, restoring the economy to full health.

Romney, anxious to keep the race from slipping away, needs to instill confidence that he is a credible and trusted alternative to the president, with a better plan for strengthening the economy.

"The burden in many ways is heavier on Romney," says Wayne Fields, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis who specializes in political rhetoric. "What we see right now is an uncertainty about whether he's ready for the job."

For all the hundreds of campaign appearances, thousands of political ads and billions of dollars invested in the race, this is a singular moment in the contest. Upward of 50 million people are expected to watch each of the debates, drawing the largest political audience of the year.

Forty-one percent of Americans reported watching all of the 2008 debates, and 80 percent said they saw at least a bit, according to a Pew Research Center poll.

That intense interest tends to crowd out everything else for a time, adding to the debates' importance. With polls indicating that Obama has been gaining ground steadily in the most competitive states, the pressure is on Romney to turn in a breakout performance.

The Denver debate, 90 minutes devoted to domestic policy, airs live at 9 p.m. EDT, with the two men seated side by side in elevated director's chairs. Romney and Obama debate again Oct. 16 in Hempstead, N.Y., and Oct. 22 in Boca Raton, Fla. Vice President Joe Biden and Republican Paul Ryan have their lone debate Oct. 11 in Danville, Ky.

With early or absentee voting already under way in more than half the states, any first impressions created in the debates could well be last impressions. What the candidates say is sure to matter immensely, but how they say it may count for even more.

"We remember visual impressions from debates more than we remember specific words," says Alan Schroeder, a Northeastern University professor who's written a history of presidential debates.

Whether the candidates smile or grimace, strike a confident or defensive pose, speak with a resonant or strained tone of voice, it all matters. That may be particularly true for the all-important undecided voters and those still open to changing their minds.

Staunch Democrats and Republicans may well be firm in their choices, says Patti Wood, an Atlanta-based expert on body language, but if less partisan voters are "frightened in general about their lives, if they're insecure, they're going to pick the most charismatic person."

Both candidates have challenges to overcome on that score, according to Wood.

Obama, 51, has been sounding "very tired and very strained" lately, she says, and Romney, 65, "has a problem with appearing superior and cold."

Overall, she says, "Romney is looking a little bit younger than Obama right now," in terms of energy if not wrinkles.

Both candidates are experienced and competent debaters. But each, setting the judgment bar high for his opponent, is working overtime to puff up the skills of the other guy and play down his own debate credentials.

Romney recently described the president as "eloquent in describing his vision" during the 2008 debates. But the GOP nominee added that Obama "can't win by his words, because his record speaks so loudly in our ears."

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki stresses that Romney has been preparing for the debates with "more focus than any presidential candidate in modern history." Sketching sky-high stakes, Psaki says the Republicans fully expect the debates to be "their turning point" in the campaign.

The president himself mocked the idea that Romney still can alter the campaign dynamic.

"Every few days he keeps on saying he's going to reboot this campaign and they're going to start explaining very specifically how this plan is going to work ? and then they don't," he said last week while campaigning in Virginia.

For all their positioning, both candidates will use the debates to try to surmount the same challenges that they long have confronted.

Romney, frequently criticized for shifting his positions to sync up with the politics of the moment, needs to project "a kind of character, a kind of maturity that allows him to be presidential," says Fields.

Obama, an incumbent who's shown himself to be comfortable in the media glare, "doesn't have to prove that part," says Fields. "He has to prove that he has real answers to problems that have not been solved in his first term and for which there is a great deal of unrest."

Romney is sure to be questioned anew about his caught-on-video comment dismissing the 47 percent of Americans who don't pay federal income tax as victims who won't take responsibility for their lives.

"How can Gov. Romney have such a profound misunderstanding of the people of this country?" Biden asked during an appearance Saturday in Fort Myers, Fla., "When I hear this talk, not just from Romney and Ryan, but from this new Republican Party ... I don't recognize the country they're talking about."

Former President Bill Clinton, offering a bit of unsolicited advice to the opposition, says Romney would be wise not to "double down on that 47 percent remark."

"That will cause difficulties, because we now know that the overwhelming number of those people work and have children," Clinton said recently. He added that the most important job for Romney is to "find a way to relate to more people in these debates and speak to more of them."

On Saturday, the Obama campaign posted a Web video urging debate viewers take Romney's claims of private-sector experience with a grain of salt. "Remember, it wasn't about creating jobs," the video says. It includes testimony from steel- and paper-plant workers laid off after Bain Capital takeovers.

Also Saturday, the Romney campaign announced plans for his wife Ann to speak at a rally Monday in Henderson, Nev., where Obama is planning three days of private debate preparation. And Romney points to Syria, Libya and Iran to criticize Obama's foreign policy as "one of passivity and denial" in his weekly podcast.

Meantime, there's no shortage of advice swirling around the two candidates: loosen up, study up, be aggressive, don't overdo it, admit mistakes, don't apologize, project confidence, ooze emotion, use humor, make eye contact, get more sleep.

It's enough to paralyze even the most skilled orator if not kept in perspective.

"That's what so tricky about this," says Schroeder. "Debates themselves are this kind of interesting blend of the choreographed and the spontaneous. ... What you want is for the candidate to be prepared but not to overlook those opportunities to improvise when you see an opening."

The stakes are lower for the debate between Biden and Ryan. It offers the prospect of a looser and more entertaining discussion between two candidates with vastly different styles and personalities.

In 2008, Biden's debate with Republican Sarah Palin attracted 70 million viewers, easily topping the 63 million high-water mark for the presidential debates that year.


