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Jennifer Lawrence, meet Francis Lawrence, your new director.
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If you were waiting for confirmation as to when you might be able to get your hands on the HTC One X in the US, circle May the 6th on your calendar. AT&T has just confirmed that this is when the flagship handset will launch, at a price of $199 (with a two year commitment.) It's the dual-core LTE version, of course, and is also the first phone to launch with Ice Cream Sandwich on the network. If you want a slice, pre-orders will be open from April 22nd, or head on down to the source link for more info.
[Thanks, Marko]
Continue reading AT&T confirms HTC One X to land May 6th for $199
AT&T confirms HTC One X to land May 6th for $199 originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 18 Apr 2012 11:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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There's an update waiting for you in the LG Mobile Support tool if you have a T-Mobile G2X, but relax -- it's not Ice Cream Sandwich. V21Y brings the G2X to Android version 2.3.4, swaps out the baseband for a newer version, and adds Google+ to the ROM. Early reports say that battery life has been improved, but that great LG camera app is still nowhere to be found.
Other than that, it looks to be a small version bump from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4, and was "released" with no fanfare. We still don't know when (or if) the G2X will ever see an official Ice Cream Sandwich update, and that makes us sad. Anyone who has one will tell you it's an amazing piece of hardware, simply held back by buggy radios and software.
If you're feeling brave, and have a stock G2X (or can take the time to roll back to stock), plug in and check for updates and give it a try.
Source: XDA Developers; via Android Central forums
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Jazzy Danziger?s debut collection, Darkroom, is the winner of the 2012 Brittingham Prize in Poetry. Danziger studied at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Virginia, where she was a Henry Hoyns/Poe-Faulkner Fellow in poetry. She currently serves as editor for the Best New Poets anthology.
Interviewed by Christopher Linforth
How did you come to poetry?
I always wrote, though the early writing was modeled after ghostwritten teen chapter books like Sweet Valley High. I wasn?t allowed to check them out of the school library, so I?d hide behind a bookshelf for the free reading hour with a decoy nearby in case the librarian walked over. I wrote a lot of high school dramas, and a few stories about a high-powered ?lady banker.? I didn?t even know what bankers did, but I was eight and the lobby at the Sun Bank building in downtown Orlando left an impression on me.
There was some external recognition that I had drive, if not range. I wrote a 10-page biography of my basset hound in first grade, and my teacher let me read it to the class. That was my first reading and my worst audience.
The writing became poetry when I started to want more music and more control over the rhythm. That led to very early experimentation with line breaks, stanzas, rhyme, some forms. I imitated the limited range of contemporary poetry available to me, which was almost entirely children?s poetry.
When I was 11 I had a poem called ?Night? published in an anthology called Of Sunshine and Daydreams, which was put out by vanity press this was back in the pre-internet days, when it was the National Library of Poetry. The anthology was a massive hardback made of tissue-thin paper, and they shoved in six or seven poems per page. When you Google the name of the collection, you get a lot of obituaries. People are proud to have been published in those kinds of collections, and I get it. I was proud. I know how those vanity presses work now, but that doesn?t sully that early sense of pride.
Much of my early inspiration came from song lyrics. That permission to be weird, to be ?off? with language, was granted by albums like Radiohead?s OK Computer and (though it?s become clich? for young woman to name it as an inspiration, it?s still brilliant) Tori Amos?s Little Earthquakes. In high school I?d write strange poems that thrilled and scared me, and I?d hide them in my closet. I didn?t want to destroy them, but didn?t want anyone to find them either. I was always confessing, but I wasn?t ready to do it out loud.
I didn?t realize poetry could be more than a hobby until much later. I went to college to be a graphic designer, but disagreed fundamentally with the way the art school?s core classes were taught?I grasped the concepts, like positive and negative space, and line (elements that exist in poetry, too, of course), but I didn?t have a drawing, or sculpture, or crafting background. Just photography and digital graphic design. I wanted to complete the exercises with Adobe Illustrator, not construction paper. And I?m receiving C minuses in 2-D Design because there?s a sliver of glue sticking out from under a construction paper circle, and my mat board?the board that just frames the actual work?isn?t cut at a precise 90-degree angle. We?re doing an exercise on repetition, and the goal is to explore various ways to achieve unity, but I?m spending days re-drawing the same icon a thousand times across a poster-sized piece of paper, until the work is all tedium and no theory, no thought.