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The small towns where home price gains are big

AP file

With nearby Facebook driving up incomes, home prices in Menlo Park, Calif., are on the rise.

By Rusty Weston, 24/7 Wall St.

The advantages of small-town living are well known?to Americans ? and not just because of Norman Rockwellesque clich?s about values, neighborliness and pace of life. These days, most prosperous small towns are bedroom communities with good public schools and easy commutes to large employment centers.

Have small-town housing markets bounced all the way back to prehousing crisis levels? Answer: not just yet. But based on data provided by?Zillow, a leading provider of real estate listings and market data, 24/7 Wall St. was able to identify small towns that have?demonstrated strong signs of a healthy recovery in the past year.

24/7 Wall St.:?10 towns that cannot turn around

Some of the large year-over-year increases are the result of a market correction, believes Louise Keely, senior vice president at Nielsen?s?The Demand Institute, a leading provider of consumer behavior data. ?Prices went down too much, and now the market is moving back to an equilibrium,? Keely told 24/7 Wall St. ?I would expect a leveling out, and housing price growth nationally is going to be in the low single digits.?

Small towns will stay competitive with larger nearby communities, Keely said. ?Small towns tend to have lower home prices than nearby urban areas, and that will make them more attractive for households with weaker household balance sheets than they were?seven to 10 years ago.?

As part of the greater Phoenix metro area, Florence suffered during the recent housing bust but is now staging a significant comeback. However, according to Professor Mark Stapp, who runs the Masters of Real Estate Development program at Arizona State University?s W.P. Carey School of Business, the recovery is a bit misleading.

?We lost so much value in housing that the increase in price is driven off of a very low base,? said?Stapp. ?What you?re seeing is increases in prices off of a historic low ? so it?s a bit deceiving because it?s not a sustainable growth rate. But I don?t think you?re going to see prices fall.?

No doubt small towns will see their fair share of the recovery.?A study?by the National Association of Home Builders indicates that builder confidence is the highest it has been since June 2006.?The home builders association?projects increased demand for new homes, which not only addresses buyer demands, but also the additional housing stock helps slow the rate of home price increases.

24/7 Wall St.: The 10 states with the strongest housing markets

24/7 Wall St. identified the 10 small towns with the fastest rising housing prices based on?Zillow?housing data. We defined small towns as having between 30,000 to 50,000 residents. To be considered, the small town had to have the highest year-over-year growth through August 2012. Because several metropolitan statistical areas included more than one small town with the fastest growing housing market, we only considered the small town in each?statistical area?with the fastest growth.

These are the small towns with booming housing markets.

1. Florence, Ariz.

  • ?One-year home price change: 21.8 percent
  • ?Metropolitan statistical area: Phoenix, Ariz.
  • ?Population:?30,880
  • ?Median home value:?$115,300

Home prices in Florence are recovering amid surging demand from an influx of new residents in the area. The town?s population has risen by nearly 50 percent since 2010.?During the downturn, new home construction declined sharply in the greater Phoenix area, a factor that helped to constrain home prices during the housing crisis. Despite the 21.8 percent increase in the past year, home values are still more than $35,000 under the national median.

2. Northville Township, Mich.

  • ?One-year home price change: 15.7 percent
  • ?Metropolitan statistical area:?Detroit, Mich.
  • ?Population:?35,300
  • ?Median home value:?$268,700

This upper-middle class Detroit suburb is buoyed by a high-performing school district that helped sustain property values amid challenging economic times for Michigan. The school district tips its cap to its constituent demographics. The majority of the community is employed in middle and upper management positions with the auto industry and subsidiaries or professional occupations. Home prices in many Detroit suburbs have grown in value in the past year, including such larger areas as West Bloomfield and Utica. Northville is one of the more expensive communities among them. The median home value in the town exceeds that of homes in the?average Detroit neighborhood by more than $110,000.

3. Saratoga, Calif.

  • ?One-year home price change: 14.4 percent
  • ?Metropolitan statistical area: San Jose, Calif.
  • ?Population:?31,102
  • ?Median home value:?$1,620,200

Local lore has it that IPOs by LinkedIn, Facebook, Zynga?and other tech companies have given a strong push to housing markets in Silicon Valley, which encompasses much of the Peninsula north of San Jose. There appears to be increasing competition among buyers vying for a constrained housing supply in this upscale suburb. The estimated home value in Saratoga ? $1.6 million ? is the second highest in the country for any town or city with at least 30,000 residents, behind only Beverly Hills.

24/7 Wall St.: Cities with the most homes in foreclosure

4. Kendall West, Fla.

  • ?One-year home price change: 13.7 percent
  • ?Metropolitan statistical area: Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
  • ?Population:?39,742
  • ?Median home value:?$101,800

Housing prices in this mostly working-class and unincorporated Miami suburb have shown resiliency in the face of a housing downturn that?affected much of the state in recent years. Home prices here have managed to outpace state averages and double since 2000, despite the downturn. Despite a nearly 14 percent growth in home prices in the past year, estimated home prices barely exceed $100,000, and are roughly $50,000 less than the U.S. median home price for August.

5. Menlo Park, Calif.

  • ?One-year home price change: 13.4 percent
  • ?Metropolitan statistical area: San Francisco, Calif.
  • ?Population:?40,795
  • ?Median home value:?$1,169,600

This affluent suburb on the edge of Palo Alto, Calif., is home to many venture capital companies that are helping to fuel the current IPO and tech boom in Silicon Valley. The biggest local employer is Facebook. Although the social network?s post-IPO performance has failed to meet expectations, some of the wealth it generated appears to have stayed close to home. The average home price in the suburb is more than 7.5 times the U.S. median.

Click here to read the rest of 24/7 Wall St.'s Small towns with soaring housing markets


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can Mobile Phone Use Lead to Brain Tumors? | Dr. Kyle ...

There are currently close to 6 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide, and increased usage of cell phones has understandably led to a greater level of interest in how safe they are. The main concern for our health is that mobile phones emit and receive electromagnetic radiation as a result of their need to communicate with relay towers, and some of this radiation is absorbed by the head when the phone is held up to the ear. Whether or not the radiation (both the amount and the frequency) that a typical mobile phone user is likely to receive is potentially damaging to their health has been the subject of debate for some time.

Anecdotal evidence that high mobile phone use can potentially lead to brain tumors is not hard to find. Newspapers and other media sources are only too ready to run such stories. However, given that there are so many people using mobile communication so regularly, the chances are that someone is going to have a brain tumor at some point, whether or not there is any link with the amount of time they spend on their phone. The obvious question is whether or not there is good reason to be concerned over how and how much you use your phone.

The most recent assessment of the scientific evidence of mobile phone safety was carried out by the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). They concluded that mobile phone usage was unlikely to increase the risk of developing brain tumors.

The most recent results from a long-term study by researchers from the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology at the Danish Cancer Society in Denmark also failed to find any link between mobile phone usage and the development of brain tumors or any other cancers of the nervous system. This study was particularly significant in that it used most of the Danish population to determine if there was any difference in the incidence of brain cancers between mobile phone users and non-mobile phone users. Unsurprisingly, this work has been quoted frequently, especially by cell phone companies, as evidence that their products have now been given a completely clean bill of health.

In contrast to the previous results, the conclusion of a 2010 paper published in the International Journal of Epidemiology on the subject suggested that while no overall link was found between two kinds of brain tumor and mobile phone usage, the data did point to a possible increase in the development of glioma-type tumors in the most intensive users. The authors also pointed out that since the new generations of smart phones are being used for even greater periods of time, especially by younger people, further and ongoing studies in this area are definitely merited.

In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified mobile phone radiation as ?potentially carcinogenic to humans.? Following from this, many countries have adopted a precautionary approach and suggested moderation in cell phone usage. Using a hands-free kit to avoid holding a phone next to your head has also been advised. While the available evidence suggests that low and normal usage of a mobile phone does not increase your risk of developing a brain tumor, it is probably wise to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation as much as you can, and certainly to avoid spending long periods of the day with a phone next to your ear.


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NewsDaily: Hollande stakes credibility on 2013 French budget

France taxes rich and business to slash deficit

By Daniel Flynn
and Leigh Thomas
Posted 2012/09/28 at 7:43 am EDT

PARIS, Sep. 28, 2012 (Reuters) ? President Francois Hollande's Socialist government unveiled sharp tax hikes on business and the rich on Friday in a 2013 budget aimed at showing France has the fiscal rigor to remain at the core of the euro zone.

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault walks to deliver a speech after the weekly cabinet meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris, September 28, 2012. Ayrault announced a budget bill for 2013 that commits France to 30 billion euros ($39 billion) of tax hikes and spending cuts with the goal of reducing the public deficit to 3 percent of GDP next year to honour the country's European commitments. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer

The package will recoup 30 billion euros ($39 billion) for the public purse with a goal of narrowing the deficit to 3.0 percent of national output next year from 4.5 percent this year - France's toughest single belt-tightening in 30 years.

But with record unemployment and a barrage of data pointing to economic stagnation, there are fears the deficit target will slip as France falls short of the modest 0.8 percent economic growth rate on which it is banking for next year.

The budget disappointed pro-reform lobbyists by merely freezing France's high public spending rather than daring to attack ministerial budgets as Spain did this week as it battles to avoid the conditions of an international bailout.

"This is a fighting budget to get the country back on the rails," Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said, adding that the 0.8 percent growth target was "realistic and ambitious".

"It is a budget which aims to bring back confidence and to break this spiral of debt that gets bigger and bigger."

With public debt at a post-war record of 91 percent of the economy, the budget is vital to France's credibility not only among euro zone partners but also in markets which for now are allowing it to borrow at record-low yields around two percent.

France's benchmark 3.0 percent 10-year bond was steady, yielding 2.18 percent after the announcement.

The government said the budget was the first in a series of steps to bring its deficit down to 0.3 percent of GDP by 2017 - slightly missing an earlier target of a zero deficit by then.

But early reactions were skeptical.

"The ambitions that were flagged are very audacious," said Philippe Waechter at Natixis Asset Management. "I struggle to see how we'll find the growth needed in 2013 and afterwards."

Of the total 30 billion euros of savings, around 20 billion will come from tax increases on households and companies, with tax rises already approved this year to contribute some 4 billion euros to revenues in 2013. The freeze on spending will contribute around 10 billion euros.


To the dismay of business leaders who fear an exodus of top talent, the government confirmed a temporary 75 percent super-tax rate for earnings over one million euros and a new 45 percent band for revenues over 150,000 euros.

Together, those two measures are predicted to bring in around half a billion euros. Higher tax rates on dividends and other investments, plus cuts to existing tax breaks are seen bringing in several billion more.

Business will be hit with measures including a cut in the amount of loan interest which is tax-deductible and the cutting of an existing tax break on capital gains from certain share sales - moves worth around four billion and two billion euros each.

"The government is impeding investment and so will block innovation," Entrepreneurs Club head Guillaume Cairou said of the preference for raising taxes rather than cutting spending.