My argument that those core classes should be about the concepts themselves, expressed through whatever medium?and not how skilled you are with rubber cement?fell on deaf ears. I did not belong there. Meanwhile, in freshman composition, we?re having a poetry week, and I am writing poems for that class to procrastinate?writing poems to avoid having to do my art school homework. And it is challenging, very challenging, but it?s the only thing I want to do. So that was my light bulb moment. I switched majors and took every writing class the English department offered.
Who are some of your influences?
I like a broad range of poetry, but when I?m reading for inspiration, I have to read poets working on very high emotion. The work needs to be both visceral and smart, both strange but accessible?on a bodily level, at least. I need that extreme just to hit my midpoint.
Frank Bidart was one of the first poets to truly engage me on an emotional level, to make me want to understand poetry. I didn?t know what was happening to me when I read Desire for the first time, but I wanted to re-read until I could unlock that feeling. That book gave me an awareness of my limitations that was both scary and motivating. Poetry was a secret, something that I could feel but couldn?t yet crack open.
How does your creative process work?
I am a polite, neurotic person hiding a selfish, hotheaded, strong-willed person underneath. The selfish one is the better writer. Much of my writing time is spent getting to that second self. What helps: a glass of wine, good music, looking at photojournalism blogs, browsing Wikipedia for peculiar articles. Sometimes I stack six or seven books of poetry up and just forage, picking up words and thoughts. I feel guilty about that, but there?s no room for guilt. I often have to play word games with myself to get the music going in my head. And then I?m ready to write a very messy first draft, free to confess without fear of offending. If I?m typing three words, deleting them, typing three more words, deleting those, I know I?m not open yet.
It?s usually a couple of hours of this mental stretching, and then 45 minutes of writing quickly and furiously, and I?ve got a first draft. It would be nice if the warm-up was shorter, but it is what it is.
Revision is something I can do in either state.
You recently won the Brittingham Prize. Can you tell us about the process of creating a manuscript and its final route to publication?
A poet I admire promised me early in the process that the manuscript would find its own shape without much intentional influence on my part. She said I didn?t need to know what the book was ?about? yet. I knew that my obsessions were infused into each poem, and that no matter how disparate the subject matter or speaker from poem to poem?whether it?s a bride in Khartoum, an ?80s teen mourning Samantha Smith, and the wife of a firefighter recovering from a decade-long coma?that idea of manipulation and deception in mourning, memory, art, and motherhood would be the cable through which all of the poems would speak to each other. So then it just became a question of order.
When it was time to build the book, my friends Carolyn Creedon, Christa Romanosky, Yasmine Dalena and I spread the poems out on the floor of Carolyn?s apartment, and I said, all I know is there are three sections. Florida, Fever Dreams, and Natural Disasters. And one will contain many of the narrative poems about my childhood, and will provide the context in which the other sections should be read. And the next is a series of wild dreams, dreamt during the illness of adolescence?that crazed phase when reality and the dream state are indistinguishable. And the last section is adulthood, and the inevitability of things, of maybe becoming the mother you lost, but a warped, manipulated version of that mother and that memory. And these three brilliant writers indulged me and refereed me as I moved the puzzle pieces around. Things were ready to snap into place within that very strange structure. Once I?d created the structure of the sections, the poems knew where they needed to go.
I love that the order that revealed itself wasn?t completely chronological. I know that my time travel obsession is present in Darkroom. There?s a poem in the book about the moment when I learn that my mother has died. And the next poem jumps back seven years, and I?ve been dropped off (by my mother) at elementary school, but school is closed that day. I?m stranded. I end up in a donut shop down the street, and the owner helps me call home, but no one answers. The phone just rings, and rings, and rings.