"France is sick because of the model it has ... but is choosing to preserve it."

Four months after he defeated Nicolas Sarkozy, Hollande's approval ratings are in free-fall as many French feel he has been slow to get to grips with the economic slow-down and unemployment at a 10-year high and rising.

Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici defended next year's growth target on French radio. But, highlighting the bet on growth underpinning the entire budget, he added that it was achievable "if Europe steadies".

Data on Friday confirmed France posted zero growth in the second quarter, marking nine months of stagnation, as a pickup in business investment and government spending was offset by a worsening trade balance and sluggish consumer expenditure.

Despite a rise in wages, consumers - traditionally the motor of France's growth - increased their savings to 16.4 percent of income from 16.0 percent a year earlier. In another setback, other data showed consumer spending dropped 0.8 percent in August.

(Additional reporting by Catherine Bremer and Brian Love; writing by Mark John; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

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Friday, September 28, 2012

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

ZTE shows off new V98 Windows 8 slate, we go hands-on

ZTE shows off its first Windows 8 slate, we go handson

Intel outed just outed its new Atom SoC, and at its tablet event in San Francisco today, the company had a whole slew of slates packing the Clover Trail silicon on hand. Dell's Latitude 10, the ASUS Tablet 810, Acer's Iconia W510 and W700, Lenovo's ThinkPad 2, the HP Envy x2 and Samsung's Series 5 were all there. However, it was the handsome slice of Windows 8 from ZTE that really caught our attention. Called the V98, it has a 10.1-inch, 1366 x 768 LCD on top of an aluminum chassis with a beveled edge similar to what you'd find on a white iPhone 5. Beneath that handsome exterior is the aforementioned Intel Z2760 chipset, 64GB of ROM, 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage (plus a microSD slot if you need more digital space). There's 802.11 b/g/n WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, tri-band UMTS and quad-band GSM radios, plus NFC and LTE can be had as options. It's got an accelerometer, proximity and ambient light sensors, a magnetometer and a gyro, too. An 8-megapixel camera is stuck in the back, while a 2-megapixel shooter resides round front. ZTE managed to stuff all that and a 7,000mAh battery inside a svelte 8.9mm-thin package.

We got to spend a little bit of time with a prototype ZTE model, and found the hardware to be solid for a hand-built unit. Its aluminum chassis makes for quite a rigid device in hand, and the machined and polished bevel gives the V98 a very high-end look. The chromed plastic volume rocker, power button and screen orientation lock switch nestled in the plastic radio reception strip at the top of the device are decidedly less luxurious, however -- the travel of each was shallow, and the finish on the plastic appeared a bit cheap to our eyes. That said, the rotating magnetic aluminum door that reveals the SD card and SIM slots is slick -- far easier to open and close than the plastic port covers found on most other slates. There's also a 30-pin docking port on the bottom edge of the tablet, but ZTE informed us it'd be another month or so before the dock is ready for public consumption. Unfortunately, the V98 won't be available for purchase until Q1 of next year, but you can see if its worth waiting for in our gallery of shots below.

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ZTE shows off new V98 Windows 8 slate, we go hands-on originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:29:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Huge 5,000-year-old oak unearthed

The trunk of a giant oak tree, thought by experts to be more than 5,000 years old, has been unearthed in a field in Norfolk.

The 44ft (13.4m) Fenland Black Oak, or bog oak, was found buried in farmland at Methwold Hythe, near Downham Market.

Planks cut from the trunk will be dried over seven months in a specialist kiln.

A spokesman said the tree would make "a breathtaking table for public display giving an insight into the grandeur of these ancient giant forests".

Continue reading the main story

This one is worthy of preserving for the interest of the nation?

End Quote Hamish Low Fenland Black Oak Project

Bog oak is generally found buried in farmland.

One of the rarest forms of timber in England, when dry it is said to be "comparable to some of the world's most expensive tropical hardwoods".

Experts believe the Norfolk bog oak is "the largest-ever intact 5,000-year-old sub-fossilised trunk of an ancient giant oak", but think it could be just a section - possibly as small as a quarter - of the original tree.

Standing trees began to perish as water levels gradually rose starting about 7,000 years ago and when they died they tumbled into silt that built up on the forest floor and this led to their preservation.

Hamish Low, of specialists Adamson and Low, said: "This one is so special in that it is intact and, as far as I can tell, sound along its full 44ft length.

"Along with the fact it is impossible to know how long Fenland Black Oaks will continue to rise out of the soil, and their inherent fragility, this one is worthy of preserving for the interest of the nation."

Having taken a team of experts a day on Tuesday to unearth the tree and mill on site to 10 planks, the wood is being transported to London for drying.

Working as the Diamond Jubilee Fenland Black Oak Project, Mr Low will lead a team of apprentice carpenters, in collaboration with the Worshipful Company of Carpenters, to create a 44ft table from the dried oak with the intention of putting it on show to the public.

"Most people in the woodwork business will think it's a ridiculous thing to try and attempt, but they are digging up less and less bog oak and there is very little of it on public display," said Mr Low.

"It's only by developing techniques over 20 years we've even dared to try and attempt this."


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Herndon Family Found Dead Was Friendly, Neighbors Say ...

Herndon, VA ? Herndon's Point Rider Lane neighborhood is reeling Tuesday after learning a family of four was found dead inside a home there this morning.

Police were called out to the home in the 13300 block of Point Rider Lane at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday to do a welfare check on the family after a coworker of one of the adults notified police they hadn?t been to work Monday or Tuesday, police said.

Police breached the home at about noon and found the bodies of two adults and two Fairfax County school aged-children, Fairfax County Police Spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell said.

Caldwell said they have not released a cause of death and next of kin has not yet been notified. She said the preliminary investigation has found no threat to the community.

Neighbors say the family that lived in the home was friendly and helpful, sometimes helping clear snow after a storm and always waving.

Ed Swanson Jr., a neighbor of six years, said he?s shocked something like this happened in the community. He said the husband was a "good guy" who was helpful and the neighborhood "has been awesome."

Another neighbor, Sherry Webster, said her son had been friends with the family?s two boys when they were younger. She said it will be difficult to tell her son what happened.

Webster said the parents were outgoing, neighborly, and a cute couple.

?She was full of energy,? she said of the wife.?

Patch will follow this story and provide more information as it becomes available.

See other related stories:?
? Family Found Dead in Herndon Home?

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Apple?s Schiller On #ScratchGate: Aluminum Scratching Is Normal

iphone-5-featureApple SVP of Marketing Phil Schiller has reportedly responded to a customer complaint regarding the scratching border of a black and slate iPhone 5, via an email received by 9to5Mac this morning. Schiller apparently responded to concerns by pointing out that aluminum is naturally subject to scratches, and that minor chips over time are to be expected with the iPhone 5's construction materials.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HBT: Giants not expected to welcome back Melky Andrew Baggarly had this two weeks ago, and now it?s close to being made official. Here is Henry Schulman of the San Francisco Chronicle:

Manager Bruce Bochy said the Melky Cabrera decision will be announced ?before the end of the homestand,? but not today. I can see why they?d wait. The Giants, Major League Baseball and the Players Association had a press conference at the ballpark today to outline plans for the 2013 World Baseball Classic. News on Cabrera?s fate would overshadow the WBC announcements. My best guess is Thursday.

Just like Baggarly suggested on September 14, Schulman says that all?indications?point to Cabrera being told that he can?t come back when his 50-game PED suspension ends five games into the postseason.

It?s an odd decision given how productive Cabrera has been in a Giants uniform. And when you consider that Guillermo Mota ? who served a 100-game suspension earlier this year ? is currently on San Francisco?s active roster, it seems a little?hypocritical. But the Giants are 25-11 since the Cabrera punishment was handed down by Major League Baseball and clearly believe that they can keep rolling without him.

Cabrera was batting .346/.390/.516 with 11 home runs and 60 RBI through 113 games this season.


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Watch more Bodybuilding Supplements & Nutrition videos: Subscribe to the Howcast Health Channel ? Learn if egg protein helps build muscle in this bodybuilding supplements and nutrition video from Howcast. The Howcast Health Channel offers easy-to-follow instructions on all forms of exercise, both new and traditional, including water aerobics, Pilates, yoga, strength training, how to use an exercise ball, and various forms of martial arts. The Channel also includes expert advice on health topics, such as chiropractic, cholesterol, massage therapy, meditation, sexual health, stress management, and vitamins. Plus, you?ll find all the latest diet and nutrition information. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: Subscribe to Howcast?s other YouTube Channels: Howcast Main Channel ? Howcast Video Games Channel ? Howcast Tech Channel ? Howcast Food Channel ? Howcast Arts & Recreation Channel ? Howcast Sports & Fitness Channel ? Howcast Personal Care & Style Channel ? Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional videos, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing ?

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Chinese Company To Acquire Complete Genomics, Become World Genomics Powerhouse

Complete Genomics, the whole human genome sequencing powerhouse in Mountain View, California, is being acquired by the Chinese company BGI-Shenzhen. The acquisition could be read as a signal to the world that China is determined to be a major competitor in the future genome sequencing market. It also marks the end of a bumpy road for Complete Genomics, which, unfortunately for investors, fell far short of expectations.

For Complete Genomics, the merger couldn?t come soon enough.

Next generation sequencing continues to decrease the price of sequencing. But while this enables Complete Genomics to increase supply, they?re sorely missing a match in demand. With substantial drops in price ? in 2011 they charged $4,200 per genome, down from $12,000 in 2010 ? Complete Genomics? orders generate less revenue per genome. The drop in revenue, combined with an unstable customer base, the company?s stock prices dropped by half last summer, and it has continued to drop steadily since.



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Monday, September 24, 2012

City of Madison, employees union strike deal

The city of Madison could save $2 million under a proposed contract with its largest union, a deal made possible after a court ruling this month put portions of the state?s collective bargaining law on hold.

An agreement with AFSCME Local 60, which represents about 1,100 workers, is set to go before the union and the City Council this week.

The deal, which would run from March 2014 to March 2015, would let the city reduce wages or health benefits by up to 3 percent. That amounts to about $2 million, Mayor Paul Soglin said Saturday.

The contract would prevent further cuts and preserve union rights the state law would take away, such as grievance arbitration, AFSCME Local 60 staff representative Jennifer McCulley said.

?What we got out of it was the security of having everything in place for one more year,? McCulley said.

Soglin said the agreement would let the city maintain service levels while extending the life of the union. ?A strong union is a valuable asset in a public workplace,? he said.

The city and the union discussed the measure Friday. McCulley said the union will vote on it Tuesday. A special City Council meeting to consider the proposal is tentatively set for Thursday, Soglin said.

The city on Monday plans to talk with other unions about similar deals, the mayor said.

The Dane County Board on Thursday approved agreements to keep most of its unions alive through 2015. The deals could save $5 million in 2015 through furloughs and voluntary leaves.