When I wrote the second poem, that ringing phone was an unimportant detail. It was just atmosphere, just a connecting piece in the narrative. But when I tried placing the poem out of chronological order, right after the poem where I learn she?s died, the moment changes. It?s not that she isn?t home. It?s that she?s already gone. Now, when I read the words ?no one answers,? I feel that her death was always there, built into the beginning.
After I had the order down, I printed out the book and?honestly?kissed the manila envelope before I shoved it into the mailbox to send it off to the University of Wisconsin Press. There?s very little I can offer about book prize contests beyond that little bit of superstition about the kiss. There isn?t a special secret or tip that I can provide, except that my name may have stood out in the pile. So: have a memorable name.
Hit us with one your poems:
From Darkroom, originally published in Bellingham Review:
The body erased. Light birthing the image.
The hand?s obstruction removes an eye, a rib.
It happened this way:
the soft infrareds not red
but black, engraved in the colloid. The choked look
of the projector, the jam-capped reds of filters
and their choice of contrast intensity?darker
and darker, the sooted blood. Color deciding
how white is your white on gloss or matte.
This power trip and scare. We were looking
inside the grain, wrenching the focus knob,
the negative sharpened
but observed through mirrors.
This could have been creation:
the tendon and mouth, blank
of the background bound in the space, were seen;
halide silver and dirt clinging,
separating, finding the natural shape.
Then, we had our desires. And tricks
of the hand and light. We made our demands.
So the salts formed the backs of spoons
or fish scales,
or human smoke. And images in silver
that were not silver: a few teeth flashing
in the soil.
We mangled our subjects after the shot?
technique hushing the grain. The body had its hunger
and its words, the agitations and stop baths, the vinegar and burn
and fingernails blacked. Our brutal selves reeling
the strips onto spools. The world made new,
and blooming, and dumb.
What are you working on at the moment?
A second manuscript?a pile of poems that will reflect a new obsession. I don?t plan to write another book about my mother, though I?m sure she will find her way in.
Where can we find more of your poetry?
I have two new poems?not from Darkroom?in Copper Nickel?s issue 17, which was just released.
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Injection of a small amount of clumped protein triggers a cascade of events leading to a Parkinson's-like disease in mice, according to an article published online this week in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.
Progressive accumulation of clumps of the protein alpha-synuclein in the brains of patients with Parkinson's disease coincides with the onset of motor dysfunction. However, whether these clumps are sufficient to trigger neurodegeneration, and how these clumps spread throughout the brain, remained unclear.
To answer these questions, a team led by Virginia M.Y. Lee at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine studied mice expressing a mutated form of alpha-synuclein found in patients with Parkinson's disease. These mice show symptoms of disease around one year of age but not earlier.
Lee and colleagues found that injecting preformed clumps of human alpha-synuclein into the brains of young mice accelerated disease onset and severity. These clumps seemed to act as "seeds" that recruited even the mouse version of alpha-synuclein into new clumps, which then spread throughout the brain. The pattern of spreading from neuron to neuron suggests that the clumps may hijack the highway traveled by normal brain signals.
These findings suggest that Parkinson's disease, like other neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's, may start and progress due to abnormal aggregation and accumulation of proteins within the brain. What gets these clumps going in the first place remains unclear.
Rockefeller University Press:
Thanks to Rockefeller University Press for this article.
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?By Brittney Jenkins
NCCU Staff Writer
the Durham VOICE
The gospel music and soul food may keep customers coming back to JC?s Kitchen on Main Street, but owner Phyllis Terry recognizes the role that having a solid business plan has played in the success of her restaurant.
At JC?s Kitchen at 706 E. Main St., like other small businesses, employees often wear many hats. Ms. Penny, a cook, sometimes steps in to be the cashier. (Staff photo by Brittney Jenkins)
Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone but people in Durham who are interested should know about certain requirements and seek advice from role models in the community.
The first piece of advice given to most trying to start is: write a solid business plan.
The Office of Economic and Workforce Development of Durham provides a Starting a Business Guide for people looking to jumpstart their ideas. The guide includes tips, references and information on starting a business in Durham.
The guide recommends that business plans be simple, concise, easy to read, and easy to follow.