The negotiations were enabled by a Sept. 14 ruling by Dane County Circuit Judge Juan Colas that found parts of Act 10 unconstitutional. The 2011 law, championed by Gov. Scott Walker and his legislative allies, virtually eliminated collective bargaining rights for most public employees.

State Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen on Tuesday asked Colas to delay enforcement of his ruling until an appeal can be heard. But a decision is likely to take weeks, giving governments and unions time to negotiate new contracts if they choose.

In March 2011, when another court order temporarily stalled the law, AFSCME Local 60 and the city reached a three-year deal through March 2014. It called for 2 percent wage hikes on the last pay periods of 2011 and 2012 and a 3 percent increase on the last pay period of 2013.

In exchange, union members agreed to pay 6 percent of health insurance premiums starting in January 2013 and another 6 percent at the beginning of 2014, and contribute half of the cost of their pensions starting in January 2012.

That contract and the new one also say the city will work with the union to avoid layoffs.


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Coach treats OSU to In-N-Out after UCLA upset

In-N-Out Burger is known throughout the country as perhaps the finest fast-food joint in existence.

Unfortunately, all 281 of its locations are in Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Texas, and the closest restaurant to Corvallis, Ore., is in Redding, Calif., 356 miles away.

After upsetting No. 19 UCLA in Los Angeles on Saturday, Oregon State head coach Mike Riley decided to treat his players to the delicacy, and tweeted that the team would be going to the hallowed ground of beef:

"Just finished our business in LA, now it's time for a little fun, headed to In-N-Out as a team! #GoBeavs2012"

To prove he wasn't playing some kind of sick joke, Riley tweeted a picture of the restaurant once the team arrived:

"We weren't joking, double-doubles for everyone! Great win! #GoBeavs2012"

Asked on Twitter if he was buying, Riley responded:

"Of course, these guys deserved it!!!"

What a guy.

Still, we have plenty more questions. Did everybody get to order for themselves or did Riley just ask for like 200 double-doubles? Does he know about the "secret menu"? Did they get fries and/or drinks? Was the staff overwhelmed? Were there enough napkins on the bus?

Perhaps the biggest takeaway is that if a recruit would choose a school based on Chick-fil-A, then Saturday's dinner will surely do wonders for Riley's future recruiting efforts.


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Can religion save Africa's elephants and rhinos?

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) ? Standing before a pile of charred elephant ivory as dusk covered the surrounding savannah, Christian, Muslim and Hindu religious leaders grasped hands and prayed. Let religion, they asked, help "God's creatures" to survive.

Poachers are escalating their assault on Africa's elephants and rhinos, and conservationists warn that the animals cannot survive Asia's high-dollar demand for ivory tusks and rhino horn powder. Some wildlife agents, customs officials and government leaders are being paid off by what is viewed as a well-organized mafia moving animal parts from Africa to Asia, charge the conservationists.

Seeing a dire situation grow worse, the animal conservation group WWF is enlisting religious leaders to take up the cause in the hopes that religion can help save some of the world's most majestic animals.

"We are the ones who are driving God's creatures to extinction," said Martin Palmer, secretary-general of the Britain-based Alliance of Religions and Conservation.

Palmer spoke during Thursday evening's prayer at a site in Nairobi National Park where Kenyan officials burned hundreds of ivory tusks in 1989 to draw attention to the slaughter of elephants. Although the park has no elephants, it hosts 221 rhinos.

"We are the ones who can change the way Africa works," Palmer said.

Dekila Chungyalpa, the director of WWF's Sacred Earth program, argues that the killing of elephants, rhinos and Asian tigers ? the three animals WWF is most concerned about ? is a moral issue. She said that conservationists are not doing well enough getting the anti-poaching message across, and that new strategies ? such as religion ? must be tried.

"Faith leaders are the heart and backbone of local communities. They guide and direct the way we think, behave and live our lives," she said, adding later: "I think this is the missing piece in conservation strategies. ... WWF can yell us much as we want and no one will listen to us, but a religious leader can say 'This is not a part of our values. This is immoral.'"

Three dozen religious leaders from nine African countries toured Nairobi National Park on Thursday, where they saw rhinos, zebras, buffalo and ostriches all within site of the skyline of Kenya's capital city.

One of the safari vans held a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim and a Buddhist, which spawned efforts to create some sort of wildlife-themed religious joke. During a more serious conversation, Hamza Mutunu, a Muslim leader from Tanzania, argued for the animals.

"The general message is that taking care of the wildlife is part and parcel with our religion," he said. "We have a duty from the Prophet Mohammed. ... Taking care of wildlife is within our religion."

Preetika Bhanderi, who is with the Hindu Council of Africa, said: "Hindu's backbone is non-violence toward everything that has life. That means animals, and people, of course."

Charles Odira, a Catholic priest from Kenya, said religious leaders can help spread the message effectively given the moral authority and standing they have in African communities.

"Just as when we talk about Jesus Christ, when we say (from the pulpit) that animals are part of God's community, an impact will be made," he said.

Odira acknowledged the uphill fight even religious leaders have. Poachers can earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a rhino horn or elephant tusk. That money represents far more than they could earn after years of labor in the typical village job.

Mutunu, though, said that religious leaders of all faiths came together in Loliondo, Tanzania last year to fight against poaching. He said the effort has yielded dividends.

The poaching numbers are grim. The number of rhinos killed by poachers in South Africa has risen from 13 in 2007 to 448 last year, WWF says. Last year saw more large-scale ivory seizures than any year in the last two decades, it said. Tens of thousands of elephants are being killed by poachers each year.

It's not known what kind of impact religious leaders may be able to make, but Mike Watson, the chief executive of the Kenya's Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, said he and other conservationists will take any help they can get. Lewa saw one of its rhinos killed by poachers last week. The park had never suffered a rhino poaching death before 2009; it's had five of its rhinos killed since then.

"We know for a fact that one of the demands for ivory is religious icons in the Far East, and if pressure can be brought to bear to reduce that demand both locally here in Kenya through assistance by religious leaders, and overseas, it can only be a good step," he said. "It might take generations. If religious leaders can some way speed that process up, all well and good, but all efforts need to be on the table."

Africa is the supply side of the poaching equation, but the demand comes from Asia. Chungyalpa said WWF is working with Buddhists in Southeast Asia to try to educate Asian consumers about ivory and rhino horn powder. Yao Ming, the oversized basketball star from China, visited Kenya last month to raise awareness and make a film called "The End of the Wild."

Chungyalpa compared the effort to enlist religious leaders in the anti-poaching fight to how religious pressure helped end the era of apartheid in South Africa.

"There has to be a rising up of moral outrage," she said. "This is the spirit we're after."


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Friday, September 21, 2012

Endeavour flies over Ariz. in honor of Gabrielle Giffords

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) ? Space shuttle Endeavour flew over Tucson on Thursday in honor of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her astronaut husband before continuing its trek west to retirement in a Los Angeles museum.

Hundreds of people gathered on the grass mall at the University of Arizona campus to watch the Endeavour, atop a modified jumbo jet, as it flew in from the east and did a partial loop over the city.

Robert Thomas, a veterans hospital X-ray tech, was there with his wife, Marsha Colbert.

Colbert stood on a bench along a campus street taking pictures as Thomas and others whooped with joy at seeing the shuttle.

"It's beautiful. Oh, my god," Thomas said as it flew over.

The retired shuttle took off from a Houston airport Thursday morning, and will end up in Los Angeles after spending the night at Edwards Air Force Base, 100 miles north of Los Angeles, then making one last low-flying pass around the state.

The stop in Tucson was requested by the last person to command an Endeavour mission, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, Giffords husband.

The couple recently moved back to Tucson from Houston, where Giffords was recovering from serious injuries she suffered in a 2011 attack in which a gunman killed six people and wounded Giffords and 12 others.

Thursday's flyover gives NASA a chance to honor Giffords' legacy as a longtime advocate for American human spaceflight, NASA spokeswoman Lisa Malone told The Associated Press in an email. She said no additional costs would be incurred by honoring Kelly's request.

Hundreds of people gathered Wednesday to watch the shuttle land in Houston for an overnight stay, an exciting but bittersweet moment for many residents who felt spurned that Space City wasn't chosen as the final home for one of the five retired shuttles.

"I think that it's the worst thing that they can do, rotten all the way," said 84-year-old Mary Weiss, clinging to her walker just before Endeavour landed after flying low over Gulf Coast towns, New Orleans and then downtown Houston and its airports.

Space City, partly made famous by Tom Hanks when he uttered the line "Houston, we have a problem" in the movie "Apollo 13," has long tied its fortune to a mix of oil and NASA. Astronauts train in the humid, mosquito-ridden city, and many call it home years after they retire. The Johnson Space Center and an adjacent museum hug Galveston Bay.

Houston's bid for a shuttle was rejected after the White House retired the fleet last summer to spend more time and money on reaching destinations, such as Mars and asteroids. Instead, Houston got a replica that used to be displayed at the Kennedy Space Center.

"The one we're getting is a toy. An important toy, but a toy nonetheless," said Scott Rush, 54, of Crystal Beach, Texas.

Still, people came out in droves Wednesday, waving American flags and toting space shuttle toys, cameras and cellphones.

Back-to-back delays in the ferry flight resulted in one day being cut from the Houston visit. After landing, the Endeavour rolled slowly in front of the cheering crowd. It circled and preened like a runway model, giving awed spectators an opportunity to take pictures from a variety of angles.

"I want to go on it," said 3-year-old Joshua Lee as he headed to the landing area with his mother and grandmother.

The shuttle took off after sunrise Thursday, riding piggyback on a jumbo jet. It stopped at Biggs Army Airfield in El Paso, Texas, before heading toward Tucson and then on to NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Calif. After spending a night there, the shuttle will head to Los Angeles International Airport on Friday.

In mid-October, Endeavour will be transported down city streets to the California Science Center, its permanent home.

NASA still plays a large role in Houston, and astronaut Clayton Anderson, who lived on the International Space Station from June to November 2007, encouraged people to focus on a new era of space exploration.

"The shuttles are a wonderful legacy, a huge part of Houston, but now it's time to look to the future," said Anderson, who lives in the Houston suburb of League City.

This is the last flight for a space shuttle. Atlantis will remain at Kennedy for display, and Discovery already is at the Smithsonian Institution, parked at a hangar in Virginia since April.

Endeavour ? the replacement for the destroyed Challenger shuttle ? made its debut in 1992 and flew 25 times before it was retired. It logged 123 million miles in space and circled Earth nearly 4,700 times.


Plushnick-Masti reported from Houston.


Ramit Plushnick-Masti can be followed on Twitter at


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The Journey So Far as Five ?Dancing? Families Battle it Out for a ...

When the first season of Maltina Dance All, debuted across in 2006, it was no surprise that the show was an instant success as it was fresh, hip and all about uniting families together, now in its 6th season tagged The Most Spectacular, we highlight the journey so far as the grand finale is set to hold soon.

The show?is the foremost experiential and sponsorship platform of the Maltina brand renowned for ?sharing happiness?, promoting and enhancing family values and bonding between different families from cultures across the country.