?Writing a business plan is efficient for everyone because if you fail to plan, you plan to fail,? says Terry.
Durham?s guide includes an outline of information to put in a business plan. Some of the sections are: executive summary, background information, description of products or services, the market plan/industry analysis and financial plan.
Writing the business plan is only the start. After all, there still is financing, advertising, location and other critical points when starting a business like registering your business for an EIN, Employee Identification Number, also known as a federal tax identification number.
?I think the first step is having the vision written down, knowing the goal and purpose and who you are trying to reach,? added Terry.
Once the business plan is on paper and the vision, product and goal is clear, another step is figuring out how to finance the business.
Self Help,a non-profit organization in Durham located at 301 West Main St., provides business loans for non-profit and small businesses. Business loans are not the only services they offer but many local businesses have started with financing from Self Help.
Getting a loan for a business is not the only way to get funding for your business. Other options are starting it with the money in your pocket.
In an article on called ?Start Your Own Business for $100 or Less? by Tory Johnson, Johnson talked about her own journey on becoming an entrepreneur and the CEO of her company Women for Hire.
?I didn?t have a lot of money and I didn?t have much time. Because my household very much relied on my income, I had three months to launch the company and generate a profit. If the venture failed, I?d have to quickly get a traditional job, which of course I didn?t want to do,? said Johnson.
Johnson also talked about networking and utilizing free and local resources that are easy to access. She even says Facebook and Twitter are good ways to market a business.
Johnson?s final advice was simply, ?Just Do It.? Johnson said, ?If you can?t get out there and sell your product or service, you don?t have a business. It doesn?t matter how fabulous your offering, Your expertise or your website. If nobody will pay you for it, there?s no business.?
This entry was posted on April 12, 2012, 5:41 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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Scientists create the first universal quantum network, are scared to restart the router originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:12:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Green tea has been delivering its healthy properties for over a thousand years to the people in various Asian countries. But the word has spread far and wide about this amazingly healthy plant, even though not all of the possibilities are known. Scientific research has revealed a number of disease conditions that can benefit from the regular intake of green tea. This food can be ingested as a tea or as simply a capsule form of supplement. This article will focus on some of the most important benefits you can enjoy by incorporating this natural food into your diet.
Practically everyone in Western countries has heard of cholesterol and all the attendant issues. There?s wonderful news about this because what happens is this plant can lower your total cholesterol count, and then it also increases levels of HDL cholesterol (the good stuff). Of course you can and should do your own verification, but these cholesterol studies have been demonstrated in animal and human research. Naturally, if you want the fastest and most powerful effects, then you?ll need to use green tea every day. In addition to giving your body energy to get through your day, it?s also good for your brain. Not only can drinking green tea (or taking a supplement that contains green tea) make you more alert, but there are promising studies that it may actually help to prevent memory loss, Alzheimer?s and other disorders that effect the brain as people age. Green tea has naturally occuring antioxidants that are implicated with memory support issues. Green tea would also greatly benefit younger people in school because it will help provide antioxidant support which everyone needs.
Consuming green tea is also a good method of detoxification, as it helps the liver to work more efficiently. What is more, there are other antioxidants within green tea called, catechins, and those babies support your immune system. Your liver is critical to life and health, and this kind of powerful ally found in green tea will make your body stronger. To get the most protection from green tea, you would ideally consume three to four cups every day, or the equivalent of this in supplement form.
Green tea is a completely natural and beneficial food, and one that is fairly inexpensive and easy to find. You can take green tea in a capsule, or you can make a great tea and drink it. Green tea does have caffeine in it, but it?s only about half as much as coffee, so that is appealing to some people. Keep in mind that we?ve only talked about a handful of benefits; so there really are a number of solid reasons to start drinking it every day. The effect of green tea for the entire body make it seem like an anti-aging food if taken regularly.
The benefits of green tea are enormous and powerful, and who knows what else will become known about it. As stated above, you can drink the tea or take it in alternative form. If you take it regularly, you will enjoy more of the benefits.
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It makes no difference what your age is it is critically essential that you take the actions essential to learn to build muscles to tone up your body. For people who are under the impression that a half hour of aerobic exercise on two or three days a week is enough to make sure that [...]
It makes no difference what your age is it is critically essential that you take the actions essential to learn to build muscles to tone up your body. For people who are under the impression that a half hour of aerobic exercise on two or three days a week is enough to make sure that you keep good health over the next ten or 20 years, this really is your wake up call to reality. According to recently released updates of the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine physical exercise recommendations, people should enter into normal cardio exercise and strength train a minimum of two times weekly to workout all of the major muscles and build muscle mass quickly. It?s currently recommended that the simplest way to build muscles for people is to participate in eight to twelve representatives of eight to ten workouts on the back, chest, shoulders, hands, upper legs, and lower legs using machines, free weights, or weight-bearing workouts home remedies for eyes. If you?re 65 or older, with thought of your general health level, it?s recommended that you strength train two to three times every week, doing more reps with light loads. These health organizations, which have always been promoting beneficial health routines, now espouse what trainers and many human body builders have been claiming for years?? no matter how old you?re, weight training, while building muscle mass, is the key to maintaining a healthier system. Registered dietitian Amanda Carlson, director of research and performance diet at the Athletes? Performance training facility in Arizona states, ?More folks are starting to recognize that resistance training does not need to be escaping., lifting a ton of weight, and being really painful. They are training to live better. It?s long been recognized that muscle mass diminishes as we age. According to Bill Sonnemaker, who is the owner and president of Atlanta?s Catalyst Fitness, a personal training center, the positive effects of keeping it and building muscle mass are unlimited, including increased immune system response, improved human body composition, and raised fat burning capacity. Originating from Bill, who is the 2007 IDEA Health and Fitness Fitness expert of the Year, it?s information to live better by. Understanding how to build muscles is the key to a longer better life. Article Tags: Build Muscles, Build Muscle, Muscle Mass
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Aging is a fact of life; we all age. However, the aging process can be slowed down some by using several treatment plans.
The first effective anti-aging treatment plan is chemical or manual exfoliates. If you exfoliate by using a washcloth and a retinoid or facial scrub, you can keep your skin looking young and fresh. Exfoliating makes the skin look younger and fresher because is washes off dead skin cells. Some also think that exfoliating actually repairs the effects of aging. In addition, exfoliating gives the skin a bright and healthy look.
The second effective anti-aging treatment plan is facial procedures such as plastic surgery. This is a more expensive procedure and it is a procedure that will have to be done years after the surgery and good anti-preventative measures will also be needed to keep the skin looking young and healthy.
The third anti-aging treatment plan that has been found to be effective is antioxidants such as Vitamin C, green/white tea and Q10. These kinds of antioxidants help prevent further damage to the skin. Vitamin C is especially good for the skin because it heightens collagen production and makes the skin look bright and healthy. There are many foods that have good doses of antioxidants that keep the skin bright and healthy such as berries, apples, oranges, lettuce and noni juice.
The fourth anti-aging treatment plan is Retinoid. They are effective in repairing and preventing aging and if used on a regular basis, can stimulate production of new skin cells, keep the skin looking firm and reduce wrinkles. Retinoid also work well in fading acne scars and fading sun spots. However, with this kind of product you need to use caution because not everyone?s skin is receptive to this product?s ingredients.
The fifth anti-aging treatment plan is sunscreen. Sunscreen has been known for years as one of the best anti-aging treatments for the skin. Sunscreen prevents aging of the skin because it keeps the skin moisturized and protects you from the sun?s harmful UV rays. Living a healthy life is one of the best anti-aging treatments available. A healthy lifestyle is when you eat a balanced diet every day that consists of plenty of water, not smoking, eating plenty of nutritious foods such as apples, salads, soups, limited amounts of alcohol, and keeping stress to a minimum, whole grain foods and lean meats.
The sixth anti-aging treatment plan is something that can be done in your own home and that is having a good skin care routine. By using a cleanser and moisturizer and following the basics of cleaning your face several times a day and applying a moisturizer after washing your face, you will be able to keep your skin healthy and young looking. Also, for women, be careful not to apply too much make-up on your face. Make-up dries the skin and makes it look older. Less is better when it comes to putting on make-up.