The stage is now officially set for the epic dance battle which will showcase Nigeria?s best dancing families as the curtains fall on the Maltina Dance All (MDA) Family Reality Television Show Season 6.

The winning dance family will drive home a brand new car in addition to a cash prize of N 6 Million while the first and 2nd runner ups will take home ?N 1 Million and N 500, 000 respectively. The highly entertaining show is sponsored by Maltina, a premium non-alcoholic malt brand from the stable of Nigeria Breweries Plc.

After a rigorous screening and intensive competition process spanning more than a month, these five Nigerian families ? The Efiokwu?s, Green?s, Eghove?s, Boyle?s and Zibe?s will battle it out for the coveted title of the triumphant winner at the grand finale taking place live at the Expo Center, Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos.

The race officially kicked off on Sunday 2nd September 2012 with 10 families, however, 5 families were unable tp survive the various dance styles that were introduced in the Maltina Dance All Academy including the Wazobia (Contemporary Nigerian dancing), Salsa, Pantomime, Gumboot, Hip-Hop and Contemporary African dance styles.

Ten Families who made it to the Maltina Dance All Academy

The 5 families that made it to this level were able to survive the 6 different dance styles. From the 10 families that made it to the academy, the first set to be evicted were the Ozirumba and Nwogwugwu families ? according to a MDA rep, they failed to convince the judges after the Wazobia and Salsa performances. The Wazobia performances had placed the Ozurumba and Nwogwugwu families for eviction while the salsa performance placed the Okasia family as the only family up for possible eviction.

The second phase of the show was the contemporary African and Gumboot dances. After the performances the Amilo and Onyebuagu families were put up for possible eviction. They could however not survive at the eviction showdown and were asked to leave the academy after the gumboot performance. At the eviction show down, the four families came back to compete and the judges did what had never been done before in the history of the show ? They saved 2 families, the Onyebuagu?s and Efiokwu?s ? and gave the audience an opportunity to vote between the Amilo?s and Okasia?s. The live audience voted the Okasia family back into the academy and unfortunately eliminating the Amilo?s.

After the second eviction showdown, the families were introduced to the last two dance styles which will usher them to the grand finale ? the Hip-Hop and Pantomime dance styles. Soon after the hip-hop performance, the Zibe?s and Okasia?s were put up for eviction, making it the third eviction nomination for the Okasia?s. After the Patomime performance, the Onyebuagu?s and Boyle?s were placed on possible eviction, the third time for the Boyle?s.

After failing to impress the judges, the Onyebuagu?s and Okasia?s, were evicted from the academy setting the stage for the five remaining families to compete for the grand prize.

Expressing their joy, the final 5 families promised to make it through the grand finale. Ifeoma Efiokwu, the representative of the Efiokwu?s promised to give her very best, saying ?Being in the grand finale is a dream come true for my family and I and by the special grace of God. we are going to come out with our best dance ever?

Speaking on the Maltina brand and the dance show, Ngozi Nkwoji (Senior Brand Manager, Maltina) said they undertook the journey because the brand?s story has always been the story of ?Sharing Happiness? within the Nigerian family and beyond with emphasis in the values of friendship, trust, togetherness and faithfulness. ?It is all about bringing the entire family together in an atmosphere of friendship and bonding with other families so that as units they can share common problems and ideas effectively throughout their time at the Academy and beyond. We are very passionate about the family?institution and we will do the little we can as a responsible corporate entity to ensure that the institution continues to remain relevant because a healthy and sound family system will resonate on the nation as a whole, the family unit is the bedrock of any society?.

She further said that Maltina is interested in equipping both parents and their children that come to the Academy to be relevant to the society they are moving into. ?Our motive is to equip them effectively to confront and proffer solutions to some of the everyday challenges we face in life and for them to use what they garner in the Academy to help other families in the society and what better way to do it than through dance which is a concept that transcends tribe, religion, culture and what have you. Dancing has the capacity of drawing people together.?

On why the brand chose dance as its consumer engagement platform, Ngozi Nkwoji said dancing is a creative form of expression that transcends boundaries and it is also an art that almost everybody enjoys. She stated that this was the main reason the recently concluded auditions was done ?in such a way that all customers of the brand benefited through winning prizes or making it into the Academy. ?Whatever we do is based on consumer research, it is what the customers want they get, we are very passionate about our customers and we want them to have unlimited fun, especially at the family level which is the bedrock of the society.?

?The Judges

Muyiwa Osinaike, Janell Burgess &?Michael Adegoke

Meet the Final 5 Families

Boyle Family?s Pantomime Performance

The Boyle Family?s Wazobia Performance

The Efiokwu Family?s Salsa Performance

The Efiokwu Family?s Wazobia Performance

The Efiokwu Family?s Hip-Hop Performance

The Eghove Family?s Wazobia Performance

The Green Family?s Debut Performance

The Green Family?s Gumboot Performance

The Zibe Family?s Wazobia Performance

More Stage Action!

WIN N 100,000 via the Maltina Online Dance Competition

Grab the chance of winning a whooping sum of N 100,000 through Maltina?s online dance competition.
To win, simply follow these steps;

  1. Download the Maltina Music here -?
  2. Record Your Video (60-90 Secs Long)
  3. Upload it on their Facebook Page ? on their website

Voila and you could win N 100,000 as well as tickets to the grand finale.

Check out a sample of the video below!

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Tags: advertorial, Maltina, Maltina Dance All, Maltina Dance All Season 6, The Most Spectacular, The Most Spectacular Maltina Dance All Ever

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