The seventh and final anti-aging treatment plan is what is called a Fat Transfer. A Fat Transfer treatment plan is when fat is taken away from an area where you don?t want it and then injected into certain areas in your face to highlight one?s bone structure and minimize a person?s sinking skin. This is only done by physicians who highly trained on Botox treatment and Botox training. Botulinum Toxin is the best medicine to give you a smoother and fresher skin.
Eddie Adams is a Content writer with an interest in topics relating to health, cosmetic dentistry, tourism and green living. You can follow him @thefreshhealth on Twitter
Tags: Botox Training
Category: Health & Fitness
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By: Patricia Makhulo.
Do you do personal finance budgeting? Tired of reading Personal Finance Articles that only make you feel bad about your definition of personal finance? Why is it important to plan personal finances considering all the personal finance facts and personal finance curriculum available?? Find out today
Many personal finance articles?have been written on the issue of money.? Can?t say I have been moved to action by many.? First I?d like to say it is ok that you feel down about the current situation about your personal finances.? I give you permission to feel your feeling for the next 24 hours and then pull yourself by your boot straps and let?s what we can do.
There exist many a definition, I want to share with you? my personal finance definition:
Financial freedom is not an event, it is a skill.
I bet right now with the current economic situation you are saying to yourself, ?I just wish I could the lotto!?? Boy don?t we all and yet statistics and personal finance facts show that the majority of people who win the lottery, end up broke and worse off before their winnings! Imagine that.? You among the many seeking wealth, riches, fame few people realize that money isn?t the solution to their problems;? the way you think about money is the problem and the solution.
I can almost see you going oh yeah, give me the money and I?ll show you change in mindset!
My favorite entrepreneur of all times, Henry Ford was once asked, ?What if you lost everything you own?? He responded without missing a beat: ?I?d have it all back and more within 5 years.?
Being a master of your own personal finance is not about what is in the bank; it?s about the ability to acquire the skill that will show you how to produce new streams of income and wealth based on your knowledge and experience.
So before we go any further on this issue let us tackle the real problem here that is impeding your personal finance for good!? Why you might ask?? Well without the mastery of these 5 steps, your desire for your goal for financial success and financial freedom is highly unlikely!? This is why big players in any industry have coaches, Oprah has a life coach, football players and basketball players have coaches and mentors.? Tiger woods after every bad game will go in for coaching and training.? Why?? Those who achieve great financial success do not go it alone.? They always have a team.? Those who achieve great poverty have the do it yourself mentality!
Why is it important to plan personal finances? Well?here are:
5 Steps That Will Guarantee You Become Master Your Personal Finances
1. How do you think about money? Say you come up with an idea to do something. Do you think that will never work?? Are you afraid to follow through?? Are you scared of loosing money or do you see every dollar spent as an investment?
2. How do you manage and invest your time?? The average man has at his disposal? 6 discretionary hours.? This is time they can do whatever they want.? No work, no chores etc.? Many will watch T.V., attend pricey sports events, spend money on meals at a restaurant and movies, see where I am going with this? Do you do personal finance budgeting?
3. How do you leverage the talents and life experiences you ALREADY POSSESS?
Most people see their experiences as failures.? They only talk of how they tried to do something as failed.? Thomas Edison failed more than I care to count, and yet he persisted to light the whole world. Many of life?s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas A. Edison
4. Do you have a mentor and coach with a proven personal finance curriculum? This is the true measure of your desire for financial freedom.? This is where you literally put your money?where your mouth is, can?t afford a mentor you say?? Well what was the last book you read? Gossip magazines do not count as literature sorry :!
5. What do you think is ?risky,? and what do you think is ?safe and secure??? Most people never break into the realm of the 5% wealthy group who own 95% of? the worlds resources because they want to play it safe.? They want the money, the fame, the accolades but they feel they should not have to go through the process of creating this wealth.? No wonder the internet and other places are full of scams and get rich?quick opportunities.? Remember this success does not? happen overnight, but one night success does happen.? Someone once said to me, it takes 3 years to be an overnight success!
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